July 21, 2009 Continued
8:30 am jrick: Not sure where to focus attention: On speaker, on his PPT, on TwitterBerry, or on huge live-Tweet screens flanking speaker? #ogi #add
8:30 am civictec: RT @GovTwit: RT @mixtmedia: Transparency has tremendous impact on accountability #ogi
8:30 am salemonz: Chopra: by provisioning open API we could greatly help business and economy. #ogi
8:30 am moehlert: RT @pbrantner: Aneesh Chopra just blessed a sneezer without breaking stride. Now that’s a great speaker. #ogi
8:30 am CitizensNews: RT @You2Gov: #ogi quote from David Wennergren Deputy CIO, Pentagon. “Command and Control is dead” #gov20
8:30 am skyemarthaler: Smart investment doesn’t have to be expensive. #ogi
8:30 am sradick: RT @BevUSA: check out DefenseSolutions.gov to submit solutions to DoD challenges #ogi
8:30 am rdamashek: #ogi-104 chopra: examples at USPS and open API, ability to track status of immigration cases
8:30 am dslunceford: RT @lostonroute66: seeing much more “coverage” than “conversation” for Chopra’s keynote. questions for the 1st Federal CTO? tag w/ #ogi
8:30 am kpkfusion: The public comment standard addresses citizens social fear. Is not voting. #ogi
8:30 am GovTwit: RT @lostonroute66: seeing much more “coverage” than “conversation” for Chopra’s keynote. questions for the 1st Federal CTO? tag w/ #ogi
8:30 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: Giving an example of the postal service of how they can empower example to verify address http://tr.im/tknl #ogi
8:30 am medmike: @OGIConference, thank you for the wireless #ogi, now if only you could supply the HIT Standards Committee today! #HITPC #HITpol
8:31 am moehlert: @dslunceford #ogi Srsly. Where do we go for refunds for WiFi? #AsIf
8:31 am pahlkadot: #ogi Chopra: Opening up an API at PO: What a modest little investment by our government, makes such a difference to e-commerce and consumers
8:31 am steveostrowski: Hope this speeds up USCIS – 4 months for a file search, then 7+ months for requesting a file with a known ID! #ogi
8:31 am Jeanne_JPL: Chopra, US CTO: Must instill an open government culture to lead U.S. and global innovation. What can WE do to change that culture? #OGI #KM
8:31 am salemonz: Chopra: I’m committed to holding myself acountable so we can show progress on these initiatives. #ogi
8:31 am govwiki: Chopra: Tapping into public knowledge case study in progrss: DefenseSolutions.gov #ogi #gov20 http://bit.ly/dxwkm
8:31 am Whitneyuevans: Need to also focus on tapping internal brainpower of federal government. Lot of time wasted with bad communication #ogi
8:31 am govwiki: RT @You2Gov: #ogi quote from David Wennergren Deputy CIO, Pentagon. “Command and Control is dead” #gov20 http://bit.ly/14Z2h4
8:31 am kadidid: Tim O’Reilly up next at the #OGI conference.
8:31 am ahier: #Gov20 @AndrewPWilson Chopra: Giving example of the postal service of how they can empower example to verify address http://tr.im/tknl #ogi
8:31 am tsuder: Aneesh Chopra for Governor of Virginia! Organized and inspiring speaker. Big future. He gets it. #ogi
8:31 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: Asking everyone to hold him (and the admin) accountable for promises made #ogi
8:32 am salemonz: Yeah I’m very distracted by the live tweet screens. Hard or me to focus π #ogi
8:32 am Whitneyuevans: Like that USAjobs now sends application updates, bravo! #ogi
8:32 am lostonroute66: Chopra’s casual choice of words is engaging. professionalism and competency do not need to sound like a technical report. #ogi
8:32 am You2Gov: Chopra’s last slide “Delivering on the Promise” #ogi #gov20 Slogan for rest of Obama administration?
8:32 am edatpost: Chopra on govt tech initiatives: “Not all of these initiatives require laws?. This is just about mindset.” #ogi
8:32 am McTeags: It seems like many gov20 successes result from circumventing broken procurement and hiring processes. #ogi
8:32 am DEFEATRECESSION: #ogi If you are in the UK- Reclaim thousands of pounds through mis-sold payment protection insurance through www.easierclaim.co.uk
8:32 am DoD501502STD: Tweeting @ogi? Ask about data trustworthiness. What about provenance? Data ‘quality’ is not the same.
8:32 am mountainempire: Tweeting @ogi? Ask about data trustworthiness. What about provenance? Data ‘quality’ is not the same.
8:32 am tonyramos: RT @wvmikep #ogi #ppt
8:32 am larrydillard: #ogi delivering on the promise – immigration and naturalization opens up customer service portal for immigrations application tracking
8:32 am web20blog: Need to show progress before the new budgets arrive. #gov20 #ogi
8:32 am grandpaham: Interfaces for using standards based exchange of emergency information. See www.disasterhelp.gov/disastermanagement/open #ogi
8:32 am rdamashek: #ogi-104 chopra: 90 days to deliver Case Status Service, Agency said we can do this, public servants, who are your customers?
8:32 am dslunceford: RT @marydavie: Chopra highlighting DefenseSolutions.gov as an innovative & collaborative approach to find solutions to needs. #ogi
8:32 am GovTwit: RT @marydavie: Chopra highlighting DefenseSolutions.gov as an innovative & collaborative approach to find solutions to needs. #ogi
8:33 am GEOpdx: RT @changecamp: Follow @kmorr for live updates from Open Government & Innovations conference: http://bit.ly/wquPf #ogi
8:33 am MerrittRoxie: USCIS case status. good luck it is sooo broken. #ogi
8:33 am moehlert: RT @govwiki: RT @You2Gov: #ogi quote from David Wennergren Deputy CIO, Pentagon. “Command and Control is dead” #gov20 http://bit.ly/14Z2h4
8:33 am Fandark: #ogi!? Vad är det? Det närmsta jag kommer på wiki är “OGI School of Science and Engineering” men det handlar typ om politik…
8:33 am storyspinner: Wow immagration dept now gives status updates via txt & email neat! #ogi
8:33 am PhoenixRachel: Probably do need to change the law but that shouldn’t stop us. #ogi
8:33 am csukach: Chopra: hold ourselves accountable to show progress on our initiatives–what can we do to better support our customers? #ogi
8:33 am jennedc: Funny that the USPS is a leader in Gov 2.0 services. Unexpected, but very useful. #ogi
8:33 am GEOpdx: RT @GovTwit: We’re tapping into the knowledge base of the American people – #ogi
8:33 am lostonroute66: many tweets about the distracting nature of the 2 TwitterCamp screens. what does everyone think? how could the experience be improved? #ogi
8:33 am tjohns06: “why wouldn’t everyone think this way?” Chopra talking about delivering on a customer service promise #ogi
8:33 am NationalDefense: Help military solve problems, go to defensesolutions.gov, says White House tech chief Chopra at OGI conference in Wash DC this AM #ogi
8:33 am DCgov: NSF US R&D FY2008 $113.2 B . Stimulus add $B RT @dslunceford: US spends $150B R&D does that not sound like a lot? #ogi
8:33 am pahlkadot: #ogi Chopra: Customer svc in immigration: Did we need a budget amendment, change a law? Just good people who said we can make this better.
8:34 am salemonz: Chopra: Many multimillion dollar requirment documents. They’re great at looking at gadgets, but do nothing for user experience #ogi
8:34 am iweeknick: Chopra talked about defensesolutions.gov… I have been planning to write about it in the next few days. #ogi
8:34 am larrydillard: #ogi big IT projects tend to be are long on tech req’ts but silent on customer experience
8:34 am cdorobek: Ah – hash tag spam. Really? #ogi
8:34 am dlblack: Chopra: who are your customers? We need to be customer focused. #ogi #gov20
8:34 am lovisatalk: Govt Wking towards making Immigration services more customer service oriented. Help govt be more accessible & useful for citizens #ogi
8:34 am sailfast2005: #ogi must focus on the customer experience when looking at our it requirements
8:34 am CrisisCampWest: RT @AndrewPWilson: Chopra: How to we tap into the knowledge of the American people? #ogi #gov20
8:34 am RickHackbarth: That’s all? RT @You2Gov: #ogi Chopra: Americans consume over 1 gig of content per month. #gov20
8:34 am debbieweil: Aneesh Chopra: amazing! INS is becoming service oriented. New site will offer text messages to update applicants on immigration status #ogi
8:35 am McTeags: Open gov culture includes customer service mentality says Aneesh Chopra #ogi
8:35 am BlackRose0Z: what is #ogi
8:35 am rdamashek: #ogi-104 chopra: listen to customers, to the public, to those we serve, understand the impact of poor service, deliver on promise
8:35 am web20blog: Large IT requirement docs are largely silent on customer service features #ogi
8:35 am bryanwklein: How is this information being communicated to the leadership within the Agencies across the US Govt.? #OGI
8:35 am mixtmedia: We see an oppt to help enable this culture change across the gov’t: facilitating “frictionless platform generation” #ogi
8:35 am lovisatalk: RT @AndrewPWilson: Chopra: Asking everyone to hold him (and the admin) accountable for promises made #ogi
8:35 am salemonz: Chopra: we see an opportunity to facilitate frictionless gov’t platforms. #ogi
8:35 am larrydillard: #ogi tech needs to help enable a culture change on gov’t — Chopra
8:35 am ScottGentzen: Wondering how much thought is being put into need to filter out nuts, axe grinders and opportunsts in the new collaborative govt/public #ogi
8:35 am medmike: facilitate frictionless platform generation. Look at existing open gov’t tools already available. #ogi relatively free or low-cost
8:35 am pahlkadot: #ogi Chopra deals in accountability, driven by hard data, but employs emotion, empathy, and vision. Inspiring.
8:35 am moehlert: Aneesh Chopra: “Friction-less platform to accelerate adoption”…putting together toolkit w/ GSA #ogi
8:35 am montraydavis: RT @BlackRose0Z what is #ogi
8:36 am GovTwit: Finding new people to add to http://GovTwit.com (like @moehlert) by following #ogi (http://govtwit.com/people/moehlert)
8:36 am steveostrowski: How are the other depts taking to the CTO? Does he have influence? #ogi
8:36 am webtechman: Future Web is about more data/less sites Chopra #ogi #SOA See #TED talk on Web Data http://bit.ly/tLUI4 Data.gov too #gov20
8:36 am moehlert: #ogi “Quick Wins” …drink!
8:36 am hmiller23: Great Data.gov shout-out by Aneesh at #ogi — mashing up public data to advance civic life
8:36 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: Speaking on the new #opengov tools & platforms – (me: still need to see how to get this info w/empowerment to lower levels) #ogi
8:36 am jgarrow: #OGI Could someone TwitPic the streaming Twitter screens for me? I’d love to be able to show folks here how srsly #gov20 takes Twitter. Thx!
8:36 am tellenger: Amazed at how silent billion dollar requirements docs are at speaking to customer experience. Enable frictionless access. -chopra #ogi
8:36 am fs3854: customer experience is key #ogi
8:36 am chassycat: Chopra’s casual choice of words is engaging. professionalism & competency do not need to sound like technical report. #ogi @lostonroute66
8:36 am salemonz: Chopra: quick wins can demonstrate impact. Fueled by spirit of cooperation. #ogi
8:36 am kvielmo: #ogi Hello out there!
8:36 am larrydillard: #ogi imagine IT as the ENGINE of change rather than the legacy anchoring us to an existing biz process
8:36 am kmorr: Aneesh: Must design ‘friction-less’ platforms to accelerate adoption. Shift to providing compelling experiences for participants #ogi
8:36 am sporing: Chopra: developing frictionless platform templates for free (or low cost) for agencies. #ogi
8:36 am gov2events: RT @pahlkadot: #ogi Chopra deals in accountability, driven by hard data, but employs emotion, empathy, and vision. Inspiring.
