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Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 6

July 22, 2009 continued

9:00 am kayawalton: Shea: Acknowledge on-network (twitter etc) and off-network (site, RSS) communications #ogi
9:00 am USMSOffice: Identity Assurance & Privacy Panel: re info sharing- what if info is inaccurate? #ogi
9:01 am dlblack: FEMA use of social media is perfect example of mission first, tools to implement mission second #ogi
9:01 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 Social Media is good platform to counter misinformation and reach distributive public. #ogi #army
9:02 am kayawalton: Joshua Salmons (DIS): individual employees are actually pushing for socmed within orgs. #ogi
9:02 am mixtmedia: Session 3-4 External Collaboration panel starting now #ogi
9:02 am kscheich100: Salmons: “largest advocates for change in organizations are the individual employees” #ogi
9:02 am PhoenixRachel: Those pushing for socmed are of no consequence and rank– salmons #ogi
9:02 am CrisisCampWest: RT @22frets: FEMA has regional Twitter accounts ready to go for communication in case of disaster. John Shea. #ogi
9:03 am GSPMgwu: RT @kayawalton: Joshua Salmons (DIS): individual employees are actually pushing for socmed within orgs. #ogi
9:03 am kayawalton: Salmons: Plug in to what’s there. Don’t reinvent the wheel. #ogi
9:03 am AndrewPWilson: At external collaboration panel – @mixtmedia is here and probably the best person to follow for the panel #ogi
9:03 am kmallwein: Danger of having your session moderator as the guest speaker on previous session means that both audience & spkrs lose time. #ogi
9:03 am tsuder: Trudeau is kicking it off. She is running a little late from the last session #ogi.
9:04 am mixtmedia: Panel 3-4 focusing on challenges & complexities with collaborating beyond and outside your organization…. here we go! #ogi
9:04 am You2Gov: RT @cdorobek: Interested in Open Source for America contest http://www.opensourceforamerica.org/ #ogi
9:04 am csukach: Les Benito, DoD Web: 18-24 audience is not visiting our official sites. Vid posted on YouTube got hits;same vid on official site-nada #ogi
9:05 am MaryAnn_SAG: RT @JIEDDO: DoD Social Media Panel: JIEDDO talks tweets! #OGI http://twitpic.com/b7p1c
9:05 am 22frets: Ok so i really did hear that right! RT @PhoenixRachel: Those pushing for socmed are of no consequence and rank– salmons #ogi
9:05 am moehlert: #ogi OK! I get it. SoMe reachs diff audiences. I NEED operational stories. How is SoMe changing how people r conducting bizness INTERNALLY?
9:05 am paula_thrasher: Doney of ODNI talking about BRIDGE, external collaboration/ crowdsourcing for intelligence community #OGI
9:05 am mixtmedia: There are always more and better outside your organization than inside: how to tap into this tremendous gold mine? #ogi Dan Doney on BRIDGE
9:05 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 best advocates are the individuals on ground. No longer broadcast, need two way continued dialogue. #ogi #army
9:06 am kmallwein: #ogi BRIDGE: reaching tech at the Edge. Structured “crowdsourcing” for the Intel community
9:06 am moehlert: #ogi “The High Cost of Low Trust” http://www.stephencovey.com/blog/?p=13
9:06 am jrick: Detect a pattern? Always more innovators & better ideas outside govt. than inside. –Dan Doney. #ogi
9:06 am NovakKevin: RT @You2Gov: RT @cdorobek: Interested in Open Source for America contest http://www.opensourceforamerica.org/ #ogi
9:06 am shwi: govt media needs to plug into existing social media #ogi
9:06 am mixtmedia: There is a challenging time lag — 2-3 year gap — between what’s possible on open Internet and what’s available in gov’t. #ogi
9:07 am moehlert: @mixtmedia #ogi Gargh! We haven’t figured out how to do it WITHIN my organization! πŸ™‚
9:07 am debbieweil: RT @mixtmedia There is a challenging time lag: 2-3 year gap between what’s possible on open Internet and what’s available in gov’t. #ogi
9:08 am kayawalton: Salmons: Know the difference between trend and platform. Trend is key to strategy, platform will constantly change. #ogi
9:08 am PhoenixRachel: #ogi curious if any one knows how to make meaningful graphics that actually show something instead of being pretty. These slides hurt my …
9:08 am AFCEAHelen: Not feeling very well today, but made it to #OGI.
9:08 am GSPMgwu: Salmons: Even if twitter dies off the microblogging trend it has created will live on. #ogi
9:08 am matthewvb: RT @mixtmedia There is a challenging time lag: 2-3 year gap between what’s possible on open Internet and what’s available in gov’t. #ogi
9:08 am kmallwein: #ogi Dan Doney – BRIDGE addresses Barriers to entry for little guys:Costs for discovery, innovation, accreditation, and implementation
9:08 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 Convos are happening, if we aren’t part of them and encouraging dialogue they will still happen and we have no input. #ogi #army
9:08 am tsuder: Dan Doney talking about BRIDGE Program. #ogi http://mypict.me/cG9e
9:08 am topperge: OpenID is a great technology, I wish the guy representing them was more dynamic and technical #ogi
9:08 am Pragmatics_Inc: Cost of implementing new tools (C&A, 508, compliance etc) is so high that only BIG technologies get pushed through that process. #OGI
9:09 am Pragmatics_Inc: whats the lessons from the Apple App store for government? Low barrier to entry. #OGI
9:09 am 22frets: Salmons: stay focused on trends, don’t get wrapped up in platforms, which will change over time. Trends will stay. #ogi
9:10 am kmallwein: #ogi Dan Doney: how is BRIDGE App Store similar & diff fm iPhone App Store: Same:low barrier to entry stimulates crowdsourcing, marketplace
9:10 am afabbri: ODNI BRIDGE is a “app store” for the intelligence community – Dan Doney #ogi
9:10 am McTeags: Joshua Salmons giving a great overview of social media trends, platforms, processes and goals at DoD #ogi
9:10 am USMSOffice: OpenID Foundation Rep now speaking re:trusted transactions & open systems #ogi http://openid.net/foundation/
9:10 am kmallwein: #ogi Dan Doney: BRIDGE Appstore How different: security, environment complexity need for interoperability, acquisition – try before u buy
9:11 am kayawalton: Salmons: In changing internal culture, leverage existing strategic intent and bridge them to social media tools. #ogi
9:11 am matthewvb: new DoD homepage scheduled for launch 8/15 – focus on “new levels of citizen participation” #ogi
9:11 am GSPMgwu: Salmons: Once again technology is not a replacement of traditional practices, if anything it’s an amplification. #ogi
