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Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 5 (final) (#blogpotomac)

12:00 pm matterhornpat: was fun to watch @netsolcares super bowl coup #blogpotomac
12:00 pm amandachapel: #BLOGPOTOMAC UPDATE via @AlbrightDC “Drinking in the afternoon. Quite the unconference. They even have Magic Hat.” (Ya can’t make this up.)
12:00 pm maggielmcg: @DeirdreReid I was supposed to go but mom guilt won out. I’m glad I went to his graduation but sad to have missed #blogpotomac
12:00 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:00 pm simplydan: RT @tjohns06: most important thing to do with social media for your company=RESPOND #blogpotomac from @shashib
12:01 pm bethjbates: During Super Bowl folks offended by GoDaddy ads. Went 2 Twitter 2 find out how to switch to Network Solutions. @shashib #blogpotomac (POWER)
12:01 pm dbcotton: @JessicaKnows @sonnygill? #blogpotomac
12:01 pm sliqviq: It’s the Legal dept to tell us what the risks are… it’s our job to make the business decision to do it or not @shashib #blogpotomac
12:01 pm AnnikaStensson: Best conference ever! Great speakers and the bar just opened, so we’re now supporting the restaurant industry! #blogpotomac
12:01 pm tracytran: @maggielmcg You can say you attended the #blogpotomac happy hour. That counts. I use that as my excuse.
12:01 pm ewengel: @shashi: Consultants can help answer skeptics – every socmed consultant owes him $1 #blogpotomac
12:01 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:02 pm digitalsista: selling #socialmedia to your boss, sometimes you need to bring in an outsider to talk to your boss #blogpotomac via @shashib
12:02 pm annagabbert: RT @bethjbates: During Super Bowl folks offended by GoDaddy ads. Went 2 Twitter 2 find out about Network Solutions. @shashib #blogpotomac
12:02 pm arikhanson: @ScottHepburn Dude, plurking is sooooo 2004… @lindsaymallen @frankmartin #blogpotomac
12:03 pm clairethomey: It’s OK to get an outside consultant to reiterate your SocMedia opinion; Companies like an outside opinion. @shashib #blogpotomac
12:03 pm SukiFuller: There are some decidedly interesting people here at #blogpotomac
12:03 pm mammaloves: @shashi’s secret to success: Chase the smokers to have conversations. #blogpotomac
12:03 pm creativeblogs: @shashib get extra voices to speak when trying to make the case for social media #blogpotomac
12:03 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:04 pm KBu: @AmberCadabra great job! Loved your panel discussion at #blogpotomac
12:04 pm 4GreenPs: How did @netsol get into social media? @shashi went on breaks w/the influential smokers – pitched them while they smoked! #blogpotomac
12:04 pm ScottHepburn: Classic! Next time your finance director goes for a smoke, go along & talk social media. It’ll pay off. (via @sashib) #BlogPotomac
12:04 pm lifeatmcgladrey: social media should be owned by everybody (in the organization) @shashib #blogpotomac
12:04 pm digitalsista: @GeekMommy I know it’s sad, wished you were here it was one of the only ones that was more region instead of state #blogpotomac
12:04 pm SukiFuller: RT @lifeatmcgladrey: social media should be owned by everybody (in the organization) @shashib #blogpotomac
12:05 pm yTJYh0: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:05 pm GloriaBell: @shashib talking about why it is important to have a consistent company message & SM procedures & policies #blogpotomac
12:05 pm C_C_F: Social media isn’t new, but the platform is http://bit.ly/kVU6n #blogpotomac
12:05 pm SNCR: #shashi Bellamkomda is talking about implementing social media successfully at Network Solutions at #blogpotomac
12:05 pm ScottHepburn: @arikhanson Kiss my meebo. @lindsaymallen @frankmarktin @allanschoenberg #BlogPotomac
12:05 pm ewengel: socmed best practice: clearly differentiate when speaking for self v. speaking for org #blogpotomac
12:06 pm tracytran: RT @lifeatmcgladrey: social media should be owned by everybody (in the organization) @shashib #blogpotomac
12:06 pm RachelleLacroix: @shashib ‘s tips for selling social media internally: set guidelines (legal loopholes!) and allign w/ like-minded people #blogpotomac
12:06 pm sonnygill: @ScottHepburn Dude, I will Pownce you. #BlogPotomac
12:06 pm ewengel: (thanks for all the #blogpotomac RT’s tweeps!)
12:06 pm asomyak: Out of 600 posts legal has only tweeked maybe 5? Most of it only small things like photo credits. @shashib #blogpotomac
12:06 pm rickdassler: @shashib “There is a thin line between your opinion and what you want to say” #blogpotomac
12:06 pm GeoffLiving: Watching the #blogpotomac spam show up. Wow, Twitter clean your pipes.
12:06 pm GloriaBell: RT @SukiFuller: There are some decidedly interesting people here at #blogpotomac (yes there are!)
12:07 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:07 pm digitalsista: use a disclaimer to protect your company have a corp. one & on the personal one put “my opinions don’t reflect that of …. #blogpotomac
12:07 pm SukiFuller: While I love to tweet – all these people looking at laptops & devices is disconcerting to me #blogpotomac
12:07 pm PoliGal: An unattractive bunch… #blogpotomac
12:08 pm stephstad: RT @digitalsista: Sad news @geoffliving is not doing #blogpotomac any more, last one October 23 get your tickets next week
12:08 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:08 pm 4GreenPs: @GeoffLiving announced 3rd and final #BlogPotomac will take place Oct. 23; focus will be on future of online media (not just social media).
12:08 pm storyassistant: Ladies to follow here at #blogpotomac #followfriday – @jessicaknows, @amymengel, @bethharte, @arikhanson:)
12:09 pm SNCR: #shashi says that Network Solutions is now starting to educate their small business customers about using social media #blogpotomac
12:09 pm digitalsista: when everyone got angry at @godaddy and their ads during sports games @shashib got a lot of inquiries abt domain host changes #blogpotomac
12:09 pm johnrhopkins: It works RT @digitalsista: selling socialmedia r ur boss, sometimes u need 2 bring in an outsider 2 talk 2 ur boss #blogpotomac via @shashib
12:09 pm matterhornpat: “purest form of marketing is customer service” @netsolcares #blogpotomac
12:09 pm CMcGurn: I thought we’ve gotten to the point where rules like “distinguish b/t pers opinions and those of the org” are standard practice #blogpotomac
12:09 pm KateDickman: Is it me or has it gotten WAY colder here at #blogpotomac? Brrrrr!
12:09 pm storyassistant: @arikhanson Oops did I include you on that list…my bad #blogpotomac
12:10 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:10 pm jonnew: @KateDickman They did crank up the AC. You are not imagining. #blogpotomac
12:10 pm creativeblogs: @shashib #blogpotomac great reminder that people are talking about your brand even with you not there.
12:10 pm tracytran: @SukiFuller It does take time to get use to, but the most important is do they listen and are they carrying the message? #blogpotomac
12:10 pm lifeatmcgladrey: RT @matterhornpat: “purest form of marketing is customer service” @netsolcares #blogpotomac
12:10 pm mammaloves: RT @matterhornpat: “purest form of marketing is customer service” @netsolcares #blogpotomac @shashi
12:10 pm ScottHepburn: If you’re at #BlogPotomac and haven’t met @LisaHoffmann yet, what are you waiting for?! She’ll be on that stage one day soon!