8:37 am edatpost: just hit the 800 follower mark…. thanks #ogi!
8:37 am HalWarning: Wookin pa nub in all da wong paces, Wookin pa nuuuub. #buckwheatclassics #ogi
8:37 am AndrewPWilson: RT @jgarrow: #OGI Could someone TwitPic streaming Twitter screens for me? I’d love to show folks here how srsly #gov20 takes Twitter.
8:37 am tjohns06: Quick wins> signature initiatives> long term goals. Great approach to open gov. #ogi
8:37 am rdamashek: #ogi-104 chopra: working with GSA to provide “frictionless” access to open tools, engage in spirit of a commonwealth, for the common good
8:37 am India_g: I will be The Miss India! |+| http://tinyurl.com/kmzd2u |+| #ogi Rain iPhone #indonesiaunite love
8:37 am salemonz: Chopra: occasionally we can pass laws to make life better. More often it’s little daily decisions to bring us together as community #ogi
8:37 am bobgourley: I like Chopra, especially his personal commitment to action and results. That, IMO, is the true measure of a CTO. #OGI
8:37 am govfresh: Great to see #ogi stream. Would be nice if Twitter had way to eliminate tweet redundancy. Live video still best for those not in room.
8:37 am medmike: @bryanwklein I hope this information is spread virally until it reaches critical mass. There are several agencies represented here #ogi
8:38 am bryanwklein: OGI = Open Government & Innovations conference in Washington, DC. #OGI
8:38 am kpkfusion: Aren’t citizens the engine of change? IT is enabler. #ogi
8:38 am moehlert: Wow. Did Aneesh Chopra just reference Maker Faire? #ogi
8:38 am ahier: Check out the #OGI Tweetstream! http://bit.ly/iRbpG Quite amazing…
8:38 am sinkyraj: #ogi Ohio State Buckeyes Cell Phone Case-$6.99 http://bit.ly/UVEmT
8:38 am topperge: Amazed that Chopra knows maker faire, awesome! #ogi
8:38 am DCgov: Open government means putting the stuff you don’t want online, online. I don’t think FOIA is going away. #ogi
8:38 am hariskhan: Great to see that US CTO chopra takes gov as a service oriented operation #ogi
8:38 am lovisatalk: RT @BevUSA: ask your customers about their experience. Deliver on the promise (of customer service) #ogi
8:38 am Whitneyuevans: Go GMU! #ogi
8:38 am OGIConference: #ogi = Open Government & Innovations conference @montraydavis: RT @BlackRose0Z what is #ogi http://opengovinnovations.com #gov20
8:39 am rdamashek: #ogi-104 chopra: GMU professor developed $40 filter for removing arsenic from drinking water, won $1M Grainger prize, supporting innovators
8:39 am atweber: Transparency=accountability, collaboration (ex. whitehouse.gov/open), deliver, review customer experience – Chopra notes #OGI #gov20
8:39 am marydavie: Thank you #ogi for improving network access.
8:39 am humanlearning: RT@ smiltenberger”security advantages of cloud computing” wennergren at #ogi
8:39 am dslunceford: http://twitpic.com/b3rg4 – Aneesh Chopra speaking @ #ogi
8:39 am CitizensNews: RT @mixtmedia: Wennergren’s take-aways: try a “services world,” focus + convergence = agility, to succeed, you must be fast..but right. #ogi
8:39 am bryanwklein: @medmike I hope that there is some top down influence within Gov’t to ‘help’ the leadership embrace this effort. #ogi
8:39 am salemonz: Chopra: spirit of commonwelth. Ideas can come from anyone. We need to find how to hear them #ogi
8:39 am GovTwit: RT @edatpost: Chopra on govt tech initiatives: “Not all of these initiatives require laws?. This is just about mindset.” #ogi
8:39 am dslunceford: RT @edatpost: Chopra on govt tech initiatives: “Not all of these initiatives require laws?. This is just about mindset.” #ogi
8:39 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: Speaking on spirit of commonwealth & how can we work together and how to surface the ideas that will move the world forward #ogi
8:39 am moehlert: @AndrewPWilson #ogi Twitter screens http://yfrog.com/8cmwuj
8:39 am rdamashek: #ogi-104 chopra: realizing inspired drea
8:40 am sporing: RT @kpkfusion: Aren’t citizens the engine of change? IT is enabler. #ogi
8:40 am NoOneSpecia1: eBay: Rand McNally Picture Atlas of the World by Bruce Ogi… $4.0 http://tinyurl.com/nqsajf
8:40 am tjohns06: RT @BevUSA: check out GMU prfessor Abul Hussam innovation on removing arsenic from water #ogi
8:40 am kvielmo: #ogi Hi NRC! Warm regards from DHS!
8:40 am steveostrowski: running about 20 mins late here at OGI #ogi
8:40 am moehlert: RT @GovTwit: Finding new people to add to http://GovTwit.com (like @moehlert) by following #ogi (http://govtwit.com/people/moehlert)
8:40 am ahier: @AndrewPWilson Check out the #OGI Tweetstream! http://bit.ly/iRbpG Nice work π
8:40 am atweber: Excited to listen to @timoreilly #ogi
8:40 am AndrewPWilson: Next up @timoreilly, getting very high praise from Aneesh Chopra and saying that he is increasingly being heard in D.C. #ogi
8:40 am mixtmedia: Chopra introducing @timoreilly #ogi
8:40 am chassycat: That last Tweet was a RE-Tweet of @lostonroute66! Just so’s ya know. #ogi
8:40 am salemonz: Tim O’Reilly is next. As in the Tim O’Reilly #ogi
8:40 am marydavie: Chopra introducing @timoreilly #ogi
8:40 am csukach: Tim O’Reilly up next #ogi
8:41 am cdorobek: Next at #ogi: @timoreilly http://bit.ly/fTb2q
8:41 am Ghost_tech: #ogi ogi ogi, oi oi oi……….whatever happened to Max Boyce.
8:41 am kayawalton: Up next: @timoreilly on govt as a platform #ogi
8:41 am ahier: RT @AndrewPWilson Next up @timoreilly, getting very high praise from Aneesh Chopra & saying that he is increasingly being heard in D.C. #ogi
8:41 am moehlert: RT @cdorobek: Next at #ogi : @timoreilly http://bit.ly/fTb2q
8:41 am wallydedilbert: ‘s ex-girlfriend was so BLOND, she sold her car for gas money. (Starbucks, Chris Brown, Longest Solar, Swine Flu, iPhone, Blackberry, #ogi)
8:41 am ludozone: Aneesh Chopra (Federal CTO) generates over 500 tweets in 40 minutes, pushes #ogi to number 4 global Twitter trending topics.
8:41 am GovTwit: http://twitpic.com/b3rg4 – Aneesh Chopra speaking @ #ogi (@jgarrow)
8:41 am yasminfodil: Enjoying #ogi tweets from abroad. Keep them coming!
8:41 am edatpost: Chopra intros @timoreilly … “increasingly those of us in Washington listen” to him #ogi
8:41 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly getting ready to speak after terrific pres from Anesh Chopra #ogi #gov20
8:42 am GEOpdx: How many people are at the #ogi conference? You are generating a good volume of tweets.
8:42 am svenburg: @timoreilly is up next, after a glowing introduction by Aneesh Chopra #ogi
8:42 am cheeky_geeky: About to give his keynote at @ogiconference is @timoreilly – if you’re keeping score, the conf is running about 15-20 behind. #ogi
8:42 am marciamarcia: RT @moehlert Wow. Did Aneesh Chopra just reference Maker Faire? #ogi
8:42 am edatpost: now only if #ogi had power strips….
8:42 am lewisshepherd: http://twitpic.com/b3rpe – Live-twitter screen at #OGI behind Federal CTO Chopra. Nice Microsoft logo π
8:42 am medmike: When Tim O’Reilly speaks silicon valley, Washington & Wall St listen-chopra #ogi the conf too as he responds to audience needs in real time
8:42 am justgrimes: Chopra just finished giving a really good talk; now tim o’reilly is up #ogi
8:42 am moehlert: #ogi Tim O’Reilly “Government as Platform”
8:42 am GEOpdx: RT @ludozone: Aneesh Chopra (Federal CTO) generates over 500 tweets in 40 minutes, pushes #ogi to number 4 global Twitter trending topics.
8:42 am larrydillard: #ogi tim o’reilly speaking at ogi
8:42 am rdamashek: #ogi-141 O’Reilly: Sitting next to him, Tim constantly looking at his site for opportunities to blog
8:42 am India_g: I will be The Miss India! |+| http://tinyurl.com/kmzd2u |+| #ogi Rain iPhone #indonesiaunite love Longest Solar
8:42 am salemonz: O’Reilly: I want to share ideas after dialog with other government people #ogi
8:42 am spdconf: US CTO Aneesh Chopra introduces O’Reilly & they hug on Tim’s way to the stage. That’s a great sign. #ogi
8:42 am marydavie: “Government as a Platform” is topic by @timoreilly. #ogi
8:43 am pahlkadot: #ogi Chopra tells story of the $40 arsenic filter http://bit.ly/wAkQH and suggests he show at #makefaire! π
8:43 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Will be speaking on Gov as a platform, spoke on this a few months ago to Fed Web Managers #ogi
8:43 am webtechman: Streaming Twitter & Hash Tags for Events are here w/videos http://bit.ly/SMZF8 #twitter #ogi Using Social Media tools for events.
8:43 am wvmikep: Seriously, #ogi give these speakers a lavalier! #speaking
8:43 am adrianschulte: Not moving slideshow to side screens? Please? #ogi
8:43 am Pragmatics_Inc: Does Tim O’Reilly really need to introduce himself? #OGI
8:43 am OGIConference: Sorry @timoreilly (& folks on the sides) no way to switch tweets to middle scren and put ppt slides on right & left screens on the fly..#ogi
8:43 am marciamarcia: @kpkfusion I agree. Citizens are the engine of change, IT augments & enables. #ogi
8:43 am Steph_Couture: Tim O’Reilly takes the stage…looking forward to his presentation #ogi
8:43 am stevie_chambers: wishing I was at #ogi, but it’s a long way from #staines http://www.opengovinnovations.com/ <- wonder what the UK/EURO equivalent is?
8:43 am USMSOffice: Tim O Reilly speaking-Gov. as an open platform #ogi www.oreilly.com
8:43 am salemonz: O’Reilly: when we first wrote about WWW there we’re only 200 webpages. It’s all about amplifying what’s out there #ogi
8:43 am svenburg: “we pay attention to the innovation from the edges” @timoreilly aboutO’Reilly Media #ogi
8:44 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: pay attention to innovation from edges, look fo upcoming tech, amplify effectiveness by paying attention, enthusiasts
8:44 am McTeags: The US CTO is challenging us to make the world better. Love it! #ogi
8:44 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – ” we pay attention o innovation at the edges…”watching the alpha geeks.” #ogi #gov20
8:44 am skyemarthaler: @corbett3000 listening to O’Reilly speak at OGI right now.
8:44 am XF7896: Only You can Change your life<</>> http://ow.ly/hoVf <<>> Starbucks #australiawantsjonas Chris Brown #ogi Swine Flu michael jackson bb
8:44 am salemonz: O’Reilly: most new techs come from enthusists, not business guys. #ogi
8:44 am marydavie: O’Reilly “we pay attention to technology on the edges and the alpha geeks” #ogi
8:44 am gov2events: #ogi Chopra tells inspiring story of the $40 arsenic filter, link: http://bit.ly/wAkQH
8:44 am GEOpdx: RT @URISA: House Oversight Hearing ?Federal Geospatial Data Management? http://bit.ly/428SG6 July 23, 10am #ogi
8:44 am tjohns06: “watch the alpha geeks” for emerging trends @timoreilly #ogi
8:44 am xxKELLIExx: what is #ogi ?