9:11 am FlexPlexico: @salemonz Don’t create something new when you can plug into what’s already there (eg. social networking sites) #ogi
9:11 am tsuder: Doney-Bridge is like the “App Store” for the Intelligence Community. You can sell apps that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to sell.#ogi
9:11 am dsutch: ID Assurance and Privacy session: D.Thibeau: Those below age 38 have a very different notion of privacy and Ident than those older. #ogi
9:11 am Pragmatics_Inc: Other key theme in App store: connect the customer directly to the app developer. No person in the middle. #OGI
9:11 am AndrewPWilson: Doney stressing importance of providing a platform for people to interact – similar to @timoreilly points yesterday #ogi
9:12 am csukach: My question to #ogi organizers: great conf, but at a tech-esque conf why pull the coffee at 8:30 am? I’m goin’ thru withdrawl here πŸ™‚
9:12 am kayawalton: Salmons: Think of socmed as marketing “substitute products.” #ogi
9:12 am AndrewPWilson: Doney: How fast can you connect with the end users is a real key to success #ogi
9:13 am Pragmatics_Inc: make it possible for tools developed separately to share their API for integrations – encourage integrations #OGI
9:13 am kayawalton: Salmons: 3 traits of socmed initiatives: functional, intuitive ans sexy. #ogi
9:14 am GSPMgwu: Salmons: in order for a social media initiative to be successful it must be functional, intuitive, and sexy. #ogi
9:14 am PRYouReady: From #ogi – internal social media success depends on perceived trust of system and top-down push to use new systems
9:14 am USMSOffice: Open ID Foundation Rep claims age dependency correlation to privacy expectation re:personal identity data #ogi
9:14 am Fedtrepreneur: Still at the Open Government and Innovation Conf in DC. Will summarize in my blog at http://tinyurl.com/lhk8g7. Follow live @ #OGI
9:14 am NoelDickover: Don Thibeau #openid – we all make compromises on privacy for financial or personal gain – ex. -every electronic financial transaction #ogi
9:14 am moehlert: #ogi JIEDDO = Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
9:14 am McTeags: Air Force trains their airmen how to act online in basic training. Approp use of online tools is a people issue, not a tools issue #ogi
9:15 am Pragmatics_Inc: Enable developers/technologies use frameworks to connect to org’s existing tools (Authentication, Securitty, logging, etc) #OGI
9:15 am kayawalton: Salmons: Ignite a socmed revolution: be tenacious. #ogi
9:15 am ahier: RT @AndrewPWilson Doney: How fast can you connect with the end users is a real key to success #ogi
9:15 am dsutch: ID Assurance and Privacy session: D.Thibeau: PII used for authenticating with closed systems is freely available in open systems. #ogi
9:15 am tsuder: Doney- Allows the intelligence community to reach outside the community. They may be unclearable but have value. #ogi
9:15 am D_dot_com: @jrick hey! no, I’m in McLean… I know that there are other #BoozAllen folks there though… I think #ogi
9:16 am AndrewPWilson: Doney: People on the outside are hungry to contribute #ogi
9:16 am tsuder: Link to apply to enter the “bridge world.” http://bit.ly/2ombe #ogi
9:16 am Pragmatics_Inc: From another session: RT @McTeags: Air Force trains their airmen how to act online in basic training. #ogi
9:16 am tjohns06: “people on the outside hungry to contribute to intelligence/national security cause.” (Doney) #ogi
9:16 am moehlert: #ogi So when your boss says she can’t be on Facebook, tell them that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is http://tinyurl.com/l2q26w
9:16 am tjohns06: RT @tsuder: Link to apply to enter the “bridge world.” http://bit.ly/2ombe #ogi
9:17 am AndrewPWilson: Donan: Talking about the Web of trust model as a way to expand a community #ogi
9:18 am larrydillard: listening to talk about DoD’s use of social media. more activity than substance. #ogi
9:18 am moehlert: #ogi Oh yeah, tell them that the CJCS is also on Twitter http://twitter.com/thejointstaff
9:18 am tsuder: Doney – “Web of Trust” model. A person in the world can sponsor a new person…but you are responsible for them.#ogi
9:18 am Pragmatics_Inc: Collaboration sites come to be dominated by the people who participate. When you do thinks like require CAC, you pre-define the group #OGI
9:18 am kmallwein: #ogi Dan Doney: BRIDGE is based on a “web of trust” model to permit outreach and get diversity
9:18 am justgrimes: Public libraries as a bridge to rural areas and under served populations for egov, civic engagement & e-dem; http://bit.ly/18ipst #ogi
9:18 am jrick: Want invite 2 enterprise 2.0 program, BRIDGE? Email Dan Doney, Strategic Enterprise Solutions CTO. @mixtmedia probably has his address. #ogi
9:19 am Pragmatics_Inc: Bridge model is mash-up friendly, perpetual beta, and Agile based. Creates a meritocracy for tools that add value. #OGI
9:19 am PRYouReady: @larrydillard oh, I find it a nice little way to engage. I think he has a point that he’s getting to. #ogi
9:19 am McTeags: Don’t forget the “sexy” factor when changing internal culture. Choosing social media tools that are fun/easy will speed adoption #ogi
9:20 am kmallwein: Dan Doney: BRIDGE – create a mashup ecosystem on the outside so that there is an incentive to work together #ogi
9:20 am AndrewPWilson: RT @Pragmatics_Inc: Bridge model is mash-up friendly, perpetual beta, and Agile based. Creates a meritocracy for tools that add value. #OGI
9:21 am AndrewPWilson: RT @justgrimes: Public libraries as bridge to rural areas & under served populations for civic engagement & e-dem; http://bit.ly/18ipst #ogi
9:21 am kmallwein: To register for BRIDGE http://is.gd/1HEWl after registering send Dan Doney email at george.d.doney explaining who you are. #ogi
9:21 am dsutch: ID Assurance and Privacy session: J.McCartney: We want privacy, we want security, we want convenience — all of this is not possible. #ogi
9:21 am tsuder: Doney – 600 users in world. Of course he wants it to grow. You can register by sending an email to [email protected]. #ogi
9:21 am PRYouReady: @larrydillard whoops, you were right, never mind. #ogi
9:21 am philgrone: Are open DoD social media comments/tweets subject to opsec/security review as prepared witness statements for Hill testimony are? #ogi
9:23 am jrick: Listening to @kpkfusion speak during External Collaboration panel at #ogi.
9:23 am ludozone: http://www.tscp.org uses CertiPath’s identity policy (http://www.certipath.com) to provide secured information sharing to Gov #ogi
9:23 am jack_holt: Identity assurance and privacy# IAP #OGI security, privacy and convenience. 3 factors of the equation. The fundamental exchange.