12:11 pm jobmom: RT @digitalsista use a disclaimer 2 protect your co have a corp. 1 & on the personal 1 put “my opinions don’t reflect that of.. #blogpotomac
12:11 pm thedrake: RT: @sradick Loved @technosailor – Do u “brand” yourself to help the org (confidence) or to help themselves (cockiness) #blogpotomac
12:11 pm pjkerley: RT @mammaloves: RT @matterhornpat: “purest form of marketing is customer service” @netsolcares #blogpotomac @shashi
12:11 pm eYCJgd: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:11 pm creativeblogs: Social Karoake featuring Rohit Bhargarva, Kaitlyn Wilkens, and Doug Meacham coming up…#blogpotomac
12:11 pm zerostrategist: 3rd Live #photoblog of #blogpotomac is up now! Enjoy everyone who could not make it out today http://bit.ly/g10g0 #socialmedia #web20 #yam
12:12 pm Ruth_Less1: #blogpotomac Your writing a BLOG on POT O MAC…stop smoking that weed brother : )
12:12 pm chuckhemann: @arikhanson @ScottHepburn @sonnygill @StoryAssistant clearly the #blogpotomac tweets have devolved post-bar opening
12:12 pm SarahWurrey: Just had an interesting chat with @jessicaknows about knowing online personalities vs “knowing” them. #blogpotomac
12:12 pm CubanaLAF: @arikhanson @sonnygill @amymengel Man, wishing I could be at #blogpotomac…. you guys are silly. πŸ™‚
12:13 pm SukiFuller: @tracytran Yes, but body language facial expressions etc are very important aspects when actually in the same room #blogpotomac
12:13 pm AlbrightDC: @SarahWurrey Would have liked to join that discussion- knowing online personalities vs. “knowing” them. #blogpotomac
12:13 pm arikhanson: @StoryAssistant What did I ever do to you? Except buy you beer, of course… #blogpotomac
12:13 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:14 pm frankmartin: #blogpotomac has been terrific – thanks @geoffliving
12:14 pm lindsaymallen: @AmberCadabra @SonnyGill #CaptainTwitface #BlogPotomac
12:15 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:15 pm mammaloves: Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customers. @shashi #blogpotomac
12:15 pm matterhornpat: “Network Solutions pays me but I work for the customers” @netsolcares really resonating with #blogpotomac goers
12:15 pm bethjbates: Network Solutions pays @shashib but he works for the customers. Class act! #blogpotomac
12:15 pm ScottHepburn: AWESOME! “Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customers” (from @shashib) #BlogPotomac
12:15 pm GloriaBell: “Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customer” – @shashib #blogpotomac (As It Should Be!)
12:15 pm theredstapler: “Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customer” – @shashib #blogpotomac (As It Should Be!)
12:15 pm sonnygill: RT @ScottHepburn: AWESOME! “Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customers” (from @shashib) #blogpotomac
12:15 pm techchix: Stickers in a bathroom stall is not a marketing plan. This site needs someone here #blogpotomac http://twitpic.com/77t68
12:16 pm CMcGurn: @tracytran Kind of ironic that 1 of the main messages is that we all need to listen, yet we are all typing away & 1/2 listening #blogpotomac
12:16 pm janevanryan: Shashi: “Network Solutions pays me but I work for the customers.” #blogpotomac
12:16 pm jessicaknows: @sonnygill I got my Amstel. Are you going to sing? #blogpotomac
12:16 pm ewengel: Washingtonian’s Tech Titans (http://bit.ly/RizdL) @shashi’s here – anyone else? what (if anything) does that mean? #blogpotomac
12:16 pm bethjbates: #blogpotomac has rocked beyond belief! Many thanks to @geoffliving for hosting.
12:17 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:17 pm asomyak: RT @gloriabell: “Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customer” – @shashib #blogpotomac (As It Should Be!)
12:17 pm thekenyeung: RT @gloriabell: “Network Solutions pays me, but I work for the customer” – @shashib #blogpotomac (As It Should Be!)
12:17 pm sonnygill: By the way, @geoffliving knows how to put together a great (un)conference. Smart people and good times for sure. Kudos to him. #blogpotomac
12:18 pm lifeatmcgladrey: RT @CMcGurn: @tracytran Ironic that 1 of the main messages is that we need 2 listen, yet we R all typing away & 1/2 listening #blogpotomac
12:18 pm clairethomey: Thanks to all the speakers at #blogpotomac… it’s been awesome, I’ve learned a ton! Thanks for @geoffliving for hosting, awesome job!
12:18 pm bYE1yW: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:18 pm lifeatmcgladrey: guilty #blogpotomac
12:18 pm AlbrightDC: The live tweeting has slowed to a crawl since they opened the bar. #blogpotomac
12:18 pm jessicaknows: @shashib is a great speaker and storyteller. When you meet him ask abt his haircut at sobcon #blogpotomac
12:18 pm storyassistant: @arikhanson I have been put in my place…thanks for the @samadams:) #blogpotomac
12:19 pm pjkerley: RT @AlbrightDC: The live tweeting has slowed to a crawl since they opened the bar. #blogpotomac
12:19 pm AlbrightDC: What is social karaoke? Should I be frightened? #blogpotomac
12:19 pm Jillfoster: Adding @organica @nahumg #blogpotomac ed #followfriday @sukifuller @thursdayb @mammaloves @bethharte @ambercadabra @lizstrauss @tjohns06
12:19 pm jessicaknows: Thanks Matt!Ladies to follow here at #blogpotomac #followfriday – @jessicaknows, @amymengel, @bethharte, @arikhanson:) (via @StoryAssistant)
12:19 pm EATerrell: #blogpotomac is trending… Niiiiiiiice πŸ™‚
12:19 pm joelogon: The Beer Is Not the Content: Folks Pay Premiums for Community All the Time: http://bit.ly/usaUE Oh, & bar’s open@ #blogpotomac
12:19 pm ewengel: @shashi: Every tool that makes it easier to connect with another human being will be the tool that wins – LOVE! #blogpotomac
12:20 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:20 pm rachelrule: @Shashib Sleep is very important #BlogPotomac #BlogPotomac
12:20 pm sonnygill: LOL @shashib tells us to use these social media tools less and get some sleep #blogpotomac
12:20 pm chrisabraham: @shashib and @shel and @lizstrauss all said it already: social media is NOT about the TOOLS at all! Platform agnostic #blogpotomac
12:20 pm asomyak: Any tool thats lets you connect to another human being will be the one succeeding ie myspace->facebook->linkedin -@shashib #blogpotomac
12:20 pm NahumG: #blogpotomac Best Tweet: While I love to tweet – all these people looking at laptops & devices is disconcerting to me RT @SukiFuller
12:21 pm tjohns06: what’s next after social media… SLEEP. πŸ˜‰ sleep is cool. #blogpotomac
12:21 pm bubblebreaker: Despite complaints about lack of tweets since the bar opened, the bar isn’t at fault as there is no one at the bar currently. #blogpotomac
12:21 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:21 pm thinklynsen: <3 @shashib’s recommendation that we should tweet/engage in social media less and sleep more. #blogpotomac
12:21 pm MaiaKG: RT @rickdassler: @shashib “There is a thin line between your opinion and what you want to say” #blogpotomac
12:22 pm JuliettaLindy: #blogpotomac is trending… Niiiiiiiice πŸ™‚ idiots
12:22 pm JuliettaLindy: #blogpotomac is trending… Niiiiiiiice πŸ™‚ idiots
12:22 pm JuliettaLindy: what’s next after social media… SLEEP. πŸ˜‰ sleep is cool. #blogpotomac awesome!
12:22 pm jonnew: Common underlying theme today is to regain control of personal life which may now be controlled by SM tools #blogpotomac
12:23 pm Sisarina: RT @thinklynsen: <3 @shashib’s recommendation that we should tweet/engage in social media less and sleep more. #blogpotomac (love it!)
12:23 pm lisahoffmann: Really enjoy listening to @shashib Not just a swami but a great storyteller and friendly, approachable guy. #BlogPotomac
12:23 pm rickdassler: @frankgruber Why aren’t you at #blogpotomac?
12:23 pm thinklynsen: RT @AlbrightDC: What is social karaoke? Should I be frightened? #blogpotomac (I am similarly disconcerted.)
