By BobGourley
TwitChimp is a Twitter list management system we developed to help list curators build lists and help others gain knowledge from those lists. One of the great uses of this system is to build lists of conference speakers. This helps event attendees learn a bit about the speakers in advance (you can easily read all tweets or the tweets from an individual using TwitChimp). It also helps increase the followers of people on the list since others can more easily find people they are interested in. Additionally, potential conference attendees can get a gist of the speakers so they can decide if the event is for them or not, and during the event the TwitChimp list can be a great way to help track what is occurring at the conference.
A great example is the list built by Jeremy Geelan for the 11th Cloud Expo, which will be held 5-8 Nov 2012. This list, titled Cloud Expo Speakers, is embedded below. Click on the button titled “Tweets” to see the tweets from the list. Or click on individual names to get more stats on those people. To embed the list on your own site, grab the code at: Cloud Expo Speakers
Judging by the list of speakers assembled there, this is going to be an incredible event. Register to attend here: Cloud Expo
You can also find that at:
And for more on TwitChimp features and benefits see:

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