9:23 am philgrone: JIEDDO emphasizes yes. New comm channels won’t necessarily need new opsec guidelines. #ogi
9:23 am tsuder: @kpkfusion is speaking. Open Government. “How can we enable citizens to make things work better?” #ogi
9:23 am kayawalton: FEMA: Looked at who in org owned info and had those folks own and use socmed tools. (public affairs) #ogi
9:23 am AndrewPWilson: Kobza (@kpkfusion) Mission: Can we enable citizens to help make government work better #ogi
9:24 am FlexPlexico: @salemonz Platforms change (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), so focus on trends which are more stable (social networking) #ogi
9:25 am kayawalton: FEMA: Created a model that is consistent across platforms so ppl can distinguish official info. #ogi
9:25 am armyimcom: Session4-4 new communication tools will not require new handling, proper handling of information still works. #ogi #army
9:25 am AndrewPWilson: Kobza (@kpkfusion) New world view: Value is created when we engage with citizens, consumers, public #ogi
9:25 am jrick: A headline in @kpkfusion’s PPT at #ogi employs a Twitter abbreviation: “What does it mean 2 have ‘a Network Perspective'”?
9:26 am Pragmatics_Inc: The (real personal) social network exists without the tools/ technologies (Facebook, Twitter, whatever) #OGI
9:27 am ALPIRC: Kobza (@kpkfusion) New world view: Value is created when we engage with citizens, consumers, public #ogi (via @AndrewPWilson)
9:27 am socam: Are email addresses PII? Inquiring minds want to know. #OGI
9:27 am AndrewPWilson: Kobza (@kpkfusion) 9X more likely that citizens will act on recommendation from peer vs. gov’t #ogi
9:27 am csukach: Don Thibeau, OpenID Foundation: Free & easy, ie facebook, accounts for rapid adoption. But must balance convenience & privacy #ogi
9:28 am tsuder: @kpkfusion 9 times the probability that citizens will act on a recommendation of a peer versus a message from government. #ogi
9:28 am jack_holt: #IAP #OGI managing the chaos; a public/private collaboration. Is an email address PII? No good answer, now. In collab we find agreement.
9:28 am kayawalton: DIS: Branding is key so ppl can distinguish official Army info from outside sources #ogi
9:28 am CrisisCampWest: RT @AndrewPWilson: Kobza (@kpkfusion) New world view: Value is created when we engage with citizens, consumers, public #ogi
9:29 am NoelDickover: Jim McCartney – the fact that I buy red meat is not PII until insuance company uses it to raise my premium due to high BP risk #ogi #privacy
9:29 am AndrewPWilson: Kobza (@kpkfusion) When considering building citizen networks, there are lots of things to get right in order for them to work #ogi
9:31 am govwiki: Jim McCartney in Identity Assurance – ease of use of standard may be more important than privacy/security #ogi #.. http://bit.ly/3FWSq
9:31 am jrick: Of interest perhaps to #ogi: Jose Vargas (@joseiswriting), WashPost reporter on Internet-politics beat, moving to HuffPo: http://is.gd/1HFB2
9:32 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 JIEDDO guidelines for Soc Media, No classified, Facts and factual analysis by SMEs, Speaking for Organization #ogi #army
9:32 am KristiGrigsby: RT @jhaughwout Come to #OGI Session 3-4 Extern Collab Rm150B: Neighborhood America @kpkfusion speaking: 10 yrs exper in this pub sector area
9:32 am jack_holt: What do you want to be responsible for? User education and choice #IAP #OGI
9:32 am tsuder: tsuderKobza-(@kpkfusion) – How do we create user experience really big deal. Many different ways for different issues.#ogi
9:32 am kayawalton: Salmons: Know what you’re trying to do before jumping into using the tools. #ogi
9:32 am lotusfederal: Better late than never… Made it to the Open Government & Innovations conference day 2. In session on social media in DoD. #OGI
9:34 am kayawalton: Shea: Looking to mass media as a partner in disseminating emergency information. #ogi
9:34 am tsuder: Kobza-(@kpkfusion) Case 1:Discrete Citizen Exchange. We are not doing this enough. We want them to engage and have social fear.#ogi
9:34 am davefauth: RT @mixtmedia: There are always more and better outside your org than inside: how to tap this tremendous gold mine? #ogi Dan Doney on BRIDGE
9:35 am paula_thrasher: @kpkfusion is sharing great ideas about engaging citizens, but I feel like its a bit high level and not to the point. #OGI
9:35 am kayawalton: Shea: Be proactive. Create relationships before crisis so trust-building doesn’t take time during times of emergency. #ogi
9:35 am davefauth: RT @kmallwein: #ogi Dan Doney – BRIDGE talks 2 Barriers 2 entry 4 little guys:Costs 4 discovery, innovation, accreditation, & implementation
9:36 am kayawalton: Shea: Create a platform for ppl to tell their stories. Don’t expect all happy stories. Engage positive & negative feedback. #ogi
9:37 am tsuder: Kobza-(@kpkfusion) – Giving examples of citizens adding comments in different cities and situations such as transportation.#ogi
9:37 am AndrewPWilson: Kobza (@kpkfusion) Discussing different forms of citizen engagement: social collaboration | discrete engagement #ogi
9:38 am kayawalton: Caudill: Govt has come a long way to embrace this movement but still has some ways to go. #ogi
9:38 am agclark: RT @You2Gov: #ogi Listening to @kfpfusion riff on Open Engagement. I agree Kim, many of the “hypotheticals” are already happening here a …
9:38 am Pragmatics_Inc: As I see yet another idea center/social collaboration tool for government, do we have too many already? why not a single platform? #OGI
9:38 am McTeags: FEMA builds trust with local orgs by communicating via Twitter before events. Trust enables faster response in disasters #ogi
9:38 am CrisisCampWest: RT @kayawalton: Shea: Be proactive. Create relationships before crisis so trust-building doesn’t take time during times of emergency. #ogi
9:39 am kayawalton: Caudill: Goal should be govt come to citizens for what they want rather than citizens going to govt. #ogi
9:39 am davefauth: RT @mixtmedia: There is a challenging time lag — 2-3 yr gap — between what’s possible on open Internet and what’s available in gov’t. #ogi
9:39 am 22frets: Shea: Twitter has helped FEMA collaborate with partners in the regions so that coordination during disasters is improved. #ogi
9:40 am csukach: Heather West, Ctr 4 Dem & Tech: Amazon makes suggestions to users who trust, b/c Amazon educated them abt cookies, etc frm the get-go #ogi
9:40 am tsuder: tsuderKobza-(@kpkfusion) – American Express has created an exchange among cardholders. Being released next week.#ogi
9:40 am Lynnstin: Hey you know who has some awesome tweets about #ogi???? – @gspmgwu – genius in fact! Follow away!