12:23 pm mammaloves: RT @tjohns06: what’s next after social media… SLEEP. πŸ˜‰ @shashib sleep is cool. #blogpotomac
12:23 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:23 pm meganmcq: totd: RT @tracytran Ironic that 1 of the main messages is that we need 2 listen, yet we R all typing away & 1/2 listening #blogpotomac
12:23 pm creativeblogs: #blogpotomac great question about social media and your time. How do you manage your time? @digitalsista
12:23 pm tjohns06: RT @thinklynsen: RT @AlbrightDC: What is social karaoke? Should I be frightened? #blogpotomac (I am similarly disconcerted.)
12:23 pm ewengel: shoutout to @technotheory about unplugging at #blogpotomac
12:24 pm matterhornpat: recurring mentions of unplugging….i need to pay attention to that #blogpotomac
12:24 pm PamelaMartin: I got exactly what I needed from #blogpotomac- energized about building communities- Thanks @geoffliving for orchestrating such a great day
12:24 pm mammaloves: RT @lisahoffmann: Really enjoy listening to @shashib Not just a swami but a great storyteller and friendly, approachable guy. #BlogPotomac
12:24 pm zerostrategist: RT @tjohns06: what’s next after social media… SLEEP. πŸ˜‰ sleep is cool. #blogpotomac | Great I am looking forward to it
12:24 pm bRCGST: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:25 pm lindsaymallen: Again, lots of chit-chatting (ironically, as @ShashiB is talking about focusing on spkrs). We probably can blame the bar now. #BlogPotomac
12:25 pm ewengel: @shashi: don’t take notes in meetings – you’ll remember what you need to remember – interesting (and scary) idea #blogpotomac
12:25 pm GabrielMKey: RT @ewengel: @shashi: Every tool that makes it easier to connect with another human being will be the tool that wins – LOVE! #blogpotomac
12:25 pm wendyscherer: RT @chrisabraham: @shashib and @shel and @lizstrauss all all concur: social media is NOT @ TOOLS at all! Platform agnostic #blogpotomac
12:25 pm rickdassler: Where’s @dcconcierge? #blogpotomac
12:25 pm mammaloves: Love how @shashib is so focused on humans interacting with each other in real life. So UN-social media. #blogpotomac
12:26 pm GabrielMKey: #blogpotomac @shashib pay attention more to the persons around you and less to twitter
12:26 pm organicmania: From the Social Media Swami @shashib “Pay attention to people more than the tools.” #blogpotomac
12:26 pm tjohns06: @shashib Thank you! great stories, insight, and advice #blogpotomac
12:26 pm chrishemrick: #followfriday @shashi @tjohns06 @clairethomey @techchix #blogpotomac
12:26 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:26 pm ewengel: do you (how do you) unplug? how do you know where/when is appropriate to be plugged in/unplugged? #blogpotomac
12:26 pm amyPBS: RT @organicmania: From the Social Media Swami @shashib “Pay attention to people more than the tools.” #blogpotomac
12:27 pm creativeblogs: #blogpotomac great conversation about unplugging from social media. Your thoughts?
12:27 pm mammaloves: RT @organicmania: From the Social Media Swami @shashib “Pay attention to people more than the tools.” #blogpotomac
12:27 pm tracytran: @meganmcq For the record, that was @CMcGurn with the quote, not mine. He should take the credit. #blogpotomac
12:27 pm GabrielMKey: @rickdassler #blogpotomac @dcconcierge although not here in person, she is here in spirit, right?
12:28 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:28 pm ewengel: Are you socmed overexposed? (depends on your definition I think) #blogpotomac
12:28 pm pjkerley: RT @GabrielMKey: #blogpotomac @shashib pay attention more to the persons around you and less to twitter
12:28 pm amyPBS: Lots of loud chatterboxes here at #blogpotomac. Thankfully @shashib is so engaging that I can zone them out. He has a great message.
12:28 pm tjohns06: “i didn’t want to admit that my relationship with my big blog was over” LOL from @lizstrauss #blogpotomac #trueconfession
12:28 pm creativeblogs: How can you use social media to save you time? #blogpotomac http://bit.ly/52Mja
12:28 pm PhilMcCreight: RT @amyPBS: RT @organicmania: From the Social Media Swami @shashib “Pay attention to people more than the tools.” #blogpotomac
12:28 pm sarahmarchetti: Looking forward to @DougMeacham @catchuplady and @rohitbhargava ‘s presentation on social karaoke at #blogpotomac.
12:28 pm GabrielMKey: #blogpotomac If we spend too much time on what we are doing today, we are probably missing the next big thing @shashib
12:29 pm amymengel: Lots of consternation at #blogpotomac about figuring out what the “next big thing” is. Live in the now! πŸ˜‰
12:29 pm otberbur: If the people at #blogpotomac are supposed to be “unplugging” and focusing on each other, why are they spending so much time writing tweets?
12:29 pm RobbyDC: get away from your computer and go outside! be social in real life #blogpotomac
12:29 pm rickdassler: @lizstrauss #blogpotomac I’m letting go, Liz
12:29 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:30 pm chrisabraham: @shashib talks about joining conversations because the conversation is already happening without you. #blogpotomac http://yfrog.us/9vx2cz
12:30 pm ewengel: times to unplug: when f2f with people, on vacation, on weekends, late/early – when else? #blogpotomac
12:30 pm wharman: Seriously #blogpotomac I know I missed school today but can I still play tonight? What are you guys up to, @geoffliving?
12:30 pm lindsaymallen: @ArikHanson @AllanSchoenberg @StoryAssistant @ScottHepburn @SonnyGill @AmyMengel Did you snarf up the @MagicHat # 9?! It’s OUT! #BlogPotomac
12:30 pm JitteryGoat: #blogpotomac: Humorous satire, good short stories, and good poetry. www.lehmancafe.com
12:30 pm MikeToner: are we singing? whats the deal with karaoke? #blogpotomac
12:30 pm mammaloves: If I didn’t know he had a family who needed him, I would take @shashib and put him in pocket & take him home w/me. #blogpotomac
12:30 pm 4qrYtz: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:31 pm declutteryou: Just spoke w/ reporter about FB Vanity URL – Yes, I’ll be staying up to claim my name #Blogpotomac Will you be staying up?
12:31 pm lisahoffmann: Watching #BlogPotomac column in tweetdeck to see what’s happening here.
12:31 pm tjohns06: @lizstrauss –thank you for your great talk (vs. presentation) earlier today. #real #sane #grounding #whatlifeisallabout #blogpotomac
12:31 pm rohitbhargava: Listening to @shashib at #blogpotomac – getting ready to stand-in for @armano in a session w @catchuplady + @dougmeacham
12:31 pm NewPR: @shashib says give back to the community and the community will return the favor! #blogpotomac
12:31 pm lalamax: @ewengel take a real lunch break. no phone. no computer. #blogpotomac
12:32 pm arikhanson: Wait, they’re out of Magic Hat #9 already? Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! #blogpotomac
12:32 pm techchix: RT @chrishemrick: #followfriday @shashi @tjohns06 @clairethomey @techchix #blogpotomac << Thanks so much! >>
12:32 pm mammaloves: RT @GabrielMKey: #blogpotomac If we spend too much time on what we are doing today, we are probably missing the next big thing @shashib
12:32 pm paulhyland: Need @educationweek bloggers there this fall! RT @SukiFuller: So @geoffliving is having the 3rd & final #blogpotomac this fall
12:32 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:33 pm rickdassler: via @shashib #blogpotomac The smartest guy is the person who hires smarter guys and lets them do their jobs
12:33 pm Z3Kelly: @shashib says “the smartest manager in the room is the one that hires people who are smarter and lets them do their job” #blogpotomac
12:33 pm frankgruber: @rickdassler I keynoted #BlogPotomac last year and needed to go into the AOL office today.
12:33 pm amyPBS: Quality matters more than quantity @shashib #blogpotomac
12:33 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:34 pm NahumG: Following @shashib talk & @sukifuller Tweet- how about having a 2-hour computer & cell phones off session & breaks next #blogpotomac ?