8:44 am cdorobek: At #ogi @timoreilly http://twitpic.com/b3rwc
8:44 am smiltenberger: o’reilly at #ogi: entrepreneurs come after (not before) enthusiasts
8:44 am justgrimes: http://twitpic.com/b3rti tim o’reilly speaking at #ogi ; ya I’m in the way back
8:45 am salemonz: Please move live tweet screens. #ogi
8:45 am web20blog: New technologies are first explored by enthusiasts. Watch the alpha geeks. Oreilly #ogi #gov20
8:45 am OceanQueen77: It’s wonderful moment to me! Watching a movie with my > http://tr.im/sQ8r > #ogi #Australiawantsjonas Starbucks Swine Flu Rain iPhone luck
8:45 am sinkyraj: #ogi Italy Sloffies-$28.95 http://bit.ly/VKmaU
8:45 am carlmalamud: RT @pahlkadot #ogi Chopra tells story of $40 arsenic filter http://bit.ly/wAkQH suggests he show at #makefaire! [Maker Faire on the Mall!!]
8:45 am sinkyraj: #ogi Italy Sloffies-$28.95 http://bit.ly/13Ill9
8:45 am lostonroute66: .@timoreilly speaking at #ogi. but i’m sure you already knew that. π
8:45 am debbieweil: Web as platform is what I later called Web 2.0 @timoreilly #ogi
8:45 am larrydillard: tim o’reilly – watch the alpha geeks to see where the future of tech is headed #ogi
8:45 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: New technologies 1st exploited by enthusiasts, then entrepreneurs, then platform players #ogi
8:45 am rdkeating: OGI Today: Tim O’Reilly is speaking on Government as a platform #yam
8:45 am gov2events: #ogi @timoreilly: watch the alpha geeks: screen scraping predicts web services & plaform
8:45 am jfoley09: Nick Hoover & Jenn Pahlka are tweeting from Open Government and Innovations conference #ogi Follow them @iweeknick, @pahlkadot
8:45 am spdconf: O’Reilly: watch the Alpha Geeks! Tech 1st exploited by enthusiasts, then entrepeneurs, then platform players #ogi
8:45 am svenburg: @timoreilly: watch the alpha geeks #ogi
8:45 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: enthusiasts come first, watch the energy, having fun, eye on the future, distribute it more evenly
8:45 am salemonz: O’Reilly: Internet was becoming a platform. Hence the web 2.0 label in early 2000s #ogi
8:46 am corbett3000: RT @AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: New technologies 1st exploited by enthusiasts, then entrepreneurs, then platform players #ogi
8:46 am sporing: Tim O’Riley watches Alpha Geeks for adoption of new technologies #ogi
8:46 am You2Gov: http://twitpic.com/b3s14 Tim O’Reilly doing his keynote at #ogi.
8:46 am stratsoc: @du4 are u at #ogi? Hope all is well
8:46 am debbieweil: “The future is here: it’s just not evenly distributed yet” @timoreilly #ogi
8:46 am lovisatalk: @timoreilly talking about watching Alpha Geeks & web becoming a platform #ogi
8:46 am rhian777: grrrrrr negative, contrary people…send them to the Longest Solar, Swine flu land ogi ogi ogi
8:46 am salemonz: O’Reilly: the future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed. We are here to portion it out #ogi
8:46 am edatpost: posting highlights of Chopra and @timoreilly’s remarks in my blog later #ogi
8:46 am tjohns06: @timoreilly on stage at #ogi dispelling myth that web20 as a version of web, but more the Renaissance of web http://twitpic.com/b3rzq
8:46 am justgrimes: O’reilly giving his back story, talking about following “alpha geeks”, and distributing the future to everyone #ogi
8:46 am robpierson: Appreciate how @timoreilly changed his presentation based on watching tweets from prior speaker #ogi
8:46 am moehlert: #ogi Tim O’Reilly “Web 2.0 was not actually a version number…but references the Web becoming a platform.”
8:46 am mixtmedia: web 2.0 was renaissance of the web. introduced new rules for business that we’re still coming to understand #ogi
8:46 am timeforsanne: going to my sister @ her work.. wtf is #ogi ?
8:46 am cdorobek: Our @FedNewsRadio Meet the Innovator conversation with @timoreilly http://bit.ly/3Uckl3 #ogi #gov20
8:46 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: #web20 not a version number but signal the second coming of web #ogi
8:46 am csukach: @timoreilly : pay attention to the “alpha geeks” and see what the enthusiats are embracing. O’reilly Media then shares insights w/us #ogi
8:47 am moehlert: RT @mixtmedia: web 2.0 was renaissance of the web. introduced new rules for business that we’re still coming to understand #ogi
8:47 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Web 2.0 is introducing new rules for business that we are still understanding and grappling with #ogi
8:47 am debbieweil: Web 2.0 introduced new rules for biz that we’re still coming to terms with @timoreilly #ogi
8:47 am dslunceford: Just as the computer introduced new rules for biz, web 2.0 has intro’d new rules – @timoreilly #ogi
8:47 am GovTwit: Just as the computer introduced new rules for biz, web 2.0 has intro’d new rules – @timoreilly #ogi
8:47 am rockstarin86: RT @gov2events #ogi @timoreilly: watch the alpha geeks: screen scraping predicts web services & plaform
8:47 am cheeky_geeky: Microsoft is sponsoring the live tweet screens at @OGIconference by the way #OGI
8:47 am You2Gov: RT @cdorobek: Our @FedNewsRadio Meet the Innovator conversation with @timoreilly http://bit.ly/3Uckl3 #ogi #gov20
8:47 am lovisatalk: RT @mixtmedia: web 2.0 was renaissance of the web. introduced new rules for business that we’re still coming to understand #ogi
8:47 am webtechman: “Government as a Platform” by @timoreilly is really good stuff! #ogi Also have slides frm #aif09 #GOV20 http://bit.ly/vDetx
8:47 am teksquisite: Liked “@timoreilly on stage at #ogi dispelling myth that web20 as a version of web, but more the Renaissance of web…” http://ff.im/5vI4E
8:47 am ahier: RT @edatpost posting highlights of Chopra and @timoreilly’s remarks in my blog later #ogi
8:47 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly -“we’re still coming to grips with implications of web 2.0 for business. #ogi #gov20
8:47 am salemonz: O’Reilly: software delivered as an online service is what web-as-platform means #ogi
8:48 am debbieweil: Asks for show of hands: all go up for Google; means we all use Linux @timoreilly #ogi
8:48 am smiltenberger: the software we use is no longer defined by what we have on our desktops or in our hands – o’reilly at #ogi
8:48 am cdorobek: @AndrewPWilson I don’t have a central place for my conf notes. I try to write them up (eventually) on http://www.dorobekinsider.com #ogi
8:48 am cheeky_geeky: At @OGIconference, @timoreilly aks how many people use LINUX. They are all sitting towards the back and sides of the room. #ogi
8:48 am murpg: #ogi, listening to morning keynote at OGI
8:48 am Whitneyuevans: Govt needs to use “databases that get better as people use them” for internal comm #ogi
8:48 am cdorobek: @AndrewPWilson Love suggestions for a place to collect them #ogi
8:48 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: Software as a Service, tech behind the scenes, services get better through participation, collective intelligence
8:48 am gov2events: RT @iweeknick: Fed CTO Aneesh Chopra once said “great ideas get funding regardless of the rules.” #ogi
8:48 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Web 2.0 key concept – services, performance get better the more that people use them #ogi
8:48 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly – more data from users = better value, and data is competitive advantage #OGI
8:48 am lovisatalk: S/w is now an online service. Dbs get better thru more participation. Extract value= harness collective intelligence #ogi
8:48 am salemonz: O’Reilly: with web 2.0, data gets better the more people use them. Data mining can give great results #ogi
8:48 am debbieweil: Databases get better as more people use them – data is source of compet advantage @timoreilly #ogi
8:48 am mixtmedia: Network as a platform: software as service, databases get better as more people use them, harness collective intelligence, data=advntg #ogi
8:49 am You2Gov: Tim O’Reilly at #ogi if you use Google you use Linux, it is just not on your screen. Software allows us to harness meaning. #gov20
8:49 am topperge: Databases get better via participation, data is the source of competitive advantage. #ogi
8:49 am celineyme: #ogi?
8:49 am dslunceford: @cheeky_geeky that’s where the plugs for our PCs are #ogi
8:49 am modulist: Is there a live feed of #ogi?
8:49 am cdorobek: Continuing to post my #ogi notes here: http://bit.ly/gSuJx
8:49 am ScottHorvath: @cdorobek #ogi Why not just type your notes directly into your blog and periodically save and continue…that way you’re living blogging.
8:49 am dlblack: Tim O’Reilly: databases get better as more people use them #ogi #gov20
8:49 am web20blog: Users contribute data. Data is the new competitive advantage. #ogi #gov20
8:49 am lostonroute66: following @timoreilly ‘s keynote at #ogi ? questions for the Web 2.0 visionary? tag w/ #ogi
8:49 am medmike: Data is the source of competetive advantage, not software #timoreilly #ogi
8:49 am webtechman: @OGIconference Government as a Platform: Letting Others Bridge the GaaP in our Web 2.0 World http://bit.ly/rwZ8s #GOV20 #ogi
8:49 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – #web20 databases get with more people using them. This talks to building a collective intelligence. #gov20 #ogi
8:49 am ScottHorvath: @cdorobek #ogi I meant “live” blogging. Sorry
8:50 am larrydillard: data is the source of competitive advantage #ogi
8:50 am dslunceford: http://twitpic.com/b3sde – Speaking now @ #ogi – @timoreilly
8:50 am cdorobek: Sitting next to @debbieweil #ogi
8:50 am salemonz: O’Reilly: take google mobile app. You speak into phone, speech recognition is not on phone, it’s on cloud #ogi
8:50 am lewisshepherd: http://twitpic.com/b3sdr – Live-twitter screen at #OGI behind Federal CTO Chopra. Nice Microsoft logo π
8:50 am JameMadd: eBay: Retro Ogi Area Rug 3×5 ? Green $9.99 http://tinyurl.com/m39nkc
8:50 am ukr50: @timoreilly The best way to predict the future is to invent it #OGI
8:50 am debbieweil: Example of data competitiveness: iPhone’s speech recognition as more people use it @timoreilly #ogi
8:50 am atweber: Gov’t as a Platform @timoreilly #OGI Look at edges of tech, watch alpha geeks, Web2.0-web as platform
8:50 am AndrewPWilson: RT @web20blog: Users contribute data. Data is the new competitive advantage. #ogi #gov20
8:50 am csukach: @timoreilly: harnessing collective intelligence–databases get better the more people use them/collaborate on them #ogi
8:50 am topperge: I wish google would open their voice transcription API, send them a file get back text #ogi
8:50 am karljohn: Wishing I was at #ogi
8:50 am omowizard: RT @medmike: Data is the source of competetive advantage, not software #timoreilly #ogi
8:50 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: data as the value, sensors in iPhone, speech recognition happening in cloud, coordinated databases and sub-services
8:50 am kpkfusion: Competitive advantage in open gov is getting citizens/agencies involved – not simply data. #ogi
8:50 am kmorr: Fed CTO Aneesh Chopra: “great ideas get funding regardless of the rules.” #ogi via @iweeknick
8:50 am avectra: RT @debbieweil: Databases get better as more people use them – data is source of compet advantage @timoreilly #ogi
8:51 am ahier: #OGI is trending significantly on Twitter
8:51 am GEOpdx: The fact that #ogi is now trending has caused many to get interested. Watch as many pop in to ask questions and spam.