9:40 am debbieweil: Key to success RT @McTeags FEMA builds trust w/ local orgs by comm via Twitter b4 events. Trust enables faster response in disasters #ogi
9:40 am kayawalton: Salmons: Flexibility can pave way for innovation. #ogi
9:40 am Pragmatics_Inc: Note for panels: If panelists present 1st , needs to be a limited time to talk/slides, or its not a panel but a series of prezos. #OGI
9:40 am Lynnstin: you know who else has some awesome tweets about #ogi?? – @lynnstin πŸ™‚ annnnd we’re off…
9:41 am CrisisCampWest: RT @kayawalton: Shea: Create a platform for ppl to tell their stories. Don’t expect all happy stories. Engage positive & neg feedback. #ogi
9:41 am jst5150: @LesBenito What metrics does DOD have in place to measure results of use of SM by military units from top to bottom, and what are they? #ogi
9:42 am Lynnstin: Those that pioneered social media are moving on. What’s next on the plate? Web 3.0? Web 4.0?! #ogi
9:42 am GSPMgwu: Thanks, @lynnstin, your tweets are pretty genius as well! #ogi
9:42 am Pragmatics_Inc: Why are we here:? to many govt looks like 1. Govt makes decision. 2. Govt reveals results. 3. Repeat. Lets do better. #OGI
9:42 am tsuder: Dan Muntz, NAPA speaking-Government looks likes like an impossible bureaucracy to most people. #ogi
9:43 am AndrewPWilson: RT @Pragmatics_Inc: Why are we here:? to many govt looks like 1. Gov makes decision. 2. Gov reveals results. 3. Repeat. Lets do better. #OGI
9:43 am batterista: At #ogi – the panel I’m on, Transforming Citizen Engagement w/ Congress, starts at 11:15. Come by, say hi, heckle πŸ™‚
9:43 am Pragmatics_Inc: Great point – for government today, collaboration tools are mainstream, being used. New focus: Do it right. #OGI
9:43 am Lynnstin: Semantic web will allow for video transcription – forget about live tweeting events #ogi uh oh twitter!
9:44 am kayawalton: Salmons: Anticipate end of trends (socmed?) and keep tabs on new trends (semantic web, mobile). Tweak strategy accordingly. #ogi
9:44 am kmallwein: #ogi Dan Munz, NAPA – nearly every fed agency has figured out how to use collab tools – not sure I agree. May be using them but as sideshow
9:45 am AndrewPWilson: RT @Lynnstin: Semantic web will allow for video transcription – forget about live tweeting events #ogi uh oh twitter!
9:45 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 Joint Staff using wikis as a platform for streamlining work and processes. Changing how org shares and collaborates #army #ogi
9:46 am GSPMgwu: Salmons – Cloud computing, personal internet connections, the semantic web are all things to come. How will they change things? #ogi
9:46 am kayawalton: Shea: Smart growth – create culture that anticipates change. #ogi
9:47 am Lynnstin: Crowdsourcing – how does the government engage in this as an authority and a contributor? -Shea #ogi
9:47 am scrappleface: RU < 30yrs? mandated health ins. forces U 2 buy 2 cut overall risk, save $ for ppl 30+. U fund USA #healthcare http://bit.ly/ygvE2 #ogi
9:47 am Pragmatics_Inc: Do our external partners “Speak government”? Probably not. We need to talk in community language #OGI
9:47 am socam: Why are we still filling out paper-based evaluations? Where’s the online/iPhone evaluation/survey app? #OGI
9:48 am tjohns06: What’s the problem? who’s the community? How do we get ACTIONABLE input from them? (Muntz) Imp questions in that order!! #ogi
9:48 am GSPMgwu: RT @Lynnstin Crowdsourcing – how does the government engage in this as an authority and a contributor? -Shea #ogi
9:48 am AndrewPWilson: Munz: Need to understand what “crowds” can & cannot offer when you plan to engage #ogi
9:48 am wmburke: #ogi compare socmed processes: @levyj413 mission, tools, metrics, teach with Dan Munz: problem, community, tools.
9:48 am Phillyberg: Go check out @batterista at #ogi – Transforming Citizen Engagement w/ Congress, starts at 11:15. Come by, say hi, heckle πŸ™‚
9:49 am tsuder: Muntz-What do crowds get when they participate in a forum since they “work for free?” They get recognition, chance to participate.#ogi
9:49 am tjohns06: Need to make a clear value prop to those you want to engage!! (Muntz) #ogi
9:49 am kmallwein: #ogi Dan Munz – build a process not a website
9:49 am Lynnstin: excited to see @lovisatalk speak on a panel at 11:15 in a policy discussion at #ogi!
9:49 am BusinessDotGov: Thanks to everyone at #ogi for your comments on Nancy’s presentation yesterday. Looking forward to hearing more today…
9:49 am kayawalton: Caudill: Information needs to be smarter and the tools that deliver them needs to be smarter, too. #ogi
9:50 am CenDemTech: RT @kmallwein: #ogi Dan Munz – build a process not a website
9:50 am Phillyberg: RT @kmallwein: #ogi Dan Munz – build a process not a website
9:50 am paula_thrasher: Interesting that compared to #E2Conf, #OGI is talking about how to take Gov2.0 & do more and better. Not how to start or ROI
9:50 am leilaboujnane: what do i hear? Mr. Wetheimer talking about TinEye at #ogi? Sweet http://bit.ly/qNWtJ
9:50 am AndrewPWilson: RT @tsuder: Muntz-What do crowds get when they participate in a forum since they “work for free?” recognition, chance to participate.#ogi
9:50 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 DISA is proponent of web 2.0 and yammer (internal style Twitter) #ogi #army
9:50 am LessThanItTakes: via @scrappleface Gov’t Ins forces <30yrs to cut overall risk, save $ for ppl 30+. U fund USA #healthcare http://bit.ly/ygvE2 #ogi #HCR
9:51 am Pragmatics_Inc: How do we move from transparency as an output (box checking) to accountability as an outcome? #OGI
9:51 am moehlert: #ogi DISA social networking site is DEFStar…cute
9:51 am Lynnstin: Social media networks have great platforms – but you have to learn to navigate each individually – can be a challenge for some #ogi
9:52 am NoelDickover: Identity Assurance & Privacy panel has been excellent. I’m especially happy about this as I selected the speakers πŸ™‚ #ogi #privacy
9:52 am Pragmatics_Inc: Crowds can’t lead. Government still needs to lead. #OGI
9:52 am AndrewPWilson: Muntz: Crowds CANNOT provide leadership #ogi
9:52 am davefauth: #ogi Dan Munz – Crowds can’t provide leadership. You can’t delegate leadership. Session 3-4
9:53 am kylemc: RT @Lynnstin: excited to see @lovisatalk speak on a panel at 11:15 in a policy discussion at #ogi! – agreed. Woohoo Thursty Thusday Crew!
9:53 am jrick: Crowds are wise, but not for leadership (via @dan_munz). #ogi
9:54 am AndrewPWilson: RT @Lynnstin: Social media networks have great platforms – but you have to learn to navigate each individually #ogi
9:54 am planetrussell: At #OGI, McCartney: Buying red meat ? Personally Identifiable Info until ins. co. raises my premium due to > BP risk | RT @NoelDickover
9:54 am kmallwein: RT @AndrewPWilson: Muntz: Crowds CANNOT provide leadership #ogi
9:55 am ludozone: Congratulations @kylemc ! You just posted the 4000th tweet to #ogi
9:55 am timoreilly: If you’re interested in following gov 2.0, search on #ogi, the Open Gov Innovation conf where I spoke yesterday. (Today at #oscon)
9:55 am AndrewPWilson: From @dan_munz: when preparing for today’s panel – “Don’t just collaborate more, collaborate smarter” #ogi
9:56 am ALPIRC: RT @Lynnstin Semantic web will allow for video transcription forget about live tweeting events #ogi uh oh twitter! (via @AndrewPWilson) Huh?
