If you aren’t able to demonstrate excitement to your team, you can’t expect them to get excited along with you. Leaders aren’t cold, calculating masterminds; a good leader is willing to invest his heart and soul in the goal of initiating transformation, and it shows
Every team, unit and organization needs a leader—actually, it needs more than just one leader. As part of a leader’s duties, recognizing potential, recruiting, training and mentoring more and futures leaders are some of the most important components. So how do you stand out as a leader in the transformation process of your organization? We’ve put together some great ideas to help guide you on your way.
Opportunities equal challenges. There really isn’t a more important philosophy to have if you’re hoping to lead your organization to truly change, grow and improve. Remember that each snag, each hiccup, each minor disaster is an opportunity to overcome a challenge and demonstrate your leadership abilities.
Get emotional. Leaders aren’t cold, calculating masterminds; a good leader is willing to invest his heart and soul in the goal of initiating transformation, and it shows. If you aren’t able to demonstrate excitement to your team, you can’t expect them to get excited along with you. Don’t be afraid to show some personality in your leadership abilities, and you’ll become much more relatable to your team members.
Trust and be trusted. Trust is a two-way street, and must always be earned. If you expect your team members, managers and colleagues to trust you, not only do you have to demonstrate that you’re worthy of that trust, but you must also invest the trust in them. It’s cyclical, really, and a good momentum will help keep that trust growing and cementing. Commit only to what you can deliver, stay true to your word, and your organization will recognize you as a leader.
Innovation, not intimidation. When things get dicey, when profits are on the line, it’s tempting to fall into a dictator-like style of management. That’s the absolute worst thing you can do. Instead, look to the tips above and see how you can inject some personality, gain trust and see an opportunity where the potential danger looms. Your team will thank you for it, and you’ll gain more confidence in these types of situations going forward.
Earn it. All of these suggestions culminate into one basic, solid recommendation, and that’s to earn your position of leadership. You know that your organization needs to transform in order to survive, and that growth is essential to that transformation. By acting as a leader, employing the traits detailed above and remaining positive, you’ll be earning your role as a leader in transformational change.
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