8:51 am rachel_beetwoot: Starbucks #lameclaimstofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection Swine Flu #ogi #indonesiaunite Michael Jackson #Euthanasiadebate
8:51 am GovTwit: http://twitpic.com/b3sde – Speaking now @ #ogi – @timoreilly
8:51 am sporing: RT @ukr50: @timoreilly The best way to predict the future is to invent it #OGI
8:51 am PRYouReady: Web 2.0 improves w/ participation- similar point to chupra’s “consumption rate and innovation” line graph #ogi
8:51 am salemonz: O’Reilly: google mobile app. I speak. Two datasets are compared to figure what I say, third database for location. Figures context #ogi
8:51 am moehlert: RT @omowizard: RT @medmike: Data is the source of competetive advantage, not software #timoreilly #ogi
8:51 am oemarishaq: TT at 7:45 #AustraliaWantsJonas Starbucks Chris Brown Harry Potter #iranelection Swine Flu Michael Jackson #ogi #indonesiaunite #twanuvaad
8:51 am OceanQueen77: It’s wonderful moment to me! Watching a movie with my > http://tr.im/sQ8r > #ogi #Australiawantsjonas Starbucks Swine Flu Rain iPhone xxx
8:51 am silner: Liked “Tim O’Reilly at #ogi if you use Google you use Linux, it is just not on your screen. Software allows us to…” http://ff.im/-5vIp6
8:51 am atweber: Gov’t as a Platform @timoreilly #OGI databases get better the more people use them. How would this apply to THOMAS.gov?
8:51 am 22frets: Getting my geek on, tweeting today & tomorrow from the Open Gov & Innovations Conference in DC. Tim O’Reilly speaking now. #ogi
8:51 am You2Gov: @lewisshepherd Yes, you got prime marketing space at #ogi — Bet Google is scratching their heads right about now. π
8:51 am chassycat: Sweet! @timoreilly at podium after fab pres by Aneesh Chopra #ogi Discussing Alpha Geeks, iPhone, & harnessing collective intelligence.
8:51 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly: Best results leverage the best data from all sources. iphone example uses three separate cloud-based data sources #OGI
8:51 am medmike: Google knows what people mean in voice activated tech. On a phone, your location could be reported. Combine data #ogi @timoreilly
8:51 am lovisatalk: RT @You2Gov: TimO’Reilly at #ogi if you use Google you use Linux, it is just not on your screen. S/W allows us to harness meaning. #gov20
8:51 am India_g: I will be The Miss India! |+| http://tinyurl.com/kmzd2u |+| #ogi Rain iPhone #indonesiaunite love Longest Solar new twitter
8:51 am ajturner: Dislike that @timoreilly’s “Data is the Intel Inside” puts more value on proprietary data than service usability and functionality #ogi
8:51 am RobynMcMaster: RT @debbieweil: Aneesh Chopra: INS is becoming service oriented. New site will update applicants on immigration status w text messages #ogi
8:51 am cheeky_geeky: Now @timoreilly’s talking about pizza, and has a giant, delicious pizza on the screen behind him. Anyone else for an early lunch break? #ogi
8:51 am justgrimes: Speaking of information, I wonder if there are any librarians here at #ogi conference?
8:52 am storyspinner: @peeplaja not yet, was listening to a keynote here, but it was announced on June 25, i will go hunt it down after tim o’reilly is done #ogi
8:52 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: “hackers” are lead users who tell us where we’re going. #ogi
8:52 am USMSOffice: O Reilly;databases get better thru user participation #ogi
8:52 am sinkyraj: #ogi Texas Longhorns Iphone 3g Case Cover 2 Sided Snap on Cover-$11.49 http://bit.ly/7vlE7
8:52 am skipzilla: RT @You2Gov: RT @cdorobek: Our @FedNewsRadio Meet the Innovator conversation w/ @timoreilly http://bit.ly/3Uckl3 #ogi #gov20
8:52 am HardCore_69: http://is.gd/1Fj10 |||||||||||||||||| iPhone #ogi Blackberry Swine Flu Michael Jackson
8:52 am GovTwit: Check out some #ogi pics from @cdorobek – viewed in his GovTwit profile: http://govtwit.com/people/chris-dorobek
8:52 am GSPMgwu: @lovisatalk ill be at OGI tomorrow! Can’t wait!
8:52 am dslunceford: Check out some #ogi pics from @cdorobek – viewed in his GovTwit profile: http://govtwit.com/people/chris-dorobek
8:53 am Whitneyuevans: Not surprisingly, this unwillingness to accept the web still exists. #ogi
8:53 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: internet as platform, cooperating services, gov’t as platform with data.gov as key, hacker pioneered Edgar, SEC online
8:53 am diegoremus: RT @AndrewPWilson O’Reilly: Web 2.0 is introducing new rules for business that we are still understanding and grappling with #ogi
8:53 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Giving the example of @carlmalamud http://public.resource.org/ and making gov data accessible #ogi
8:53 am moehlert: @cheeky_geeky #ogi Need a TweetUp Lunch Table!
8:53 am spdconf: @timoreilly “hackers are ‘lead users'”. See Eric Von Hippel’s Democratizing Innovation for more on lead users #ogi
8:53 am dslunceford: Talking about http://theyworkforyou.com – @timoreilly #ogi
8:53 am GovTwit: Talking about http://theyworkforyou.com – @timoreilly #ogi
8:53 am salemonz: O’Reilly: Tom steinberg launched “they work for you” site. Kept tabs on parliment. Woke up world to gov’t transparency #ogi
8:53 am AndrewPWilson: @cdorobek Wiki #ogi
8:53 am tsuder: RT @marydavie: “Government as a Platform” is topic by @timoreilly. #ogi
8:54 am debbieweil: Hacker created initial EDGAR online for SEC; then donated to U.S. gov’t @timoreilly #ogi
8:54 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly talking about the UK’s “theyworkforyou.com” #ogi #gov20
8:54 am dslunceford: Hey #ogi, thought you were going to move slide screens to side, Twitter to middle?
8:54 am webtechman: rt @csukach @timoreilly: harnessing collective intelligence–databases get better the more people use them/collaborate on them #ogi
8:54 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly funny way to describe Obama: Ran the worlds largest startup and achieved a takeover of the worlds largest company #OGI
8:54 am justgrimes: O’reilly talking about early pioneers at #ogi he is talking about @carlmalamud
8:54 am moehlert: #ogi O’Reilly – Obama as leader of “takeover of world’s largest company” π
8:54 am pbrantner: @GEOpdx: The fact that #ogi is now trending has caused many to get interested. {we need more questions, conversation, less spam.]
8:54 am rdamashek: #ogi remember the Lynyrd Skynrd song – Democracy is Coming to the USA – isn’t this it?
8:54 am steveostrowski: @dslunceford #ogi said they can’t make the change
8:54 am wallydedilbert: hopes and prays that all you ‘tech-speak talkers’ don’t believe everything you think. (#ogi)
8:54 am salemonz: O’Reilly: the first “hackers” put forward gov20 ideas, then Obama came in as first businessman, of sorts #ogi
8:55 am storyspinner: this is a really neat keynote here at #ogi, Tim’s highlighting innovators both gov and nongov
8:55 am cheeky_geeky: At #OGI @timoreilly says that the “hackers of open govt” have an easier time now that Obama “the entrepreneur” took over “the company.”
8:55 am bucchere: I love the way Tim O’Reilly uses the term “hacker” in a completely positive sense. #OGI-141
8:55 am mixtmedia: RT @moehlert: #ogi O’Reilly – Obama as leader of “takeover of world’s largest company”
8:55 am edatpost: Gov 2.0 Summit week ends w/ my wedding… xcellent xcuse to attend and avoid the office tha tweek! #ogi
8:55 am Joi: It was @carlmalamud right? RT @debbieweil: Hacker created initial EDGAR online for SEC; then donated to U.S. gov’t @timoreilly #ogi
8:55 am AndrewPWilson: Don’t forget that Tim O’Reilly is on twitter @timoreilly #ogi
8:55 am webtechman: rt @atweber Gov’t as a Platform @timoreilly #OGI Look at edges of tech, watch alpha geeks, Web2.0-web as platform
8:55 am atweber: Gov’t as a Platform @timoreilly #ogi GovTrack and opencogress mentioned but not THOMAS.gov, that needs to change. #gov20
8:55 am Whitneyuevans: I like how #ogi is getting spam posts mow that they are trending on Twitter…,
8:55 am kpkfusion: Would citizens see more gov data portals as important in their lives? Or better listening? #ogi
8:55 am omowizard: @cdorobek One of my favorite quotes (from your #ogi blog notes): “The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet”- William Gibson
8:56 am moehlert: RT @dslunceford: Hey #ogi , thought you were going to move slide screens to side, Twitter to middle?
8:56 am corbett3000: RT @mixtmedia: RT @moehlert: #ogi O’Reilly – Obama as leader of “takeover of world’s largest company”
8:56 am mixtmedia: #gov20 = government as a platform says @timoreilly #ogi
8:56 am wvmikep: Listening to @timoreilly at #ogi. A few good slides in a bloody hail of bullets. #ppt
8:56 am dslunceford: Our government is always a platform for collective action – @timoreilly #ogi
8:56 am GovTwit: Our government is always a platform for collective action – @timoreilly #ogi
8:56 am AndrewPWilson: Anyone seen @levyj413? Haven’t heard a peep from him yet. #ogi
8:56 am pahlkadot: @dslunceford OGI organizers tweeted earlier that they couldn’t switch the screens and an apology
8:56 am PhoenixRachel: @dslunceford ogi said it wasn’t possible to switch screens on the fly #ogi
8:56 am sporing: RT @AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Web 2.0 key concept – services, performance get better the more that people use them #ogi
8:56 am trinitamurtimas: can anybody tell me something or anything about #ogi ?
8:56 am mixtmedia: Government as platform for collective action is not a new idea… this is what our country is founded upon #ogi #gov20
8:56 am justgrimes: O’reilly plugging the upcoming gov2.0 summit #ogi ; talks about government as a platform
8:57 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: Government always a platform for collective action, balance of rights of individual, state, Federal, “Hang together”
8:57 am AndrewPWilson: RT @dslunceford: Our government is always a platform for collective action – @timoreilly #ogi
8:57 am medmike: Our government has always been a platform for collective action @timoreilly #ogi #regsgov
8:57 am bschlenker: @moehlert Just wondering what #ogi is since some lady named Hardcore_69 is tweeting about it and in the search stream π
8:57 am ukr50: Alpha Geeks are really the learners. They are the ones that are fastest and best equipped for the new world #OGI O’Reilly
8:57 am atweber: Gov’t as a Platform @timoreilly #OGI “our gov’t has always been a platform for collective action” gov20
8:57 am debbieweil: Government itself is a platform for how we make our decisions @timoreilly #ogi
8:57 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: heart of #gov20 is govt as platform #ogi
8:57 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly -great success stories in computing are always around a platform. #gov20 follows suit. #ogi
8:57 am moehlert: RT @dslunceford: Our government is always a platform for collective action – @timoreilly #ogi
8:57 am webtechman: rt @cdorobek Continuing to post my #ogi notes here: http://bit.ly/gSuJx
8:57 am dlblack: Tim O’reilly: government as a platform for collective action #ogi #gov20 How do we best work together?
8:57 am bryanwklein: I am here to meet with IT leaders in other US Agencies who deal with Science/Technology/Law Enforcement and Counterterrorism. #OGI plz DM me
8:57 am tellenger: Government as a platform (GaaP?) says Tim O’reilly #ogi
8:57 am sinkyraj: #ogi Chicago Cubs Iphone 3g Case Cover 2 Sided Snap on Cover-$11.49 http://bit.ly/ZmD6P
8:57 am lovisatalk: RT @AndrewPWilson: RT @dslunceford: Our government is always a platform for collective action – @timoreilly #ogi
8:57 am cheeky_geeky: @dslunceford A-ha, so people who use laptops at #OGI are correleated with people who also use LINUX. Makes sense!