9:56 am skyemarthaler: RT Attending Session 4-4 Connecting with Social Media in DoD. #ogi #army
9:56 am Lynnstin: Kyle is so on top of Twitter – RT @ludozone: Congratulations @kylemc ! You just posted the 4000th tweet to #ogi
9:57 am CrisisCampWest: RT @Pragmatics_Inc: How do we move from transparency as an output (box checking) to accountability as an outcome? #OGI
9:57 am SandyAdam: RT @moehlert: #ogi Oh yeah, tell them that the CJCS is also on Twitter http://twitter.com/thejointstaff
9:57 am tsuder: Muntz-Crowds have limitations. Crowds can’t provide leadership. Leaders are still needed! #ogi.
9:57 am skyemarthaler: RT Session 4-4 JIEDDO guidelines for Soc Media, No classified, Facts and factual analysis by SMEs, Speaking for Organization #ogi #army
9:57 am McTeags: John Shea from FEMA says branding is key to letting citizens know what info is official gov communication. #ogi
9:57 am tjohns06: @jrick thank for providing @dan_munz twitter name. All should make that more apparent at beginning of discussion #ogi
9:58 am kylemc: RT @ludozone: Congratulations @kylemc ! You just posted the 4000th tweet to #ogi – thanks glad to see so much tweeting going on!
9:58 am moehlert: #ogi Question just asked: “How do you get around the fact that no one in the organizations trusts anyone?” Um..wow..that’s not a tech issue
9:58 am armyimcom: Session 4-4 Q&A How do we streamline process to get content out into social media beyond PAO? Education and trust are key. #ogi #army
9:58 am skyemarthaler: RT Session 4-4 Jnt Staff using wikis as a platform for streamlining work and processes. Changing how org shares and collaborates #army #ogi
9:59 am moehlert: RT @mfhiatt: Wikis Get Enlisted in Military Experiments http://tinyurl.com/lb2b39 #ogi
10:00 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM: Session 4-4 DISA is proponent of web 2.0 and yammer (internal style Twitter) #ogi #army
10:00 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session 4-4 DISA DEFStar – social media site grow in value by increased usage and membership. #ogi #army
10:00 am xlifegames: #oge-123 Brock Webb shares that in DoD about 80% of people are over 30years old but contribute to only 20% of total social media use #ogi
10:01 am planetrussell: @jrick Yes. Leadership + some analysis + writing = not crowd-optimizable. Distinctive, single voice + PoV often best. #OGI
10:01 am Lynnstin: @SocialMediaComm We’re not there yet – but its in the pipeline from what I can tell from #ogi discussion on tools for open government!
10:01 am ahier: Need to make a clear value prop to those you want to engage!! (Muntz) #ogi (via @tjohns06)
10:02 am moehlert: #ogi DEFStar is based on ning
10:03 am GarciaAJ: RT @timoreilly If you’re interested in following gov 2.0, search on #ogi, the Open Gov Innovation conf where I spoke yesterday
10:03 am Pragmatics_Inc: Ha – Doney: there is a fine line between the wisdom of the crowds and the madness of the mobs #OGI
10:03 am xlifegames: #ogi-123 Brock Webb shares that in DoD about 80% of people are over 30years old but contribute to only 20% of total social media use #ogi
10:03 am pltuveson: RT @timoreilly: If you’re interested in following gov 2.0, search on #ogi, the Open Gov Innovation conf (Today at #oscon)
10:04 am jrick: @tjohns06 Agreed (though, to be sure, @kpkfusion listed his handle on the 1st slide of his PPT). Maybe handles should be #ogi agenda, too.
10:04 am You2Gov: #ogi About to begin my panel session 3-5 with some great Open Congress Leaders. Looking forward to it!
10:05 am Pragmatics_Inc: @dan_munz its ok if the collaboration is messy, as long as the results are good and measurable #OGI
10:05 am wvmikep: Not sure if I want to risk the conference center’s lunch which might have cheese. #ogi
10:06 am RebeccaMT: RT @AndrewPWilsonMuntz: Crowds CANNOT provide leadership #ogi
10:06 am c4lpt: RT: @moehlert: RT @mfhiatt: Wikis Get Enlisted in Military Experiments http://tinyurl.com/lb2b39 #ogi
10:06 am RebeccaMT: RT @AndrewPWilson Muntz: Crowds CANNOT provide leadership #ogi
10:07 am AngelinaMunaret: RT @timoreilly interested in following gov 2.0? search on #ogi, the Open Gov Innovation conf where I spoke yesterday. (Today at #oscon)
10:07 am switzerblog: @friebs: RT @timoreilly: If you’re interested in following gov 2.0, search on #ogi, the Open Gov Innovation conf where I spoke yesterday.
10:08 am Pragmatics_Inc: Open Govt in action – at #OGI mtg and saw tweet from my Senator @MarkWarner that he is in Banking Cmte mtg w/ Fed Chm Bernanke
10:08 am storyspinner: waiting for the opening the future, potentials of social media panel to start here at #ogi
10:09 am kmallwein: RT @moehlert: #ogi DEFStar is based on ning | hopefully they are aware that many DoD info assurance officers won’t permit access to ning
10:09 am tsuder: Good line. RT @Pragmatics_Inc: Ha – Doney: there is a fine line between the wisdom of the crowds and the madness of the mobs #OGI
10:09 am planetrussell: Yes! @dan_munz: leadership can’t be crowdsourced. By analogy, recalls “Wiki novels” – invariably bad. Single, distinctive voice needed. #OGI
10:09 am KathySaenz: RT @KristiGrigsby RT @jhaughwout #OGI Session 3-4 Extern Collab Rm150B: Neighborhood America @kpkfusion speaking 10yrs exper in #gov2.0 COME
10:10 am PearlFlipper: RT @moehlert #ogi … boss says she can’t be on Facebook, tell them the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is http://tinyurl.com/l2q26w
10:10 am dsutch: Waiting for Securing Web 2.0 and SocMedia session. Cynical me is half expecting to hear that we should block it at the firewall! #ogi
10:10 am kayawalton: Up next: Securing Web 2.0 and Social Media Technologies #ogi
10:10 am skyemarthaler: RT@ArmyIMCOM Session 4-4 Q&A How do we streamline process to get content into soc. media beyond PAO? Education and trust are key. #ogi #army
10:11 am Pragmatics_Inc: @kmallwein @moehlert DoD Defstar pilot is NOT based on ning, current pilot is Drupal. @brockwebb will talk more this afternoon #OGI
10:11 am xiana_aretta: Shooting events pics @ #ogi. @wmburke on the next panel – oh boy, oh boy!