12:34 pm immunity: RT @rickdassler via @shashib #blogpotomac The smartest guy is the person who hires smarter guys and lets them do their jobs
12:34 pm creativeblogs: @shashib #blogpotomac great point about blogging-it is the quality of the posts rather than the quantity that matters. Amen!!
12:34 pm EmilyDeck: How many blog posts are ideal asks @shashi? There is no answer; quality over quantity. #BlogPotomac
12:35 pm sarahmarchetti: @wharman there is karaoke tonight. Will find out when and where and keep you posted #blogpotomac
12:35 pm tracytran: RT @NewPR: @shashib says give back to the community and the community will return the favor! #blogpotomac
12:35 pm ilabelu: RT @amyPBS: Quality matters more than quantity. Be relevant with your tweets. @shashib #blogpotomac #bridge09
12:35 pm lindsaymallen: @arikhanson Sad to say, but yes, @MagicHat No. 9 is gone! Just tried to order one. Went with Yuengling instead; very tasty! #blogpotomac
12:35 pm wendyscherer: RT @creativeblogs: @shashib #blogpotomac great point @ blogging-it is the quality of posts rather than the quantity that matters. Amen!!
12:35 pm Jillfoster: Connecting with people is energizing. #blogpotomac – The ability of soc med tools to further engage that is powerful. Per @shashib
12:35 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:36 pm ScottHepburn: #followfriday Some new connex from #BlogPotomac — @technosailor @jillfoster @shashib @digitalsista @pamelamartin and many more.
12:36 pm headtotail: Is Frederick close enough for #blogpotomac?
12:37 pm RaguelKacie: follow me Follow Friday #11thcommandment TGIF Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple…hmmm
12:37 pm yTJYh0: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:37 pm GeoffLiving: @wharman community members are organizing, i may or may not show… Fricking energy collapse post #blogpotomac
12:38 pm MikeToner: @nahumg I like the idea! real world, real life networking- no distractions- can you handle it #blogpotomac?
12:38 pm NahumG: @rickdassler @dcconcierge is in Atlanta #blogpotomac
12:38 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:39 pm tjohns06: RT @sradick: Know who you are and represent it across EVERYTHING you do – you cannot separate you into different “yous” #blogpotomac
12:39 pm mammaloves: My #followfriday #blogpotomac peeps! @jillfoster @amyPBS @shashib @digitalsista @4GreenPs @tlockemy
12:39 pm ewengel: crushing in @shashi b/c I love a geek who can make me laugh (ask my spouse) #blogpotomac
12:40 pm sugarjones: @tlockemy I was reading some of those #blogpotomac tweets earlier, too. Good advice. How are you doing?
12:40 pm wharman: @GeoffLiving I’m sure. Congratulations, man. It’s been informative to follow along with #blogpotomac.
12:40 pm NewPR: Social Karaoke begins in 5 min, what does that mean, I will let you know in a few. #blogpotomac
12:40 pm ewengel: crushing on @shashi b/c I love a geek who can make me laugh (ask my spouse) #blogpotomac
12:40 pm ewengel: crushing on @shashi b/c I love a geek who can make me laugh (ask my spouse) #blogpotomac
12:40 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:41 pm NextGov: Not sure what #blogpotomac is all about, but as long as we’re on the subject, check out our new blog landing page: http://blogs.nextgov.com/
12:41 pm SarahWurrey: Getting geared up for Social Karaoke at #blogpotomac. Sweeeet.
12:41 pm technosailor: You asked for it. You got it. A followup on my Personal Branding session at #blogpotomac. http://bit.ly/2Wp0kW
12:41 pm tracytran: RT @tjohns06: RT @sradick: Know who u are & represent across EVERYTHING u do – you cant separate you into different “yous” #blogpotomac
12:41 pm followkenny: follow friday #thcommandment TGIF pedamundo iphone lakers game 7 DTV #blogpotomac apple lol wow followkenny @followkenny
12:42 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:43 pm vargasl: I know several of you are calling out for no computer/phones next #BlogPotomac -remember those peeps not there & how they wouldn’t benefit.
12:43 pm AnjieEccentric: #blogpotomac You’ll drown..
12:43 pm eYCJgd: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:45 pm mikeschaffer: Ha… #blogpotomac is like 10 feet from my office and I’m not there.
12:46 pm Kelstena: Everyone just lost the game! Keep saying it to spread it round, thats the rules!! #blogpotomac http://losethegame.com
12:46 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:46 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple
12:47 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:47 pm ZimKingKomedy: #blogpotomac rocks!
12:47 pm asomyak: Wow that was fast! A great follow up post from @technosailor on his Personal Branding session at #blogpotomac. http://bit.ly/2Wp0kW
12:48 pm amandachapel: #BLOGPOTOMAC UPDATE via @SarahWurrey “Getting geared up for Social Karaoke at #blogpotomac. Sweeeet.” (Prayer: Lord please bring us a flood)
12:48 pm coldswitch: @Kelstena whats #blogpotomac???
12:48 pm pencilbox: what was @shashib ‘s first speaking experience? he went to #podcamp, saw a slot that said “empty”, and asked. #blogpotomac
12:49 pm pjkerley: I am concerned, the session is called social karaoke and there is a yard gnome on the front table… #blogpotomac
12:49 pm jackdiamond: Our band is playing at Tarara Winery, in Leesburg, Virginia Saturday ON the Potomac, so I will #blogpotomac while we are there!
12:49 pm GabrielMKey: RT @Jillfoster: Connecting with people is energizing #blogpotomac – The ability of soc med tools to further engage that is powerful @shashib
12:49 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:50 pm ewengel: RT @DanScheeler: Retweet! Retweet! The Twitpocalpyse is at Hand! http://ow.ly/dMpz at least #blogpotomac will be over before it goes down
12:50 pm mgharavi: @vargasl Agreed! I have my laptop only to liveblog, and with an exclusive event like this, seems a popular decision for others. #BlogPotomac
12:50 pm rickdassler: #blogpotomac Good to see @rohitbhargava on stage!
12:50 pm bYE1yW: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:51 pm icequeen803: isnt it strange that #blogpotomac is a trend and #racistcorndogs havent broken through??
12:51 pm rickwhittington: I must admit that I’m a bit jealous that I’m not at #blogpotomac after reading the tweets today.
12:51 pm r3miz: If #blogpotomac no longer existed, would it matter? http://bit.ly/TyQJF
12:51 pm amandachapel: @coldswitch “what’s #blogpotomac?” It’s a small gathering of SMedia misfits marked my incessant blathering and mutual testicle massage.
12:51 pm goodridge: RT @creativeblogs: How can you use social media to save you time? #blogpotomac http://bit.ly/52Mja
12:51 pm mammaloves: Wha?! Social media karaoke doesn’t include hits from the 80’s?!!! I’m outta here! #blogpotomac
12:52 pm declutteryou: Social Karaoke at #blogpotomac – this should be interesting. Trying to figure out why the speakers have a garden gnome on the table.
12:52 pm agersh: RT @immunity via @shashib #blogpotomac The smartest guy is the person who hires smarter guys and lets them do their jobs
12:52 pm pjkerley: RT @mammaloves: Wha?! Social media karaoke doesn’t include hits from the 80’s?!!! I’m outta here! #blogpotomac
12:52 pm thinklynsen: @perfectporridge Finally met @rachellelacroix in person & she’s just as fabulous as you said! Thanks again for connecting us! #blogpotomac
12:52 pm EmilyDeck: Social media karoake is about to begin w/ @rohitbhargava, @catchuplady and @dougmeacham. #BlogPotomac
12:53 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:53 pm thursdayb: to heck with the tips – I want to know what they’re going to do with the gnome. #blogpotomac
12:54 pm jjchaput: @r3miz it matters to me #blogpotomac – http://bit.ly/TyQJF
12:54 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple.