8:57 am lovisatalk: RT @mixtmedia: Government as platform for collective action is not a new idea… this is what our country is founded upon #ogi #gov20
8:57 am OGIConference: @pahlkadot @dslunceford Yes: center screen is controlled up front; side screens controlled in back… π #ogi
8:57 am FlexPlexico: @timoreilly – Gov 2.0 Summit in DC September 8-10 #OGI
8:57 am You2Gov: Tim O’Reilly: “Our Government has always been a platform for collective action” Slide #ogi Tim brings founding fathers into #Gov20 convo.
8:57 am pbrantner: @moehlert @dslunceford moving screens can’t be done on the fly…was announced earlier. #ogi
8:57 am salemonz: O’Reilly: stakes now are high. Great challenges are here for our coutry. Tools should help us with collective action #ogi
8:57 am skyemarthaler: Ben Franklin an old school leader in collective action. #ogi
8:57 am larrydillard: tin o’reilly channeling Ben Franklin #ogi
8:58 am pahlkadot: #ogi Chopra talked about Spirit of Commonwealth. O?Reilly quotes Franklin: We must all hang together or we will assuredly hang separately.
8:58 am PapaGus: Why is #ogi trending? That’s my name, don’t abuse it. #lameclaimstofame
8:58 am gov2events: #ogi Chopra talked about Spirit of Commonwealth. O?Reilly quotes Franklin: We must all hang together or we will assuredly hang separately.
8:58 am iweeknick: Tim O’Reilly: Citizens and government “need to get better at collective action.” #ogi
8:58 am AndrewPWilson: Adding to @timoreilly comment abount things getting better the more they are used by saying more collab will make things better too. #ogi
8:58 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – we needto get better at collective action. #gov20 #ogi
8:58 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: need to be better at collective action, not “vending machine”, hands-off government, reverse gov’t spending growth
8:58 am mixtmedia: Vending Machine Gov’t: pay your taxes…yield = roads, schools, etc. #ogi
8:58 am moon: RT @ukr50 Alpha Geeks are really the learners. They are the ones that are fastest and best equipped for the new world #OGI O’Reilly
8:58 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: to achieve #gplat, govt need to better at collective action #ogi
8:58 am GEOpdx: @pbrantner good point. If any new person listens in for a bit that’s good too. #ogi
8:58 am webtechman: rt @mixtmedia Network as a platform: software as service, databases improve with use, harness collective intelligence, data=advntg #ogi #SOA
8:58 am robpierson: Govt has always been platform for collective action – @timoreilly We must all hang together or assuredly all hang separately -BFranklin #ogi
8:58 am lgmelcher: @thetylerhayes don’t you wish you were at #OGI today? I do!
8:59 am lostonroute66: O”Reilly: President Obama ran the best startup in recent years and took over the largest company in the world. #ogi
8:59 am debbieweil: So cool to be RTed by @joi … @carlmalamud was hacker who created initial EDGAR online for SEC; then donated to U.S. gov’t @timoreilly #ogi
8:59 am gov2events: #ogi O’Reilly: Use this technology moment to rethink what we mean as government as a platform. Our leader (obama) is giving us clues.
8:59 am AndrewPWilson: Curious to know how many people are getting 1st exposure to Twitter and how many will now being using it? #ogi
8:59 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: use Obama organizing platform as an example, creating own events, self-service, work together on common goals
8:59 am AndrewPWilson: RT @BevUSA: government is always a platform for collective action. O’Reilly #ogi
8:59 am csukach: Finally glanced around room–place is packed–ppl standing along walls, in doorways. To think we’re all here to better gov’t. Exciting! #ogi
8:59 am salemonz: O’Reilly: we usually have a vending machine view of government. Pay get candy. We need to rethink how gov’t exists among its citizenry #ogi
9:00 am mpedson: RT @NoelDickover: @timoreilly -great success stories in computing are always around a platform. #gov20 follows suit. #ogi #si20
9:00 am moehlert: RT @pahlkadot: #ogi O?Reilly quotes Franklin: We must all hang together or we will assuredly hang separately. Almost like they know history
9:00 am Whitneyuevans: Agencies and congress unwilling to give up turf. Govt will only cut expenses if they abs have to. #ogi
9:00 am bslarkin: Scary. RT @amusliner #ogi oreilly: govt as a platform
9:00 am PapaGus: #ogi is just a nick, but surprised to see it trending cuz of O’Reilly. #lameclaimtofame
9:00 am fflow: #ogi eh dia d trabaliar rs
9:00 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly: old govt thought was vending machine -pay govt tax, get services. New idea is self-service, community organizing. #OGI
9:00 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: removing the intermediaries, eg. craigslist, fundamental power of self-service
9:00 am PoliticiansTV: RT @ukr50 @Chopra Widespread adoption of Smartgrid is really 5-6 years away. Smart metering is a year away.#OGI
9:00 am mixtmedia: @timoreilly using @craignewmark’s Top Sites on Internet slide from 2005: shows # employees: thousands for all sites..18 for Craigslist #ogi
9:00 am debbieweil: Shows slide from 2005 when Craigslist had 18 employees – ! but still ranked right behind Yahoo, etc. for traffic @timoreilly #ogi
9:01 am salemonz: O’Rielly: Craigslist is number 7 site on web…has 18 employees. #ogi
9:01 am tjohns06: #gov20 unleashes power of self-service #ogi
9:01 am govwiki: @timoreilly – we needto get better at collective action. #gov20 #ogi http://bit.ly/hijCH
9:01 am ifafafa: Tiring Tuesday… HmmmMMmmm… #ogi wooogeyy wooogeyy pookeyy – π Wacha guys up to rite now?
9:01 am OceanQueen77: It’s wonderful moment to me! Watching a movie with my > http://tr.im/sQ8r > #ogi #Australiawantsjonas Starbucks Swine Flu Rain iPhone qqq
9:01 am rockstarin86: RT @gov2events #ogi O’Reilly: Use this technology moment to rethink what we mean as government as a platform. Our leader (obama) is (cont?
9:01 am dlblack: The power of self-service: craiglist had 18 employees in 2005. #ogi #gov20
9:01 am krazykriz: @cnewmark congratulations on running a lean operation! (via @timoreilly at #ogi) by leveraging the energy and interest of the masses
9:01 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly “self-service trchnology platform” that allows us to organize is the key to #opengov #gov20 #ogi
9:01 am web20blog: The power of self service platforms for colective action. @timoreilly #ogi #gov20
9:01 am AndrewPWilson: RT @debbieweil: slide from 2005 when Craigslist had 18 employees – ! but still ranked right behind Yahoo, etc. for traffic @timoreilly #ogi
9:01 am marydavie: O’Reilly: Mybarackobama.com is an example of a self service organizing platform #ogi
9:01 am medmike: An immediate platform for collective action: @regulationsgov ? #ogi #gov20
9:01 am cheeky_geeky: I remember when my dad had an IBM PC in his office just like the original model @timoreilly is showing at #OGI.
9:01 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: what can gov’t do – embrace open stds, e.g. IBM PC published specs for hardware, explosive growth
9:01 am You2Gov: Tim O’Reilly : Barack Obama’s campaign was a self organizing org just like Craigslist is. @craignewmark Tim poked you in #ogi speech. π
9:01 am thiagoluna: #ogi todo mundo é alguém no meu msn. tem de Tina Tuner a Janis Joplin.
9:01 am csukach: @timoreilly gov’t should embrace open standards. It’s how IBM got their start…#ogi
9:02 am svenburg: RT @AndrewPWilson: RT @BevUSA: government is always a platform for collective action. O’Reilly #ogi
9:02 am kmorr: @timoreilly: Ben Franklin was pioneer in organizing collective action with matching grants, volunteer fire protection #ogi
9:02 am moehlert: #ogi original market prediction for sales of IBM PCs was 241,000 (O’Reilly)
9:02 am salemonz: O’Reilly: open standards let IBM win the market. Everyone could build. Created mega corps like Dell and Microsoft b/c of open standards #ogi
9:02 am dfletcher: RT @BevUSA the future is here. it’s just not evenly distributed yet. #ogi
9:02 am debbieweil: RT @BevUSA: government is always a platform for collective action. via @AndrewPWilson @timoreilly #ogi
9:02 am gov2events: RT @salemonz: O’Reilly: we have had a vending machine view of govt. Pay get candy. Need to rethink how gov’t exists among its citizenry #ogi
9:03 am salemonz: O’Reilly: openness let IBM go from thinking they would sell thousands to selling billions. #ogi
9:03 am georgethomas: OReilly: #ogi unsustainable Gov spending increases needs shift from vending machine model to open std #gplat
9:03 am mpedson: Following the Open Government & Innovations conference tweets via #ogi (conference home: http://tinyurl.com/ch63my) ++ Lessons for #si20
9:03 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: Power of self-service platforms: Craigslist in top ten sites with only 18 employees in 2005 #ogi
9:03 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: “Future of the Internet” – generativity is term for this exponential growth,
9:03 am GovTwit: Genearative Systems bring about unanticipated change through audience contributions – @timoreilly #ogi
9:03 am dslunceford: Genearative Systems bring about unanticipated change through audience contributions – @timoreilly #ogi
9:03 am mixtmedia: Open Gov will yield an explosion of new services…. many of which we can’t yet imagine #ogi
9:03 am salemonz: O’Reilly: open standards in government will create explosion in services #ogi
9:03 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly “open standards are critical to allow innovation in services” #ogi #gov20
9:03 am krazykriz: Generativity = capacity of systems to produce unanticipated change (via @timoreilly at #ogi) #web20 provides the speed to get to change fast
9:03 am GEOpdx: RT @BertDecker: “If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.” Proverbs 21:13 #ogi
9:04 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: open health records, data, spectrum
9:04 am You2Gov: Tim O’Reilly at #ogi – Open Spectrum is model to follow with Open Software. Just like mobile needs openness, so does Government Contracting.
9:04 am moehlert: #ogi Again, I wrestle w/ how DOD can engage as fully as rest of govt. with dynamics like open standards. Must..Think..Harder..
9:04 am AndrewPWilson: O”Reilly: Policy areas where open standards apply: EHR, open gov data. open spectrum, open software (code) #ogi
9:04 am skyemarthaler: Open goverent will create an explosion of new initiatives / gov apps. Tim O’Reilly #ogi
9:04 am bryanwklein: Open Source project from NIST http://fire.nist.gov/fds Great success for last 3 years. #OGI
9:04 am sporing: RT @BevUSA: government is always a platform for collective action. O’Reilly #ogi
9:04 am jamespizon: @ Starbucks 4 their gourmet water but #AustrailiaWantsJonas 2 bring back Midnight Oil & rub on cops immune 2 Swine Flu, u down w/ #ogi ? #fb
9:04 am thiago_hbm: #ogi vuo tirar a tarde p dezcançar!
9:04 am csukach: @timoreilly open gov’t means open data, which should include open source code #ogi
9:04 am smiltenberger: opening data and code as part of open government initiative, of course — and what about open culture? #ogi
9:04 am Tweetiecast: @RevRunWisdom But aren’t you in a reality TV show already? π Ours is different because we’re casting it on Twitter with a US$1m prize #ogi
9:04 am JaykLover22: what the hekk is #ogi ?