10:11 am moehlert: @kmallwein #ogi I hear ya…irony is that DISA is ISP fpr many of those same offices πŸ˜‰
10:12 am justgrimes: I really like @dan_munz thinking “Don’t just collaborate more, collaborate smarter” #ogi
10:13 am moehlert: @nlkilkenny Sure but it has to start with cultural change and real change not superficial…then tech can be force multiplier #ogi
10:15 am moehlert: @helenmosher #ogi Exactly! I want to ask again, who here at #ogi has Chief Culture Officer?! Who is the belly button for change in ur org?
10:15 am AndrewPWilson: Muntz: Citizen engagement can shift accountability to model of millions of small instances happening all the time #ogi
10:15 am justgrimes: We need more ways for citizens to hold people accountable than just “elections and shame” – munz #ogi
10:15 am ALPIRC: Muntz: Citizen engagement can shift accountability to model of millions of small instances happening all the time #ogi (via @AndrewPWilson)
10:16 am moehlert: @kmallwein #ogi Good question and the answer is that it can support lots but then what it really needs is federated search capability…
10:17 am moehlert: @Pragmatics_Inc #ogi Thx! Could’ve sworn I heard someone from the stage say that….
10:17 am washingtronic: RT @BusinessDotGov: 4,000 followers! #ogi Have you signed up for the B.Gov community? http://www.cli.gs/Lm5rh2
10:17 am kmallwein: Attending #ogi session on securing web2.0 and socmed technologies
10:18 am GSPMgwu: Policy Discussion breakout featuring @lovisatalk is starting #ogi
10:19 am planetrussell: @kmallwein @moehlert Understood spkr. at Virtual Worlds conf. to say ppl. at USAF posts using laptop wireless cards to access SocNets. #OGI
10:19 am dankeldsen: @paula_thrasher Govt agencies don’t have the commercial driver for ROI that corporations do. In some ways that’s a good thing #E2Conf #OGI
10:19 am Lynnstin: Policy Discussion – looking at use of social media #ogi
10:19 am lewisshepherd: My wife says it’s no prize πŸ™‚ RT @XNetInfoSys #OGI is another great event going on that I’m not at! Would like to see @lewisshepherd speak.
10:19 am moehlert: @nlkilkenny #ogi 1st answer is hire an Anthropologist! πŸ™‚ Not all together joking…need someone who knows org design / culture change
10:20 am moehlert: #ogi Panel of future of social media – first up – Rob Carey, CIO of the Dept of the Navy
10:21 am armyimcom: Session 4-5 Panelists include #Navy CIO Robert Carey, Mike Nelson -Georgetown, Jim Young-Google Federal. #ogi #army
10:21 am FlexPlexico: DOD CIO, please provide the access and policy that encourages the maximum use of all social networks by ALL servicemembers #ogi
10:21 am kdpaine: #ogi listening to folks from google.navy. georgetown and NDU on potential of socmed
10:22 am Lynnstin: RT @GSPMgwu Policy Discussion breakout featuring @lovisatalk is starting #ogi
10:22 am moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON (Dept of Navy)-harnessing SoMe is right tact. Trying to control SoMe is wrong.
10:23 am kayawalton: When talking about Web 2.0 and security, it’s easy to get distracted from accepting some tools are what they are. #ogi
10:23 am AFCEAHelen: Carey (DON CIO) considers himself late adopter to FB. Stavridis, Mullen, other admirals on FB getting posts out there regularly. #ogi
10:23 am moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON Yes! SoMe does have application beyond PA (nothing against my PA peeps)
10:23 am McTeags: Rob Carey, Navy CIO, wants to harness, not control, social media usage at Navy. #ogi
10:23 am AndrewPWilson: Carey: Social Networking tools are more than a way to get a message out but way to establish relationship & trust #ogi
10:24 am GSPMgwu: In public affairs at DoD it has been important to use the web b/c that’s where their target audience is #ogi
10:24 am armyimcom: Session 4-5 #Navy CIO- harnessing social media is right tack. Work applications beyond pub affairs. Collaborate/ build trust. #army #ogi
10:24 am kayawalton: @govloop love during the #web20 and security session #ogi
10:24 am kdpaine: Robert Carey of the navy makesan excellent point.. value of socmed is in workflow not just messaging #ogi
10:24 am AFCEAHelen: Carey: Social media isn’t just for public affairs. there are collaborative applications, and using them inherently builds trust. #ogi
10:24 am kayawalton: #spacebook love during the #web20 and security session #ogi
10:24 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: Simon Szykman, NIST CIO, showing some social media technologies, including GovLoop. #ogi
10:24 am AndrewPWilson: Carey: Navy lawyers are using an in-house Facebook-type application for communication & collaboration #ogi
10:24 am Lynnstin: DOD opts to use a Bloggers Roundtable – moves away from “more government speak” and instead highlight blogs from a broader audience #ogi
10:25 am sporing: RT @AndrewPWilson: Carey: Social Networking tools are more than a way to get a message out but way to establish relationship & trust #ogi
10:25 am McTeags: Recurring theme of trust as real operational benefits from use of social media tools in open government #ogi
10:25 am US_EUCOM: Listening to Rob Carey, Navy CIO. For record ADM @Stavrdisj posts to Facebook & Twitter himself.#fb #ogi
10:25 am 22frets: Carey: socmed tools are also excellent for building trust and collab WITHIN your organization. #ogi
10:25 am Mark_Quinn: RT @AndrewPWilson: Carey: Social Networking tools are more than a way to get a message out but way to establish relationship & trust #ogi
10:25 am moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON “Been a blogger for about 18 months” How long has YOUR CIO been blogging? And yes, comments are on…
10:26 am moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON
10:26 am AndrewPWilson: Carey: There is groundswell of use of these tools that we cannot ignore #ogi
10:26 am jrick: Seek to harness, rather than control, social media. –Robert Carey. #ogi
10:26 am armyimcom: Session4-5 #Navy CIO-blogging and comments has helped shape what my office does. #ogi #army
10:26 am sporing: Transparency advocate: Fed Web sites have moral obligation http://bit.ly/hV96y ?zone=NGtoday #ogi