12:54 pm jessicaknows: @shannoncarecom was talking to @pamelamartin & she used www.care.com for childcare today & had fantastic experience #blogpotomac
12:54 pm lindydreyer: @thursdayb I’m right there with you. Is that glitter on the gnome’s hat? #blogpotomac
12:54 pm GeoffLiving: now that #blogpotomac has beat out #beatleporn as a twitter trend, i can rest peacefully this weekend!
12:54 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:54 pm jaywalk1: Yes…RT @thursdayb: to heck with the tips – I want to know what they’re going to do with the gnome. #blogpotomac
12:54 pm lindydreyer: No! It’s a redsox gnome. Boo. #blogpotomac
12:54 pm sradick: RT @GeoffLiving: now that #blogpotomac has beat out #beatleporn as a twitter trend, i can rest peacefully this weekend!
12:55 pm SarahWurrey: @rohitbhargava I didn’t even know you were at #blogpotomac until just now! How did I miss you? πŸ™‚
12:55 pm sgiarde: @maddiegrant Otto is sufficiently jealous that he is not there at #blogpotomac.
12:55 pm RachelleLacroix: RT @geoffliving now that #blogpotomac has beat out #beatleporn as a twitter trend, i can rest peacefully this weekend!
12:55 pm tjohns06: congrats RT @GeoffLiving: now that #blogpotomac has beat out #beatleporn as a twitter trend, i can rest peacefully this weekend!
12:56 pm AlbrightDC: Next #BlogPotomac October 23 will be the last one. I think I will get more out of it by going to the happy hour and meeting people.
12:56 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:56 pm lindydreyer: @sgiarde We miss Otto. #blogpotomac
12:56 pm ScottHepburn: RT @vargasl I know several are calling for no computer/phones next #BlogPotomac -remember those peeps not there & how they wouldn’t benefit.
12:57 pm amyPBS: “It’s tough to talk to people and get to know them if everyone is staring at their [computer/phone…] screens.” So true! #blogpotomac
12:57 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple
12:57 pm bYE1yW: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
12:57 pm storyassistant: I’m back to CHI – @lindsaymallen: @AllanSchoenberg @AmyMengel @ArikHanson @SonnyGill @StephStad What’s the post-conf plan? πŸ™‚ #blogpotomac
12:57 pm WinnieKimberly: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple lol
12:58 pm zerostrategist: #blogpotomac “Have a ninja team on the ground creating content” Social Media Karaoke Panel, always a fan of having social media ninja teams!
12:58 pm amymengel: Ok, who has Tim Ferriss on their #blogpotomac name-drop Bingo card?
12:58 pm chrisabraham: http://ping.fm/p/GHkxA – Social Karaoke with Team Ogilvy at #blogpotomac
12:59 pm tjohns06: @lindydreyer hi #blogpotomac neighbor
12:59 pm arikhanson: @dmullen You mean the karoake at #blogpotomac or 2nite downtown? @amymengel has committed to kicking some Bon Jovi. Video forthcoming.
12:59 pm chrisabraham: Social Karaoke with Team Ogilvy at #blogpotomac – Photo: http://bkite.com/08rfr
12:59 pm ScottHepburn: @rohitbhargava Story about meeting @tferriss possibly most important takeaway from #BlogPotomac
12:59 pm budesigns: wishing I was at #blogpotomac with my homies @lisahoffmann and @scotthepburn
12:59 pm katemarshall24: Haha, I second this: RT @RobbyDC Get away from your computer and go outside! Be social in real life. #blogpotomac
12:59 pm sradick: I love that #blogpotomac was in Virginia instead of downtown – makes it a LOT easier for us suburban folk!
12:59 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:00 pm storyassistant: Very relevant for #blogpotomac and others…RT @mashable: 5 Habits of Successful Executives on Twitter – http://bit.ly/14bMyZ
1:00 pm mammaloves: RT @thursdayb: to heck with the tips – I want to know what they’re going to do with the gnome. #blogpotomac
1:01 pm ilabelu: RT @amyPBS: It’s tough 2 talk 2 people and get to know them if everyone is staring at their computer/phone…screens. #blogpotomac #bridge09
1:01 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:01 pm sonnygill: Also big kudos to @bryanperson for heading up @CmtyChat solo today, as I’m at #blogpotomac. Can’t wait for next week’s chat.
1:01 pm lindydreyer: @tjohns06 Proof that you can stare at your screen AND meet new people in person. LOL #blogpotomac
1:01 pm AmberCadabra: @ScottHepburn Where did you go, and are we not cool enough for you in the front row anymore? #BlogPotomac
1:02 pm lindsaymallen: @GeoffLiving Now that everyone is RTing your B_a_l_sP_r_ Tweet, it might get back in ahead of us! LOL. #blogpotomac
1:02 pm lindydreyer: Thanks for playing with us today, @techchix. Sorry about the giggling. πŸ˜‰ #blogpotomac
1:02 pm ScottHepburn: @AmberCadabra Oh stop! I’m hanging with @SonnyGill and @LisaHoffmann for a bit. You know, so they don’t forget me. #BlogPotomac
1:02 pm CMcGurn: @ScottMonty Sorry for the delay in responding. Glad you liked the reference. Great presentation at #blogpotomac!
1:02 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:03 pm lisahoffmann: @budesigns Big lotta fun Ben : ) Road trip for October #BlogPotomac?
1:03 pm tadmaster: @immunity how many of your #blogpotomac buddies have played with http://www.govit.com/ ?
1:04 pm bRCGST: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:04 pm mammaloves: Grow the number of people who’ve got your back. @rohitbhargava #blogpotomac Great advice!! It’s worth being a good person.
1:04 pm shel: Signing off from the laptop and switching to my wonderful new Palm Pre as #BlogPotomac winds down. What a great day!
1:04 pm arikhanson: @McGladreyPRNews Hanging with your colleague @lifeatmcgladrey at #blogpotomac today. Was hoping you might be here today…
1:04 pm AmberCadabra: @ScottHepburn I wasn’t invited. And you wonder why I didn’t bring you a beer. #BlogPotomac
1:05 pm amyPBS: RT @mammaloves: Grow the number of people who’ve got your back. @rohitbhargava #blogpotomac Great advice!! It’s worth being a good person.
1:05 pm amandachapel: BLITHERING “@vargasl: Several R calling 4 no computer/phones next #BlogPotomac; remember those peeps not there & how they wouldn’t benefit.”
1:05 pm GeoffLiving: @lindsaymallen heh, heh. #beatleporn vs. #blogpotomac.
1:05 pm AmberCadabra: Got to (finally and briefly) meet @JessicaKnows at #blogpotomac. Dammit these events are never long enough to meet and hang with everyone.
1:05 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple.
1:06 pm scanty: @shel Is the Palm Pre really the iPhone killer that I have heard it is? #BlogPotomac
1:06 pm lisahoffmann: @AmberCadabra Come on back to the #BlogPotomac ghetto! And thanks for sharing @ScottHepburn πŸ˜‰
1:06 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:06 pm immunity: @sradick here here. I agree with you completely. Not to mention, blogging is just a 10th of what my job is all about. #blogpotomac
1:07 pm tjohns06: RT @lindydreyer: @tjohns06 Proof that you can stare at your screen AND meet new people in person. LOL #blogpotomac
1:07 pm sonnygill: @AmberCadabra Hey, you’re always welcome…so long you come bearing refreshments… #BlogPotomac
1:07 pm mammaloves: If content is King then creativity might be Queen. @kaitlynWilkens #blogpotomac Need to remember this.
1:07 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:07 pm thursdayb: The gnome is a marketing project? Gotta admit I was hoping for something…more. #blogpotomac
1:08 pm Jillfoster: Develop relationships in your community that will have your back in flame situations -from @rohitbarghava @rohit at #blogpotomac
1:08 pm thinklynsen: RT @mammaloves: If content is King then creativity might be Queen. @kaitlynWilkens #blogpotomac Love it!