9:04 am salemonz: O’Reilly: gov’t needs to embrace open standards. Cloud to cloud. Prevent vendor lockin. Policies. Good directions #ogi
9:04 am marydavie: Shout out to @caseycoleman from @timoreilly on work on cloud computing – interoperability & portability #ogi
9:04 am moehlert: #ogi “infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS) RFP from GSA (O’Reilly)
9:05 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: Embrace open standards. Openness is key to innovation. #ogi #opengov
9:05 am cheeky_geeky: Mad props to GSA CIO @caseycoleman from @timoreilly at #OGI. #whuffie
9:05 am rdamashek: #ogi How about an open semantics initiative to tap into power of collective intelligence to help create the semantic foundaiton for web
9:05 am z_rose: RT @moehlert @omowizard @medmike Data is the source of competetive advantage, not software #timoreilly #ogi
9:05 am cdorobek: #ogi from @timoreilly : @caseycoleman really gets this (cloud) – put that in your bio casey!
9:05 am ludozone: Chopra and @timoreilly agree: open standards in government will create explosion in services #ogi
9:05 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – govt should ask that all gov created software be delivered as #opensource #gov20 #ogi
9:05 am Sophieeeeee_x: what is #ogi?
9:05 am dslunceford: Tim O’Reilly at #ogi “@caseycoleman really gets this…” Props to GSA….. #gov20
9:05 am GovTwit: Tim O’Reilly at #ogi “@caseycoleman really gets this…” Props to GSA….. #gov20
9:05 am lostonroute66: Open Government & Innovations conference http://bit.ly/wquPf RT @trinitamurtimas: can anybody tell me something or anything about #ogi ?
9:05 am mixtmedia: Build a simple system… let it evolve. #ogi #gov20
9:05 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly: You can’t build a complex system from scratch. You have to start simple first. #OGI
9:05 am salemonz: O’Reilly: gov’t should not specify complex system. It won’t work. Start simple. They outperform complex systems. #ogi
9:05 am gov2events: #ogi O’Reilly sharing Casey Coleman’s spec for Infrastructure as a Platform. Great list of requirements on openness, integration, etc
9:05 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly giving great props to GSA’s @caseycoleman and her understanding & promotion of cloud computing #ogi
9:05 am omowizard: @AndrewPWilson I’m watching this from Oz. It’s after midnight, but I want 2 hear what O’Reilly has 2 say – Tweet faster! #ogi
9:05 am shorepoints: Following a great conversation on Social Media @#ogi
9:05 am csukach: @timoreilly build a simple system & let it evolve. It doesn’t really work in reverse #ogi
9:05 am AndrewPWilson: RT @mixtmedia: Build a simple system… let it evolve. #ogi #gov20
9:06 am medmike: Simple systems outperform complex systems @timoreilly #ogi – just like twitter!
9:06 am tellenger: Build a simple system. Let it evolve. @timoreilly #ogi
9:06 am dslunceford: RT @NoelDickover: @timoreilly – govt should ask that all gov created software be delivered as #opensource #gov20 #ogi
9:06 am GovTwit: RT @NoelDickover: @timoreilly – govt should ask that all gov created software be delivered as #opensource #gov20 #ogi
9:06 am paolicelli: Chopra, Wennergren, and now Tim O’Reilly on GaaP. Very good speakers at #ogi … Expect an explosion of apps enabled by open Govt data.
9:06 am CrisisCampWest: RT @gov2events: #ogi Chopra talked about Spirit of Commonwealth…Franklin: We must all hang together or we will assuredly hang separately.
9:06 am ludozone: Good tip for gov and industry: Build simple systems – let them evolve (via @timoreilly) #ogi
9:06 am salemonz: O’Reilly: Twitter is good example. Simple system. Then grew #ogi
9:06 am spdconf: @timoreilly build a simple system & let it evolve #ogi
9:06 am larrydillard: complex systems designed from scratch never work. start simple and let it evolve #ogi
9:06 am bigcitydreamssx: @Bryanesayss thats my question too…what is #ogi?
9:06 am gov2events: RT @dslunceford: Tim O’Reilly at #ogi “@caseycoleman really gets this…” Props to GSA….. #gov20
9:06 am wvmikep: “Describe how you prevent vendor lock-in” #ogi answer: Don’t use #Microsoft software
9:06 am lovisatalk: “build simple systems – let it evolve” John Gall #timoreilly #ogi
9:06 am marydavie: O’Reilly “@caseycoleman really gets this stuff” #ogi
9:06 am moehlert: RT @dslunceford: RT @NoelDickover: @timoreilly – govt should ask that all gov created software be delivered as #opensource #gov20 #ogi
9:06 am cherylble: feels like I’m almost at the #ogi conference in DC based on my twitter feed!
9:06 am webtechman: Government 2.0: “..divide it among the many..” ~ Thomas Jefferson http://bit.ly/vDetx #ogi #gov20 Doing more with less.
9:06 am SandySlut: Why are you thinking about #ogi right now?
9:06 am debbieweil: @timoreilly good speaker at #ogi but diff fr CTO Aneesh Chopra: more tech history tech lesson & less vision looking forward #ogi
9:06 am krazykriz: Does it always return to K.I.S.S.? Begin with simple systems (i.e. @Twitter) – “a not so secret sauce” per @timoreilly #ogi
9:06 am chassycat: RT @debbieweil Shows slide from 2005 when Craigslist had 18 employees! but still ranked right behind Yahoo, etc for traffic @timoreilly #ogi
9:06 am AndrewPWilson: @Sophieeeeee_x http://www.opengovinnovations.com/. #ogi #gov20
9:07 am ScottGentzen: RT @BevUSAGovt contracts should requirE contractors make code open source. O’Reilly. #ogi > Yes! Thank you! Security, anyone?
9:07 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – simple systems always outperform complex systems -govt systems should bebuild simply and allowed to grow organicly #gov20 #ogi
9:07 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: power of simplicity as key element of architecture, e.g. Internet Protocol (IP), “hourglass architecture”
9:07 am salemonz: O’Reilly: many simple systems use hourglass architecture. Task to medium through middle narrow (simple) solution #ogi
9:07 am GovTwit: Simple is hard for govt to do – @timoreilly #ogi
9:07 am dslunceford: Simple is hard for govt to do – @timoreilly #ogi
9:07 am kpkfusion: Simplicity of systems is right point! Minimizes sufficient conditions for success. #ogi
9:07 am sinkyraj: #ogi Case Logic 144 Capacity CD Wallet (Blue)-$26.99 http://bit.ly/5QpUz
9:07 am archivesnext: anyone at the Open Government & Innovations conference (tweets via #ogi) (conference home: http://tinyurl.com/ch63my) thx @mpedson
9:07 am lovisatalk: RT @krazykriz: Does it always return to K.I.S.S.? Begin with simple systems (i.e. @Twitter) – “a not so secret sauce” per @timoreilly #ogi
9:07 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: Build simple system. Start with small ideas that have profound long-term effects #ogi
9:08 am moehlert: RT @dslunceford: Simple is hard for govt to do – @timoreilly #ogi
9:08 am cdorobek: Anybody have a link to the GSA FedBizOps re: cloud computing? #ogi #gov20
9:08 am You2Gov: “Simple is one of the hardest things for Government to do” Tim O’Reilly at #ogi Quote of the ages regarding US Gov. #gov20 #kiss
9:08 am AndrewPWilson: Those watching #ogi trending. Website explaining this at: http://www.opengovinnovations.com/about/
9:08 am krazykriz: @timreilly speaking like a Zen master: “Complex problems require simple solutions” #ogi
9:08 am csukach: For those asking, OGI is Open Government Innovations conference #ogi
9:08 am AFCEAHelen: Made it to #ogi finally. Traffic was brutal. 2.5 hour trip.
9:08 am PhoenixRachel: #ogi but shouldn’t we not just fly blindly into this #gov20 thing? Strategy not complex is needed.
9:08 am ajturner: The tech seeps out of @timoreilly speaking to Govt at #ogi. Comparing TCP/IP to Govt Data as simple interventions with generative effects
9:08 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: simple idea, data open by default, complex problems require simple solutions, “Nudge” power of defaults
9:08 am mixtmedia: Complex problems paradoxically require simple solutions. Mobilize power of the market. #ogi
9:08 am FOSSwiki: @timoreilly – govt should ask that all gov created software be delivered as #opensource #gov20 #ogi http://bit.ly/w49yF
9:08 am medmike: There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart. ? Lao Tzu, #opengov has heart #ogi #gov20
9:08 am salemonz: O’Reilly: gov’t data should be open by default. We need simple interventions. They open the power of market to solve problems #ogi
9:08 am shelbylain: #ogi doggie :S
9:08 am CrisisCampWest: RT @AndrewPWilson: Adding to comment RE: things getting better the more they are used by saying more collab will make things better too#ogi
9:08 am sporing: @timoreilly: simple is hard for government to do #ogi
9:08 am webtechman: rt @NoelDickover @timoreilly – govt should ask that all gov created software be delivered as #opensource #gov20 #ogi
9:08 am dslunceford: Cass Sunstein looks like a smiling Elliot Spitzer #ogi
9:08 am paolicelli: RT @BevUSA: Govt contracts should require contractors make code open source. O’Reilly. #ogi
9:08 am omowizard: Pls ask Tim O’Reilly for me – What are the killer disruptive technologies for healthcare IT? #ogi
9:08 am wvmikep: Simple is hard for govt to do – @timoreilly #ogi (via @dslunceford)
9:08 am pahlkadot: #ogi O’Reilly: Opening gov?t data: A small change that has enormous downstream implications for generativity.
9:08 am mundo01: #ogi
9:08 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – complex problems are often solved with simple interventions. #gov20 #ogi
9:09 am gov2events: #ogi O’Reilly: Opening gov?t data: A small change that has enormous downstream implications for generativity.
9:09 am CrisisCampWest: RT @AndrewPWilson: RT @BevUSA: government is always a platform for collective action. O’Reilly #ogi
9:09 am grandpaham: DM-OPEN is simple. Multiple emergency management messaging standards supported by a total of two interface functions. #ogi
9:09 am FlexPlexico: Complex problems paradoxically require simple solutions @timoreilly #ogi
9:09 am Whitneyuevans: Contractors need culture change: you want to work with US GOVT, the US gets to know your public business. #ogi
9:09 am lovisatalk: Problem is we let our security ppl not the business people select our defaults for us! #ogi
9:09 am topperge: If you have an innovative simple system and worry about scale, the smartest people in the world will make it happen look at Twitter #ogi
9:09 am mixtmedia: Concept of setting the right “defaults” — for Flickr, this was open photo commons #ogi
9:09 am CornerAlliance: @timoreilly says complex problems need simple solutions at #ogi. It just needs to be open and attainable.
9:09 am cdorobek: Book recomend from @timoreilly at #ogi: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness http://bit.ly/z5BJB
9:09 am salemonz: O’Reilly: setting the right defaults. Flickr blew away others b/c they defaulted to open photos where others defaulted to private #ogi
9:09 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Flickr exploded b/c how the defaults they established on how sharing would happen – choice of defaults key #ogi
9:09 am georgethomas: OReilly #ogi shoutout to @caseycoleman re: GSA cloud RFI and #gplat works in progress
9:09 am lovisatalk: RT @NoelDickover: @timoreilly – complex problems are often solved with simple interventions. #gov20 #ogi
9:09 am matthewvb: Noticing lots of people from the exec branch at #ogi. Anybody around from the Hill?
9:10 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly: Set the right defaults. My #OGI example is information sharing. Make govt portals open by default, secured only when needed
9:10 am webtechman: rt @cdorobek #ogi from @timoreilly : @caseycoleman really gets this (cloud) – put that in your bio casey! | props to GSA! #cloudcomputing
9:10 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: Flickr made default open to sharing with everyone, design choices using simple choices for openness, cooperation
9:10 am krazykriz: New hashtag :: #kissgov – where is government using simple systems to solve complex challenges? Let’s highlight and replicate! #ogi
9:10 am justgrimes: Oreilly talking about the book, nudge. Talking about how subtle design choices can make a huge influence #ogi
9:10 am GovTwit: Design for cooperation – @timoreilly #ogi
9:10 am dslunceford: Design for cooperation – @timoreilly #ogi
9:10 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: Set the “right” defaults. Ex: Flickr making pix available to public but can be made private #ogi
9:10 am mixtmedia: “Design for cooperation” is a principle that has made Internet, Linux et al so successful and powerful #ogi
9:10 am salemonz: O’Reilly: design for cooperation. Build tools that help people cooperate. #ogi
9:10 am eisnero: At #ogi conference in Washington DC discussing social media monitoring. Kudos to @twentworth12 for grt presentation!