10:27 am jrick: For Navy, social media has become a “fundamental communications tool.” –Robert Carey, Navy Chief Information Officer. #ogi
10:27 am skyemarthaler: RT @armyimcom Attending Session 4-5 Opening the Future: The Potentials of Social Media. Where is DoD headed? #ogi #army
10:27 am hmiller23: One of the biggest challenges with open gov is old and outdated policies…listening to the Policy Sess at #ogi to hear what folks are doing
10:27 am amexus: RT @US_EUCOM: Listening to Rob Carey, Navy CIO. For record ADM @Stavrdisj posts to Facebook & Twitter himself.#fb #ogi
10:28 am Beth_Wilson: RT @jrick: Seek to harness, rather than control, social media. –Robert Carey. #ogi
10:28 am moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON Dept of Navy is getting ready to come out with Social Media Roadmap – CIO’s office has already put out guidance
10:28 am sporing: Transparency advocate: Fed Web sites have moral obligation http://tinyurl.com/nuj8kl #ogi
10:28 am skyemarthaler: RT @armyimcom Session 4-5 Panelists include #Navy CIO Robert Carey, Mike Nelson -Georgetown, Jim Young-Google Federal. #ogi #army
10:28 am sailfast2005: Attending the “securing web 2.0” panel at #ogi
10:28 am FlexPlexico: RoxieMerritt: 65% of the 2.6 million servicemembers are digital natives #ogi
10:29 am jrick: @OGIConference #ogi still not trending. Yet…
10:29 am AndrewPWilson: Carey: Talking about speed of real-time communications & the value it holds for organizations #ogi
10:29 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session 4-5 #Navy CIO- harnessing social media is right tack. Work applications beyond pub affairs. Collaborate. #army #ogi
10:30 am moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON “the discussions about what to do with the security layer are happening in real-time and will take SoMe into acct”
10:30 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session4-5 #Navy CIO-blogging and comments has helped shape what my office does. #ogi #army
10:30 am Lynnstin: DoS use of Social Media – unique situation – already had an intimate knowledge of communities and how they relate @lovisatalk #ogi
10:30 am Lynnstin: How do we engage people? – they are already out there talking. Need to go to where they are and building communities. @lovisatalk #ogi
10:31 am planetrussell: USN CIO Carey: There’s a groundswell of use of SoMe that cannot be ignored. Navy seeks to harness, not control/micromanage this. #OGI
10:31 am sanchezjb: Navy CIO: “Web 2.0 & social media have become fundamental communication vehicles for us.” #ogi
10:32 am philgrone: Is there a real difference between email overload and social media overload? When does it become too much to handle? #ogi
10:32 am FlexPlexico: Merritt: 30,000 views on trooptube with an audience over 40 years vs. 90,000 views on youtube with an audience under 24 years #ogi
10:32 am govwiki: RT @moehlert: #ogi Carey/CIO for DON “Been a blogger for about 18 months” How long has YOUR CIO been b.. http://bit.ly/bn2Cu
10:32 am Lynnstin: Can use technology to facilitate public diplomacy and get word out on what it is like to be an American @lovisatalk #ogi
10:32 am kayawalton: With govt sites being constantly attacked, there needs to be a balance between access to info and backend security. #ogi
10:32 am csukach: Michael Nelson, Georgetown Univ: Sharing insights learned frm 1st Internet revolution (1994ish) #ogi
10:33 am Lynnstin: Social media can be used to build mutual understandings amongst different cultures and communities @lovisatalk #ogi
10:33 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: MarkMorrison is injecting some fear into the session. #ogi
10:33 am moehlert: RT @jrick: For Navy, social media has become a “fundamental communications tool.” –Robert Carey, Navy Chief Information Officer. #ogi
10:34 am kmorr: Transforming Citizen Engagement panel with @you2gov @grasshopr @robpierson @wmburke (Open Forum Foundation) #ogi
10:34 am GSPMgwu: RT @Lynnstin: Social media can be used to build mutual understandings amongst different cultures and communities @lovisatalk #ogi
10:34 am CPFKMO: YES! RT @Beth_Wilson RT @jrick: Seek to harness, rather than control, social media. — Robert Carey (DON CIO). #ogi
10:34 am jennedc: In a discussion session on securing Gov 2.0 platforms and social med #ogi
10:34 am PRYouReady: Learning about @Grasshopr at #ogi – new technology yields new engagement with government online.
10:34 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session 4-5 #Navy CIO-There is a bright future for social media in DoD. Discounting it is a step back. #army #ogi
10:35 am Lynnstin: Needed to have a policy in place for people using new technologies – sign up, put stuff out there – need to consider laws @lovisatalk #ogi
10:35 am AndrewPWilson: Nelson: We can see a future where technology really won’t be a challenge for what we want to do #ogi
10:35 am US_EUCOM: Listening to Rob Carey, Navy CIO. For the record, ADM @Stavridisj posts to Facebook & Twitter himself. #fb #ogi #eucom
10:35 am moehlert: @philgrone #ogi Overload occurs when we don’t allow individuals to configure flow so that it makes sense to them..
10:36 am GSPMgwu: Also realized that they need to have a policy in place regarding how these tools are used – @lovisatalk in #ogi panel 1-5
10:36 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: SimonSzykman: need to understand risks and balance with Web 2.0 benefits. #ogi
10:36 am AndrewPWilson: Nelson: Software interoperability issues remain and will continue to be a challenge #ogi
10:36 am Pragmatics_Inc: Because Web2.0 tools are so easy to use, govt uses sometimes before thinking of security issues #OGI
10:36 am csukach: Nelson: users must demand interoperability amongst systems #ogi
10:36 am AndrewPWilson: RT @moehlert: @philgrone #ogi Overload occurs when we don’t allow individuals to configure flow so that it makes sense to them..
10:36 am Tinavhs: Roxie Merrett: if we don’t define ourselves using social media, someone else will. #ogi
10:36 am FutureSchema: RT ArmyIMCOM Session 4-5 #Navy CIO-There is a bright future for social media in DoD. Discounting it is a step back. #army #ogi
10:36 am moehlert: #ogi Michael Nelson /Georgetown University Thinking about Internet 2020.