1:08 pm musecrossing: RT @mammaloves: Wha?! Social media karaoke doesn’t include hits from the 80’s?!!! I’m outta here! #blogpotomac #followfriday
1:08 pm arikhanson: @mdbarber Oh pics are forthcoming. No worries. I’m just not as mobile savvy as some of my #blogpotomac counterparts. πŸ˜‰
1:09 pm jaywalk1: @Jillfoster I like to call that “social backup” #blogpotomac
1:10 pm LauraMattis: @rachelrule Looks like I am missing #BlogPotomac πŸ™ Wish I knew about it sooner. Oh well, look forward to meeting you soon, maybe next week?
1:11 pm mammaloves: CORRECTION: Quote “If content is King then creativity might be Queen” is from @catchuplady #blogpotomac
1:11 pm 4qrYtz: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:11 pm KatrinaKibben: … and why wasn’t I invited to #blogpotomac — When was it?
1:11 pm AlbrightDC: @shel Jealous of your Palm Pre. Not sure where/how to get one. #blogpotomac
1:12 pm arikhanson: @dmullen See, @amymengel my hands are officially tied. @dmullen wants video. You’re going to deny the guy who couldn’t make #blogpotomac?
1:13 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:13 pm matterhornpat: what was the gnome? on the fly slide show site that Kaitlyn mentioned? #blogpotomac
1:13 pm sradick: A question about search engine optimization for blogs – I like @guykawasaki’s method: “Write good shit.” #blogpotomac
1:14 pm mgharavi: @matterhornpat Yim, I believe #blogpotomac
1:14 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:14 pm ilabelu: @hilaryfb hashtags are used to follow a specific trend/convo. Search #blogpotomac. You will see what has been happening here all day.
1:15 pm RachelleLacroix: RT @sradick A question about search engine optimization for blogs – I like @guykawasaki’s method: “Write good shit.” #blogpotomac
1:15 pm mammaloves: Don’t just aggregate all of your content in one place, but make sure you make it easily searchable. @catchuplady #blogpotomac
1:15 pm mgharavi: @KatrinaKibben Check out http://blog.metrostarsystems.com/ We have been liveblogging it today #blogpotomac
1:16 pm amberportercox: SEO tip1: Key Word Selection, Page titles, headers, relevant content to what users are searching for with same KW sprinkled in #blogpotomac
1:16 pm amyPBS: #blogpotomac is one of the best events I’ve attended since working at PBS Engage. Learning a lot and connecting with some great people.
1:16 pm ScottHepburn: I want to hug @dougmeachem #BlogPotomac
1:16 pm RealtyLee: RT @techchix: The tool is irrelevant in social media. Tools & trends change. Conversation & community crucial. @scottmonty at #blogpotomac
1:16 pm sarahmarchetti: Presenting at the end of the day is tough. For the last two presos there has been so much chatter from the crowd #blogpotomac
1:16 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:17 pm techchix: @lindydreyer no worries – I always like spending time w Social Fish! #blogpotomac
1:17 pm Jillfoster: Social backup! = @jaywalk1’s term for peeps in your community who have your back #blogpotomac
1:17 pm tlockemy: @SugarJones great! iam driving home now from #blogpotomac met some new tweeps & learned a lot, how are you?
1:17 pm lifeatmcgladrey: Really enjoyed #blogpotomac today. Glad I came.
1:17 pm amberportercox: SEO tip2: if developed w Flash, must hve HTML version, remove bad links, use perm 301, get links in, not out for ‘Google’ juice #blogpotomac
1:18 pm yTJYh0: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:18 pm lalamax: #blogpotomac awesome event!
1:18 pm AmberCadabra: To those who said no laptops at conferences, think about the folks that learned from the content but couldn’t be here. #blogpotomac
1:18 pm frankmartin: Final #blogpotomac Oct 23 –
1:19 pm RachelleLacroix: October 23rd – third and final #blogpotomac – tickets out next week.
1:19 pm lindydreyer: #blogpotomac concludes. Back to planning #buzz2009. [w00t] http://www.buzz2009.org/
1:19 pm johnrhopkins: Yes yes, now time to drive back to RVA RT @lalamax: #blogpotomac awesome event!
1:19 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:19 pm AmberCadabra: LOTS of fun at #blogpotomac. Can’t wait to have dinner with a few good friends and head home in the AM to see my adorable kid.
1:20 pm SuzTurner: adolescent humor for DC congnoscenti (or wannabes) THIS WEEK’S TR: http://ow.ly/dMIs #blogpotomac #fem2 #topprog
1:20 pm lisahoffmann: Thanks to @GeoffLiving for putting #BlogPotomac together and making it affordable and valuable!
1:21 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:21 pm technosailor: #blogpotomac afterparties? Fill me in
1:21 pm youareonvisual: if only I’d get to go to #blogpotomac in DC. =/
1:22 pm sweetsue: @sarahmarchetti I wonder if there is a way to “eliminate” last panel fatigue, e.g., have sm grp discussion instead? #blogpotomac
1:22 pm youareonvisual: #socialmedia marketing event #blogpotomac http://www.blogpotomac.com/
1:23 pm wendyscherer: @chrisabraham you are clearly having too much fun #blogpotomac
1:23 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:23 pm storyassistant: I’m all full of AWESOMENESS thanks to @geoffliving & #blogpotomac – Thanks to everyone who presented and attended – great experience!
1:23 pm sweetsue: RT @mgharavi @KatrinaKibben Check out http://blog.metrostarsystems.com/ We have been liveblogging it today #blogpotomac [gr8 coverage ;-)]
1:24 pm KateDickman: #blogpotomac was a great event! Would go to some of the post-conference things but responsibilities beckon! Off I go :-/
1:24 pm digitalsista: same here 4 p’s RT @technosailor: #blogpotomac afterparties? Fill me in
1:24 pm scottstead: #blogpotomac #techkaraokedc @technosailor blow it up http://is.gd/107eS
1:24 pm eYCJgd: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:25 pm amymengel: #blogpotomac is a wrap. Figuring out plans for tonight
1:26 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:26 pm zerostrategist: Yeeeeessssssssss! I got a shout out from the “Social Media Swami” @shashib at #blogpotomac | Thanks for the woot!
1:27 pm evelynso: @AmberCadabra Totally agree with you – laptop at Conference is a good thing. Learned much from live tweets in my absence #blogpotomac
1:28 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:28 pm mgharavi: And that’s it for #blogpotomac! For a recap check out http://blog.metrostarsystems.com and for the photorecap: http://zerostrategist.com
1:28 pm mgharavi: @zerostrategist You’re welcome πŸ˜‰ #blogpotomac
1:28 pm mdbarber: @arikhanson That’s good. I thought you were ignoring us. Sounds like it’s been fun. #blogpotomac
1:30 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:30 pm dcgrrl: I enjoyed all the live tweets from #blogpotomac since I couldn’t be there this time. Hope I’ll make the next one! great job @geoffliving
1:31 pm bYE1yW: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:31 pm julieminevich: Had a great time @ #blogpotomac. In flight, Will be doing mental recap of everyone I met. Ping me if that applies to you so I don’t forget!
1:33 pm saraburton: RT: @amberportercox: SEO tip: if devloped w Flash, must hve HTML version, remove bad links, use perm 301, get links. #blogpotomac
1:33 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:34 pm NakitaGenny: #blogpotomac is a wrap. Figuring out plans for tonight…hmmm
1:34 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:35 pm ilabelu: http://twitpic.com/781zq – Thank you for your comments on my name badge. Great to meet you all. #BlogPotomac
1:36 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:37 pm bRCGST: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:39 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:41 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:43 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:44 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple
1:44 pm 4qrYtz: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:44 pm digitalsista: @technosailor and I are on the same brainwave I touched his keys and he calls #blogpotomac
1:46 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:46 pm SodexoCareers: Thanks to @GeoffLiving for putting #BlogPotomac together and making it affordable and valuable! (via @LisaHoffmann) agree! Great unconf
1:47 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:49 pm g2sMOZ: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:49 pm rupertmike: @shel @digitalsista @technosailor @ambercadabra @shashib Thank you for sharing your knowledge & passion w/ anyone & everyone. #blogpotomac
1:49 pm SodexoCareers: Disappointed to see all of the #hashtag spammers who crashed the party at #blogpotomac
1:50 pm yTJYh0: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:50 pm rupertmike: Thanks to @geoffliving for an awesome event. Definitely learned a ton and met some really great people. #blogpotomac
1:52 pm rupertmike: @chuckhemann Thx. πŸ™‚ @sonnygill was dissappointed in me @ #blogpotomac for being so well behaved. He thought he would hear more ish talking.