9:10 am mtolbert: RT @cheeky_geeky: At #OGI “hackers of open govt” have an easier time now that Obama “the entrepreneur” took ovr “the company.” – @timoreilly
9:11 am csukach: @timoreilly flickr took off because their default settings were open–you didn’t have to povide e-mail of freinds in order to post pics #ogi
9:11 am pahlkadot: #ogi Design getting some love here from O’Reilly. Default to open, design for cooperation, simple design choices. All power of less.
9:11 am moehlert: #ogi O’Reilly talking about Unix, et al as sources of philosophy regarding openness and collaboration.
9:11 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: example of cooperative, collaborative aspect of Linux, open source, best of breed convergence
9:11 am ArmedwScience: At the Open Government and Innovations Conference listening to @timoreilly keynote address http://opengovinnovations.com #ogi
9:11 am CornerAlliance: @mbyrne00 take a look at #ogi. Serious info from DoD around the same issues as #ogma.
9:11 am ludozone: Book recommended by @timoreilly: Nudge by Cass Sunstein http://bit.ly/9LSa1 #ogi
9:11 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly: standards are a way to coordinate an enormous ecosystem to a common purpose. Design for cooperation #OGI
9:11 am LimorSchafman: #ogi manipulate the world by designing ‘defaults’ into ur systems. choose w/ intention u can change the world &/or earn a heck of a lot $$]
9:11 am marydavie: O’Reilly “design for cooperation” #ogi
9:11 am salemonz: O’Reilly: Linux is simple and have few tools, but redhat has incredible community to pull from. They all work together b/c of few rules #ogi
9:11 am robpierson: Rt @bevgodusa govt contracts should require new code to be open source – @timoreilly #ogi
9:11 am AndrewPWilson: RT @ludozone: Book recommended by @timoreilly: Nudge by Cass Sunstein http://bit.ly/9LSa1 #ogi
9:12 am debbieweil: Linux was result of thousands of developers creating independent projects that worked together @timoreilly #ogi
9:12 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – designing for cooperation should be central to our #gov20 efforts #ogi
9:12 am kpkfusion: @caseycoleman does get it right. Important acknowledgement! #ogi
9:12 am gov2events: #ogi O’Reilly talking about design decisions that make a difference. Default to open. Keep it simple. Design for cooperation.
9:12 am Summer_Campbell: rt @mixtmedia Network as a platform: software as service, databases improve with use, harness collective intelligence, data=advntg #ogi #SOA
9:12 am kiwanja: R/T @lovisatalk “Build simple systems – let them evolve” – John Gall. #timoreilly #ogi
9:12 am MCPONPAO: If you’re interested in the future of social networking and how it could affect the military, follow @flexplexico today from #ogi.
9:12 am csukach: @timoreilly design for collaboration– that’s what our country was founded on #ogi
9:12 am adrianschulte: Bouncy tweet baloons are beginning to make me cry on the inside #ogi
9:12 am rachel_beetwoot: Starbucks #lameclaimstofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection Swine Flu #ogi #indonesiaunite Michael Jackson #Euthanasiadebate
9:12 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: Congressman Culberson is biggest twitter in Congress, divide republics (e.g. federation, tiered accountability) is best
9:12 am GEOpdx: Is Twitter the ultimate self-service platform? Log into discuss, meet, promote, sell, listen, research, engage… #ogi
9:12 am AndrewPWilson: RT @NoelDickover: @timoreilly – designing for cooperation should be central to our #gov20 efforts #ogi
9:13 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: used quote from Jefferson, analogy to federation of DNS, and key to scalability
9:13 am moehlert: #ogi Jefferson Letter to Joseph Cabell – O’Reilly quotes about how TJ favored open government -he also favored a copyright term of 14 YEARS!
9:13 am SixBlue_Data: RT @kiwanja: R/T @lovisatalk “Build simple systems – let them evolve” – John Gall. #timoreilly #ogi
9:13 am Official_Roddy: Elri @fflow: #ogi eh dia d trabaliar rs
9:13 am CrisisCampWest: RT @grandpaham: DM-OPEN is simple. Multiple emergency management messaging standards supported by a total of two interface functions. #ogi
9:14 am medmike: Nudge -small ideas and forcing functions plugged, an awesome book. Donald Norman take note #ogi relevant to organ donation-defaults critical
9:14 am lostonroute66: O’Reilly: Linux is not the work of Linus Torvald, but of all dispersed persons/groups that create an unorganized collective. #ogi
9:14 am skyemarthaler: Thomas Jefferson-fan of open government. #ogi
9:14 am smurf1s: Perco o TT mas não perco a piada! #ogi está um dia frio em SP!
9:14 am POGITYME: Starbucks AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown iranelection lameclaimtofame ogi Swine Flu indonesiaunite BlackBerry What Harry Potter
9:14 am iweeknick: O’Reilly quotes Thomas Jefferson on open, distributed government. #ogi
9:14 am storyspinner: here’s the announcement about the us immigration updates via txt #ogi http://twurl.nl/z2y611
9:14 am Farraaa: #ogi sooo wtf does that mean?
9:15 am McTeags: Open gov can be traced back to Jeffersonian republicanism @timoreilly #ogi
9:15 am You2Gov: rt: @bevusa: open govt will enable explosion of new services. Celebrate those that already happened. #ogi
9:15 am roml: RT O’Reilly: Linux is simple and have few tools, but RH has incredible community to pull from. They all work together b/c of few rules #ogi
9:15 am salemonz: O’Reilly : ip lookup servers were started by gov’t. Delegated distributed system. Even our tech infrastructure is democratic. #ogi
9:15 am pahlkadot: #ogi Is DNS a metaphor for representative democracy or the other way around? Either way, the paradigm works.
9:15 am lovisatalk: RT @lostonroute66: Linux is not the work of Linus Torvald, but of all dispersed persons/groups that create an unorganized collective. #ogi
9:15 am chassycat: Cat loves speaker who says “magic knickers.” Also just giggled when he said, “Here’s a but-and it’s a BIG but!” Also I’m a geek. #ogi.
9:15 am GovTwit: Discussing virtual Alabama http://bit.ly/PXJ9q – @timoreilly #ogi
9:15 am dslunceford: Discussing virtual Alabama http://bit.ly/PXJ9q – @timoreilly #ogi
9:15 am iweeknick: O’Reilly quotes Thomas Jefferson on open, distributed government. Here’s a link to the Jefferson letter quoted: http://is.gd/1Grlj #ogi
9:15 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly on Virtual Alabama ~>YouTube video: Google Earth Enterprise Case Study: Virtual Alabama #ogi
9:16 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: delegation of authority, example – DHS virtual alabama, integrate data across state, no legislation, contribute to use
9:16 am mixtmedia: DHS’ Virtual Alabama: got participation from ~97%. How? If you wanted to use it, you had to contribute your data–built for cooperation #ogi
9:16 am omowizard: RT @gov2events: O’Reilly – design decisions that make a difference: Default 2 open; Keep it simple; Design 4 cooperation #innorx #ogi
9:16 am corbett3000: @timoreilly was talking about their IP address/websites. They’re registered 331 of them! http://twurl.nl/jtx50f #ogi
9:16 am debbieweil: Great trove of quotes on politics, advice for living by @timoreilly http://bit.ly/jSEbL #ogi
9:16 am sweetsue: Interested in government social media? Are you following #ogi? Excellent live tweeting happening now.
9:16 am cdorobek: RT @iweeknick: O’Reilly quotes T Jefferson on open, distrib govt Here’s a link to the Jefferson letter quoted: http://is.gd/1Grlj #ogi
9:16 am NoelDickover: #ogi has put together a terrific line-up of keynotes this morning. Truly great stuff!
9:16 am Pragmatics_Inc: oreilly – Learn from the users who do what you don’t expect – including breaking your rules #ogi
9:16 am GovTwit: Learn from your users, especially ones who do what you don’t expect – @timoreilly #ogi
9:16 am dslunceford: Learn from your users, especially ones who do what you don’t expect – @timoreilly #ogi
9:16 am salemonz: O’Reilly: learn from your users. Especially by those who use thugs in ways you dot expect. #ogi
9:16 am TabathaShade: Contractors need culture change: you want to work with US GOVT, the US gets to know your public business. #ogi
9:16 am You2Gov: Tim O’Reilly at #ogi “Learn from your users, especially the ones who do what you don’t expect” #gov20
9:16 am gov2events: RT @skyemarthaler Thomas Jefferson-fan of open government. #ogi
9:17 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: Learn from users esp those who don’t do what you expect. #ogi
9:17 am Whitneyuevans: If you want to use it, you must contribute. Good, but can turn folks off if programmed in. Sometimes, have no more to say!! #ogi
9:17 am smiltenberger: recommendation from o’reilly at #ogi: learn from your users
9:17 am tjohns06: Good rule: if u want to use it u have to contribute #ogi example from virtual Alabama project
9:17 am sporing: @timoreilly: learn from your users esp the ones who do what you dont expect #ogi
9:17 am shestaylautners: Starbucks #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #lameclaimtofame #ogi Swine Flu #indonesiaunite BlackBerry What Harry Potter
9:17 am ethang: @timoreilly cites Unix as sources of philosophy regarding openness and collaboration at the Open Gov’t Innovations Conf RT @moehlert #ogi
9:17 am cdorobek: Anybody know the link to GSA #cloudcomputing FedBizOps post??? #ogi #opengov
9:17 am sinkyraj: #ogi Broad Bay Cotton Florida Gators Cell Phone Glasses Case-$6.99 http://bit.ly/4tUaOy
9:17 am medmike: Learn from your users, especially the unexpected ones: most mashupson googlemaps. Spawned by hacker. #ogi google hired the hacker–>open API
9:17 am Pragmatics_Inc: Oreilly – original google maps mashup was someone hacking the datastream. Rather than shut him down, google embraced it #ogi
9:18 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: openness in Google Maps was due to a hacker, reverse engineering the API, Google embraced and made it open
9:18 am nextgenweb: Thanks to @mixtmedia @kayawalton @noeldickover @cdorobek @andrewpwilson for great #ogi coverage!