1:52 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:54 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:54 pm dcconcierge: @gabrielmkey @rickdassler Yup, @nahumg is right! I just arrived in Atlanta for the Young Elected Officials conference. Missed #blogpotomac!
1:56 pm oGHIhp: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:57 pm eYCJgd: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
1:58 pm shashibfeeds: Me at #blogpotomac – Uploaded by @chrisabraham http://ff.im/-3UlIa
1:58 pm shashibfeeds: #blogpotomac 4 provinces tweetup [pic] http://ff.im/-3UlI9
1:59 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:00 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:00 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple.
2:02 pm 7GCC6B: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:03 pm SukiFuller: post #blogpotomac drinks being held at Four P’s across from State theatre.
2:03 pm jlh8r: @buddhaplex really enjoyed #blogpotomac today. Scott Monty from Ford @ScottMonty was a highlight.
2:03 pm bYE1yW: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:03 pm shashib: Flickr Pic : #blogpotomac 4 provinces tweetup http://cli.gs/PDYnMj
2:04 pm chrisabraham: Come hang out with the Blog Potomac kids at Ireland’s Four Provinces #blogpotomac
2:05 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:07 pm vvnsnG: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:08 pm chrisabraham: http://ping.fm/p/oC1g2 – All the coolest kids from #blogpotomac are at Ireland’s Four Provinces. Come on over
2:08 pm chrisabraham: All the coolest kids from #blogpotomac are at Ireland’s Four Provinces. Come on over – Photo: http://bkite.com/08rnl
2:09 pm qVvXbg: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:11 pm matterhornpat: hanging with the #blogpotomac folks – http://bkite.com/08rnF
2:16 pm sherrierose: RT @chrisabraham: All the coolest kids from #blogpotomac are at Ireland’s Four Provinces. Come on over – Photo: http://bkite.com/08rnl
2:17 pm ClickWisdom: I’m missing #blogpotomac today. Hope you all have fun at the unconference.
2:18 pm declutteryou: Thanks to everyone for listening to my #blogpotomac Hast tag comments today. It was a great conference. Nice mtg so many cool tweeple too.
2:21 pm batterista: @GeoffLiving Congrats on #blogpotomac – hearing good things. Sad to miss it.
2:21 pm arikhanson: What a day! Thanks @geoffliving for organizing a fantastic #blogpotomac experience. Kudos to all the presenters–@shel @scottmonty & others
2:23 pm arikhanson: And big shout out to my #blogpotomac table-mates: @storyassistant @allanschoenberg @amymengel @stephstad & @amberportercox
2:31 pm newsaccess: Untitled: Come hang out with the Blog Potomac kids at Ireland’s Four Provinces #blogpotomac http://bit.ly/pBn2z
2:31 pm dailyireland: Untitled: Come hang out with the Blog Potomac kids at Ireland’s Four Provinces #blogpotomac http://bit.ly/pBn2z
2:31 pm 1gKYKT: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:32 pm 1tgRmA: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:34 pm vsMLEF: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:35 pm HkmwKv: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:37 pm vsMLEF: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:38 pm 5C5fg6: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:39 pm HkmwKv: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:40 pm amberportercox: RT @arikhanson And big shout out to my #blogpotomac table-mates: @storyassistant @allanschoenberg @amymengel @stephstad & @amberportercox
2:40 pm fPQMUx: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:42 pm HkmwKv: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:43 pm UWcUoQ: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:45 pm fPQMUx: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:45 pm DougMeacham: Who is coming to karaoke at Recessions tonite? #BlogPotomac
2:46 pm RCB1H1: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:47 pm storyassistant: Great day w/ you all! RT @arikhanson & big shout out 2 my #blogpotomac table-mates: @allanschoenberg @amymengel @stephstad & @amberportercox
2:48 pm fPQMUx: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:49 pm K1PkDd: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:51 pm RCB1H1: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:52 pm 1gKYKT: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:54 pm technosailor: Hanging at 4P’s post-#blogpotomac
2:54 pm RCB1H1: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:56 pm HetvAL: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:56 pm allanschoenberg: RT ditto @arikhanson big shout out to my #blogpotomac table-mates: @storyassistant @allanschoenberg @amymengel @stephstad & @amberportercox
2:57 pm 1gKYKT: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
2:59 pm vsMLEF: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:01 pm 1gKYKT: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:02 pm 1tgRmA: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:03 pm vsMLEF: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:05 pm HkmwKv: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:07 pm vsMLEF: #blogpotomac trend? its really sad that APPLE’S new tablet cost’s $1,299.. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:08 pm 5C5fg6: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:10 pm HkmwKv: #blogpotomac trend? LATEST Bing HAS JUST crashed . omg http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:11 pm fPQMUx: #blogpotomac trend? A Flight has been Attacked over LONDON. . pictures have been leaked http://xrl.us/beuvob
3:13 pm shonali: @shashib You too! I luhved your stories. Very much hope to chat more soon. Maybe over a dosa lunch? #blogpotomac
3:15 pm shonali: Got home a short while ago after #blogpotomac. Traffic is cr*p, btw, so if you’re still celebratin’, hold off driving home for a bit.
3:15 pm annagabbert: Props to @geoffliving for an awesome #blogpotomac today! Hope everyone has fun at karaoke tonight πŸ™‚
3:17 pm shonali: @LisaHoffmann @jonnew @rickdassler @sonnygill @bethharte @arikhanson @_sarakate_ SO great to see (& finally meet most of!) you! #blogpotomac
3:18 pm MetrostarSystem: Check out our blog for full coverage of today’s #blogpotomac event: http://blog.metrostarsystems.com/ Great liveblogging session by Mahdi πŸ™‚
3:18 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple
3:20 pm shonali: @rjsauter It was TOTALLY awesome. @shashib @LisaHoffmann & a bunch of us had a great sidewalk lunch too, LOL. #Blogpotomac
3:23 pm rachelrule: @technosailor @geoffliving I enjoyed hearing how you turn it off at night & weekends. I needed to hear that! #BlogPotomac #BlogPotomac
3:23 pm _Sean_Thompson_: Follow friday If you follow me I’ll follow you back πŸ™‚ TGIF #11commandment Pedamundo iPhone Lakers Game 7 DTV #blogpotomac Apple.
3:25 pm shashib: Me at #blogpotomac – Uploaded by @chrisabraham http://ff.im/-3UwbH
3:32 pm sonnygill: @shonali Definitely, Shonali! Had a great time sitting next to you and chatting πŸ™‚ #blogpotomac
3:34 pm shonali: Also really great to see @amymengel again, meet SO many others! #blogpotomac
3:34 pm shonali: Everyone at my table/who I met at #blogpotomac, can you @ me, since I didn’t get everyone’s Twitter handle? Thanks! Have a GREAT weekend.
3:35 pm shonali: Gotta say, kudos to @geoffliving for putting on a fabulous show. #blogpotomac
3:36 pm shonali: @dmullen We missed you! #blogpotomac
3:36 pm shonali: @BryanPerson @shashib didn’t (I think he’s too modest), but it was great that @shel talked the GQ he won up. #BlogPotomac
3:37 pm jessicaknows: @sarahwurrey enjoyed our side convos at #blogpotomac today – hope we get opportunity to spend time together again soon!
3:37 pm shonali: @sonnygill Don’t forget to send me that stuff we talked about. πŸ™‚ #blogpotomac
3:43 pm shonali: @Jillfoster I looked for you but missed you at #blogpotomac! Hopefully we’ll catch up soon. #wgbiz
3:44 pm shonali: Also really great to meet @rohitbhargava, though I confess it was a bit of a “hit and run” from my end. #blogpotomac
3:47 pm amberportercox: Nice seersucker suits in D.C.! Ha! #blogpotomac twit pic won’t let me send! Boo
3:50 pm sonnygill: Headed out to dinner with some cool folks, post- #blogpotomac
3:52 pm chrisabraham: Hanging out with the cool kids post #blogpotomac
3:56 pm lizscherer: I’m “grounded” for the weekend. due to bac stuff. Damn! But great morning at #blogpotomac.
4:07 pm tlockemy: Took me 3 hours to get home from #blogpotomac ….but it was worth it!
4:08 pm DougMeacham: TECH KARAOKE TONIGHT! POST #BLOGPOTOMAC BE THERE! http://is.gd/107eS come meet @technosailor @CatchUpLady and @DougMeacham cogaoke stars!
4:09 pm ScottHepburn: Going to Lebanese Taverna #Blogpotomac Ice cream after?
4:09 pm lizscherer: @abbeyk1005 Yes,. But it’s all good. Powered thru #blogpotomac and will power thru this weekend. My PT is a GODDESS!
4:19 pm shonali: @rachelrule It was SO nice to meet and chat a little with you today at #blogpotomac. Let’s catch up again soon!
4:26 pm amberportercox: @DougMeacham totally… Would love that… Let me know if ever in Chicago! #blogpotomac
4:32 pm jessicaknows: @digitalsista I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to spend a day in your life at some pt. glad we got to talk before I left. #blogpotomac
4:33 pm scottdavila: great time and excellent speakers at #blogpotomac
4:38 pm DougMeacham: The post #BlogPotomac pre karaoke dinner is about to start
4:39 pm KBu: Great time at #blogpotomac fantastic job @geoffliving Have you turned into a ghost yet?
4:41 pm scottdavila: @jonnew great seeing you at #blogpotomac let’s meet in hometown #rva more often
4:47 pm scottdavila: RT @KBu ditto that great job @geoffliving #blogpotomac
4:50 pm technosailor: I have an hour and 10 mins before the post-#blogpotomac TechKaraoke DC at Recessions. I’m at home. I’m gonna nap first. Will be late
5:23 pm jonnew: Thanks to @geoffliving and to old and new friends I met today at #blogpotomac. Please follow. Blog post coming over the weekend. Thanks.
5:27 pm IARSprint: RT@shel Signing off from the laptop and switching to my wonderful new Palm Pre as #BlogPotomac winds down. What a great day! #prelaunch
5:34 pm jessicaknows: I have to say I am totally energized after #blogpotomac today…great conference, cool venue, interesting folks – perfect combo!
5:36 pm jessicaknows: @scotthepburn your blurry picture from #blogpotomac is on the front page of my blog http://jessicaknows.com
5:47 pm tlockemy: I am going to take a nap, so sleepy – three hours in your car will do that to you πŸ™‚ Will post about #blogpotomac when I wake.
5:50 pm VanessaFrench: @rupertmike very nice to meet you as well! πŸ™‚ #blogpotomac
6:02 pm darthcheeta: whatup with all the #blogpotomac schwag posts? trying to catch up on the days happenings and am not interested in any robospammers.
6:10 pm VanessaFrench: #BlogPotomac rocked today! Back of my head blew off several times. Big thanks @GeoffLiving for putting together an amazing unconference!
6:11 pm phillymarketing: I am now home in Philadelphia. This week flew by. Felt like a dream. Still really sorry about missing #blogpotomac today. *sigh*
6:42 pm jessicaknows: @tlockemy btw, the commute back to Maryland from #BlogPotomac today didn’t change my mind abt returning to work..I’ve got Sirius in the Flex
6:45 pm NahumG: Anybody has contacts at Twitter.? I’d like 2 discuss w/them their enterprise strategy, if any. #blogpotomac
6:46 pm NahumG: Anybody has contacts at Twitter? I’d like 2 discuss w/them their enterprise strategy, if any. #blogpotomac
6:48 pm AlbrightDC: Finally met someone else with a #poken @Shel and I shared information at the post #blogpotomac happy hour.
6:51 pm AlbrightDC: It was great meeting everyone at #Blogpotomac I don’t have anyone’s Twitter handles so I hope you’ll get in touch!
7:13 pm matterhornpat: @shel ok, wanted to make sure, was left in the chair after you left us. great meeting you today #blogpotomac
7:14 pm Whrrl: #yimgnome’s adventures continue, see Yim at #blogpotomac w/ @catchuplady & @dougmeacham http://whrrl.com/experience/story/18001305
7:14 pm digitalsista: @JessicaKnows I am very glad we had a chance to talk in person. I really think we have a lot to share #blogpotomac
7:18 pm AlbrightDC: It was great meeting everyone at #blogpotomac I don’t have everyone’s Twitter handle so I hope you’ll get in touch. http://sallying.com
7:19 pm ecrabb: #yimgnome’s adventures continue, see Yim at #blogpotomac w/ @catchuplady & @rohitbhargava http://whrrl.com/experience/story/18001305
7:22 pm digitalsista: completely agree RT @creativeblogs: @digitalsista @shashib @technosailor @GeoffLiving awesome day #BlogPotomac. Thank you! incl. @jillfoster
7:23 pm jessicaknows: @digitalsista Agreed. Let’s try to figure out a way to do that more often. #blogpotomac
7:24 pm abrandnewway: We had a great day at #BlogPotomac. Amazing event that we feel very fortunate to have been a part of. Thanks @GeoffLiving
7:28 pm immunity: @technosailor have fun. I came home and passed out. I think I learned a lot today at #blogpotomac I’m due for karaoke, but not tonight.
7:32 pm matterhornpat: a really great day at #blogpotomac sharing ideas
7:39 pm AlbrightDC: It was great meeting everyone at #Blogpotomac I don?t have anyone?s Twitter handles so I hope you?ll get in touch! http://ff.im/-3UV9b
7:39 pm AlbrightDC: Finally met someone else with a #poken @Shel and I shared information at the post #blogpotomac happy hour. http://ff.im/-3UV95
7:50 pm KyleFlaherty: I’m looking at the Tweets, posts, pics from #blogpotomac and have to say it looks like the ideal type of con for myself. Maybe next year!
7:54 pm johnrhopkins: My photos from #BlogPotomac are on flickr! http://twurl.nl/1j3x1k with creative commons license
8:08 pm immunity: @johnrhopkins I don’t remember that I did. But my brain has been jello since the personal branding and all the @shashib talk #blogpotomac
8:22 pm AlbrightDC: It was great meeting everyone at #blogpotomac I don?t have everyone?s Twitter handle so I hope you?ll get in touch…. http://ff.im/-3UZ9B
8:26 pm dmullen: @shonali *Really* wish I could have been there. Hope you guys had a great time. #blogpotomac
8:36 pm blogpotomac: More than 3200 #blogpotomac tweets today according to @wthashtag http://wthashtag.com/blogpotomac
8:38 pm iMAGINEAlxndria: More than 3200 #blogpotomac tweets today according to @wthashtag http://bit.ly/E17Wz. Congrats @GeoffLiving! #blogpotomac (via@blogpotomac)
8:47 pm MktgJobsDC: RT @blogpotomac: More than 3200 #blogpotomac tweets today according to @wthashtag http://wthashtag.com/blogpotomac
8:59 pm GabrielMKey: #blogpotomac Blog Potomac ? ????? great to be there with awsome speakers and incredible audience and colleagues. See y’all Monday
9:07 pm sonnygill: @rohitbhargava Good seeing ya today, Rohit! Only got to chat for a few but great time at #blogpotomac.
11:42 pm amberportercox: @technosailor was in the karaoke? Did you go? – I was too tired, and now I’m wide awake – WTH?! #blogpotomac

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