9:18 am lostonroute66: thx for adding to convo RT @iweeknick: O’Reilly: Thomas Jefferson on open, distributed gov. link to Jefferson letter http://is.gd/1Grlj #ogi
9:18 am salemonz: O’Reilly: guy hacked google earth. Showed housing areas on maps. Google didn’t shut him down, they hired him. #ogi
9:18 am mixtmedia: Great 2.0 principle: If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. #ogi
9:18 am csukach: @timoreilly learn frm you users, especially from the ones you don’t expect, i.e. hackers, innovative users #ogi
9:18 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: “hackers” can provide useful insight on things you haven’t thought about #ogi
9:18 am dslunceford: If you are really building a platform, your customers/users will build features before you do… #ogi #gov20
9:18 am GovTwit: If you are really building a platform, your customers/users will build features before you do… #ogi #gov20
9:18 am lovisatalk: RT @mixtmedia: Great 2.0 principle: If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. #ogi
9:18 am stellbee: who’s #ogi anyway? and why is he on the trending topics? ==a
9:18 am lovisatalk: RT @tjohns06: Good rule: if u want to use it u have to contribute #ogi example from virtual Alabama project
9:18 am jasonbirch: #yes! RT @ajturner: @timoreilly speaking to Govt at #ogi. Comparing TCP/IP to Govt Data as simple interventions with generative effects
9:19 am salemonz: O’Reilly: if you are building a platform, your customers will build feature before you do. #ogi
9:19 am iweeknick: O’Reilly mentioned GSA cloudcomputing RFI on FedBizOps. Here’s a link @cdorobek #ogi http://is.gd/1GrxK
9:19 am crowdedfalafel: #ogi is the presentation of government transparency itself transparent? How would we recognize it? http://snipurl.com/nngon
9:19 am debbieweil: Anyone have a link to the Thomas Jefferson quote @timoreilly used? #ogi
9:19 am gregmberry: wishing I was at #ogi – awesome gov people with some great thoughts and ideas
9:19 am municibid: wishing I was at #ogi – awesome gov people with some great thoughts and ideas
9:19 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: Google noticed the customer interest, they will do things first, Sunlight work spurred on Federal IT Dashboard
9:19 am moehlert: RT @GovTwit: If you are really building a platform, your customers/users will build features before you do… #ogi #gov20
9:19 am medmike: Leverage the experts, why reinvent the wheel? (Even if the expert is a hacker!) @timoreilly #ogi
9:19 am mixtmedia: Lower the barriers to experimentation #ogi
9:19 am bucchere: #OGI Conference (@ Washington Convention Center in Washington) http://bit.ly/12b1PA
9:19 am salemonz: O’Reilly: lower barriers to experimentation. Failure is an option everyday. Don’t be scared #ogi
9:19 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – good platforms allow users to build new features before platform owners even think of them. Lower barriers to exp #ogi #gov20
9:20 am stellbee: oh i see . #ogi is the hacker . lol
9:20 am kayawalton: O’Reilly: Lower barriers to experimentation. Let failure be an option. #ogi
9:20 am krazykriz: @timoreilly :: “Google took over the world by being more open” than its competitors. A la Wikinomics, orgs that open up win #ogi
9:20 am atweber: Gov’t as a Platform @timoreilly #OGI 1) embrace open standards, 2) build simple systems, 3) design for cooperation, 4) learn from users, …
9:20 am NoOneSpecia1: eBay: Kids First by Ogi Ressel (Paperback, Illustrated) $0.99 http://tinyurl.com/lckjrm
9:20 am bucchere: I love the way Tim O’Reilly uses the term “hacker” in a completely positive sense. #OGI-141
9:20 am moehlert: #ogi O’Reilly “lower the barriers to experimentation”
9:20 am wvmikep: recommendation from o’reilly at #ogi: learn from your users (via @smiltenberger) All too often, gov thinks it has all the answers
9:20 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: failure is an option in tech every day, Amazon tries new features all the time and pull back if they don’t work
9:20 am csukach: @timoreilly lower barriers to experimentation. (failure should be an option) #ogi
9:20 am sweetsue: RT @nextgenweb Thanks to @mixtmedia @kayawalton @noeldickover @cdorobek @andrewpwilson for great #ogi coverage!
9:20 am marciamarcia: We must all hang together or we will assuredly hang separately -@timoreilly quoting Ben Franklin via @moehlert @pahlkadot #ogi
9:20 am rnaoko: starbucks,@AustraliaWantsJonas,Chris Brown,#iranelection,@lameclaimtofame,#ogi,Swine Flu, #indonesiaunite, Blackberry,What Harry Potter
9:20 am moehlert: RT @krazykriz: @timoreilly: “Google took over world by being more open” than its competitors. A la Wikinomics, orgs that open up win #ogi
9:20 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: We need to lower the barriers to experimentation (and others often say acceptance of failure) #ogi
9:20 am carakeithley: lower the barriers to #gov20 experimentation. Amen! #ogi (via @BevUSA) This is something we definitely need.
9:21 am GovTwit: So much on what you do on the Internet is temporary (think about it that way) #ogi
9:21 am dslunceford: So much on what you do on the Internet is temporary (think about it that way) #ogi
9:21 am ElenaReye028: Ri8 watch “erin andrews peephole video link” here http://cli.gs/tXdD5t #ogi
9:21 am Pragmatics_Inc: Ability to try something first to see if it work, great reason why open gov needs to use Agile development #OGI
9:21 am lovisatalk: RT @krazykriz: @timoreilly :: “Google took over the world by being more open” than its competitors. open up win #ogi
9:21 am medmike: Failure is an option every day: Notice web widgets go away every day. #ogi @timoreilly perl is duct tape of internet–>temporary experiment
9:21 am samgmorrison: ugh i hate all this internet shit on the trending topics. what the fuck is an #ogi?
9:21 am CrisisCampWest: RT @lostonroute66: thx for adding to convo RT @iweeknick: O’Reilly: Thomas Jefferson on open, distributed gov.http://is.gd/1Grlj(expand)#ogi
9:21 am nrocto: RT @timoreilly via @dslunceford Learn from your users, especially ones who do what you don’t expect – #ogi – listening in the stream afar
9:21 am gov2events: #ogi O’Reilly: Lower the barriers to experimentation. Failure can be an option, even necessary.
9:21 am Whitneyuevans: Govt should be better at motivating contractors to come up with something better thru faster mods and eoy awards. #ogi
9:21 am salemonz: O’Reilly: cloud computing does not just sav money, it lowers the barriers to innovation and experimentation. #ogi
9:21 am larrydillard: lower the barriers to experimentation. Failure is not just an option, it’s an imperative #ogi
9:21 am debbieweil: Cloud computing is not about saving $$; it’s about lowering barriers to innovation @timoreilly #ogi
9:21 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: need to lower barriers to experimentation, example of cloud computing, not all about saving money, but enabling agility
9:21 am You2Gov: Tim O’Reilly speaks at #ogi “In Technology World, Failure is an option every day.” vs. “Failure is not an option” -Silos vs Openness. #gov20
9:21 am jrick: Google’s response to 1st Google Map mash-up: Rather than file a law suit or charge people for access, Google hired hacker. –O’Reilly. #ogi
9:21 am kendoll5: #ogi: its a topic cause @adamtube made it http://bit.ly/eRWWv
9:22 am webtechman: RT @medmike Leverage the experts, why reinvent the wheel? (Even if the expert is a hacker!) @timoreilly #ogi
9:22 am svenburg: @timoreilly: cloud computing – it is not only about saving money, it is about lowering the barriers to experimentation & innovation #ogi
9:22 am bucchere: O’Reilly called Perl the duct tape of the internet. #ogi-141
9:22 am ANTHOLOGYCOMS: Be open to failure. Lower the barriers to Experimentation #ogi @timoreilly
9:22 am cdorobek: RT @debbieweil: Cloud computing is not about saving $$; it’s about lowering barriers to innovation @timoreilly #ogi
9:22 am justgrimes: The key word in oreillys Jefferson letter was “competent”, technology/access are not the only barriers for citizen participation #ogi
9:22 am AndrewPWilson: Been to several events now where Cloud Computing is continually stressed as future of Web (& gov Web & services). #ogi
9:22 am lostonroute66: #ogi massively trending. here are the questions being asked. http://bit.ly/4uMHzv
9:22 am mixtmedia: “Lower the barriers to innovation & experimentation”.. (yes, but then need ways to catalyze innovation by changing cultural norms) #ogi
9:22 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly – failure and experimentation is necessary for innovation. We need to lower the innovation barriers for #gov20 to work. #ogi
9:22 am corbett3000: If you’re wondering where to download the app running the twitter screens at #ogi it’s here: http://twurl.nl/f54c4j
9:22 am Lopa4: You need to read this http://ow.ly/hFtP 1234567890 Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #Australiawantsjonas Chris Brown #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry
9:22 am storyspinner: @debbieweil are you here at #ogi too?! we need to meet up after this i’m here π
9:23 am ProfJonathan: RT @SweetSue: Interested in government social media? Are you following #ogi? Excellent live tweeting happening now.
9:23 am jrick: ? for Vivek, since he mentioned Sunlight Foundation: Any response 2 Sunlight’s frustrations in its abortive bid 4 http://recovery.gov? #ogi
9:23 am webtechman: RT @moehlert @GovTwit: If you are really building a platform, your customers/users will build features before you do… #ogi #gov20 #PaaS
9:23 am WeLoveMiley4eve: Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry #indonesiaunite Follow @LizzMartin!
9:23 am moehlert: RT @corbett3000: If you’re wondering where to download the app running the twitter screens at #ogi it’s here: http://twurl.nl/f54c4j
9:23 am larrydillard: cloud computing lowers barriers to experiments #ogi
9:23 am marciamarcia: RT @mixtmedia “Lower the barriers to innovation & experimentation” (then need ways to catalyze innovation by changing cultural norms) #ogi
9:23 am WeLoveMiley4eve: _Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry #indonesiaunite Follow @LizzMartin!
9:23 am lucyparsons4ev: Tim O’Reilly: Thomas Jefferson on open, distributed gov. link to Jefferson letter http://is.gd/1Grlj #ogi (via @lostonroute66)
9:23 am marydavie: Follow @kpkfusion if you want a different perspective #ogi
9:23 am marydavie: What’s wrong with fed acquisition? Simple – We haven’t designed for cooperation. #ogi #gov20 #acq20
9:23 am lovisatalk: RT @corbett3000: If you’re wondering where to download the app running the twitter screens at #ogi it’s here: http://twurl.nl/f54c4j
9:23 am carakeithley: It is difficult to balance the folks who have a “control” instinct with those that want to innovate in government #ogi
9:24 am NewSeanMurphy: Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry #indonesiaunite Follow @LizzMartin!
9:24 am batterista: If you are really building a platform, your customers/users will build features before you do… #ogi #gov20 RT @GovTwit
9:24 am NewSeanMurphy: _Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry #indonesiaunite Follow @LizzMartin!
9:24 am abhijitkadle: RT @moehlert : @timoreilly: “Google took over world by being more open” than its competitors. A la Wikinomics, orgs that open up win #ogi
9:24 am NewSeanMurphy: Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry #indonesiaunite Follow @LizzMartin!
9:24 am salemonz: O’Reilly: amazon website what Washington post did. 17000 pages of PDFs.Used EC2 to translate 17k of pages into searchable text for &100 #ogi
9:24 am AndrewPWilson: RT @marydavie: Follow @kpkfusion if you want a different perspective #ogi (Agree 100% – visionary) #ogi
9:24 am rdamashek: #ogi-1141 O’Reilly: several examples of employee innovation from Amazon EC2, enable this with policy
9:24 am mixtmedia: Build a culture of measurement; if it works, do more; if it doesn’t, stop doing it! We are not so good at this in gov’t… #ogi
9:24 am WeLoveMiley4eve: Starbucks #lameclaimtofame #AustraliaWantsJonas Chris Brown #iranelection #ogi Swine Flu BlackBerry #indonesiaunite Follow @LizzMartin!
9:24 am moehlert: #ogi O’Reilly “Build a culture of measurement” …if it works, do more of it. if it doesn’t work. THEN STOP DOING IT (emphasis added)
9:24 am larrydillard: build a culture of measurement – stop doing what doesn’t work #ogi
9:24 am dslunceford: One of biggest probs in gov is we don’t know how to stop a program when it doesn’t work; culture of measurement starting to take hold #ogi
9:24 am GovTwit: One of biggest probs in gov is we don’t know how to stop a program when it doesn’t work; culture of measurement starting to take hold #ogi
9:24 am web20blog: Build a culture of measurement. If it works do more of it. #ogi #gov20
9:24 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly: Need to build not only a culture of measurement but make it automated, baked-in part of processes #ogi
9:24 am MJMiki121: What the *bleep* is an ogi?Monday night raw couldn’t become a trending topic but OGI CAN?!??
9:24 am medmike: Build a culture of measurement. Government has difficulty stopping failing practices #ogi @timoreilly #gov20
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