10:36 am FlexPlexico: You can also follow Open Government and Innovations conference here @us_eucom and @salemonz #ogi
10:36 am pahlkadot: Listening to @lovisatalk talk on social media in the state department. Basic policy boils down to Don’t Be Stupid. +1! #ogi
10:36 am kayawalton: Examples of security risks: identity theft, info integrity, info leakage #ogi
10:37 am planetrussell: At #OGI, @lovisatalk: US Dept. of State’s use of SoMe = unique. They bring a deep knowledge of communities & how they relate via @Lynnstin
10:37 am Beth_Wilson: RT RT @jrick: For Navy, social media has become a “fundamental communications tool.” –Robert Carey, Navy Chief Information Officer. #ogi
10:37 am AndrewPWilson: Nelson: Talking about the very good personal use policy at IBM: http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/guidelines.html #ogi
10:38 am Beth_Wilson: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session 4-5 #Navy CIO-There is a bright future for social media in DoD. Discounting it is a step back. #army #ogi
10:38 am Pragmatics_Inc: Security session raising point that security community, collaboration communities aren’t talking. They should. #OGI
10:38 am McTeags: Michael Nelson mentioned IBMs social media guidelines-they’re good and available online #ogi
10:38 am armyimcom: Session 4-5 Mike Nelson-Provide guidelines and have senior leadership lead the way for social media. #ogi #army
10:38 am jrick: Rebooting America book (collection of essays) recommended by @MikeNelson at #ogi available at http://rebooting.personaldemocracy.com
10:39 am moehlert: #ogi Nelson/G’town recommends ReBooting America http://rebooting.personaldemocracy.com/
10:39 am US_EUCOM: Mr. Carey, Navy CIO, says Social Media is part of our fabric. Not using it will be a step backwards. #ogi #fb
10:39 am xlifegames: I’m in #ogi Session 3-5 Transforming Citizen Engagement w/ Congress; @You2Gov presenting
10:39 am csukach: Nelson: Ppl may want to engage, but are afraid. Providing clear guidelines for interaction will provide reassurance & foster engagement #ogi
10:39 am Lynnstin: How do you balance laws on the books and use of new media tools? #ogi @lovisatalk
10:40 am 2healthguru: #ogi want a policy for social media? See Intel’s (in the don’t be stupid realm” >>http://bit.ly/vwxc0<<
10:40 am amexus: RT @US_EUCOM: Mr. Carey, Navy CIO, says Social Media is part of our fabric. Not using it will be a step backwards. #ogi #fb
10:40 am MCPONPAO: RT @US_EUCOM Mr. Carey, Navy CIO, says Social Media is part of our fabric. Not using it will be a step backwards. #ogi #fb
10:40 am 22frets: RT @jrick: Rebooting America book (collection of essays) rec’d by @MikeNelson at #ogi available at http://rebooting.personaldemocracy.com
10:40 am jrick: Another recommended book from @MikeNelson @ #ogi: The Big Switch, by Nicholas Carr, on cloud computing: http://is.gd/1HJM3
10:41 am Pragmatics_Inc: Morrison: end user doesn’t always recognize when breaking policy to meet mission introduces an immediate threat #OGI
10:41 am topperge: 15 years ago you didn’t need information to pull the trigger, now you don’t pull the trigger without information -DNIRep #paradigmshift #ogi
10:41 am justgrimes: Yaaa! finally I see panelists disagreeing with each other; things are always more interesting and engaging when people conflict #ogi
10:41 am shwi: the big switch by nicholas carr recomended by ogi speaker #ogi
10:41 am tjohns06: listening to and learning form “experts” in the public is more valuable than direct democracy (Pierson) . who are the experts? #ogi
10:41 am GSPMgwu: RT @planetrussell:#OGI, @lovisatalk: US DoS use of SoMe = unique. They bring a deep knowledge of communities & how they relate via @Lynnstin
10:41 am AndrewPWilson: Nelson: It’s not information is power, it’s information SHARING in power #ogi
10:42 am ahier: #ogi want a policy for social media? See Intel’s http://bit.ly/vwxc0 (in the don’t be stupid realm via @2healthguru)
10:42 am Podkeyne: #ogi michael nelson saying people responsible to demand interoperability from vendors. Vendors must deliver. What are they waiting for?
10:42 am signalmag: Track or search on the tag #ogi for some great content being tweeted from the open government and innovations conference.
10:42 am Lynnstin: Dept of State: Bureaucracy management and control – review process?! budget!? – won’t jive as easily with social networks – @lovisatalk #ogi
10:42 am planetrussell: At #OGI, @lovisatalk: DoS using SoMe tech to open new channels for public diplomacy + share experiences of what it’s like to be an American.
10:42 am csukach: Nelson: old mantra–info is pwr; new mantra–info sharing is pwr #ogi
10:42 am FlexPlexico: Don’t complain about social media policy unless you’re willing to change it – http://govsocmed.pbworks.com/ #ogi
10:42 am Tinavhs: Roxie Merritt: if we don’t define ourselves using social media, someone else will #ogi
10:43 am AFCEAHelen: @xlifegames @batterista is on that panel too — how is it? (I’m next door) #ogi
10:43 am kmallwein: #ogi don’t think much of the securing panel. They are laughing at an audience question on how to determine what is insecure
10:44 am mkmackey: @tjohns06 agree that “grass roots” knowledge is worth listening to #ogi
10:44 am Pragmatics_Inc: Willis: If you ask questions you get answers. Cultural challenge in govt to start acting on the dialog #OGI
10:44 am jrick: RT @FlexPlexico Don’t complain about social media policy unless you’re willing to change it: http://govsocmed.pbworks.com #ogi
10:44 am davehaft: RT @TechCrunch PeopleBrowsr Tosses Its Hat In The Twitter/Facebook Desktop Client Ring http://tcrn.ch/7Dm #ogi
10:45 am McTeags: Up to a trillion devices will be connected to the Internet in less than 10 years says Michael Nelson. Everything from phones to pets. #ogi
10:45 am tjohns06: what should avg citizen expectation be for interacting with congress? ? from @noeldickover #ogi
10:45 am dankeldsen: @Pragmatics_Inc What is the “Bridge model” you’re mentioning from #OGI ?
10:46 am eighteyes: RT @topperge: 15 years ago you didn’t need information to pull the trigger, now you don’t pull the trigger without information -DNIRep #ogi
10:46 am kdpaine: #OGI Michael Nelson forecasts ubiquitous broadband in 10 yrs. Tell that to the folks in coos county @tazmann007
10:46 am andrewdwelch: @US_EUCOM RT: Mr. Carey, Navy CIO, says Social Media is part of fabric. Not using it will be a step backwards. #ogi #fb
10:46 am moehlert: #ogi Jim Young/Google “Quite frankly, we at Google don’t know where its going…we just have to be prepared for where it goes”
10:47 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: Good question being asked: who in gov provides security.gov with education, information, risk understanding… #ogi
10:47 am kayawalton: Great question on floor: who in US govt is providing education and assistance for risk mgmt and assessment of socmed? #ogi
10:47 am kmallwein: #ogi – panel is totally missing the point. These folks need help even defining what might be needed
10:47 am sporing: RT @moehlert:#ogi RT @ludwikc RT @wikiangela Freely licensed book about wikis n the workplace by @jamesmatheson: http://WikiWhileYouWork.com
10:47 am jrick: Google’s Jim Young says company informal motto is, We may not know what the future holds, but we’ll be prepared for it. #ogi #google
10:47 am McTeags: Jim Young at Google: “We don’t where the Internet is going. We just know we need to be there.” Need to be able to change on a dime. #ogi
10:48 am AndrewPWilson: Young: Ability to change direction quickly & with agility gives you a tremendous competitive advantage (agree 100%) #ogi
10:48 am csukach: Jim Young, Google: a Google saying: we may not know where we’re going but we’ve gotta be ready to go there #ogi
10:48 am topperge: @kmallwein Thank you! #ogi
10:48 am jrick: Google’s Jim Young says company’s informal motto is, We may not know what the future holds, but we’ll be prepared for it. #ogi #google
10:48 am Pragmatics_Inc: Agree! RT @kayawalton: Great question: who in US govt is providing education and assistance for risk mgmt and assessment of socmed? #ogi
10:48 am planetrussell: Old: Information is power. New: Information SHARING is power. – Via HHS’ @AndrewPWilson #OGI #fb
10:48 am 22frets: Young quotes Gretzky, “don’t skate to where the puck is, skate to where it’s going to be.” love it! #ogi
10:49 am kmallwein: #ogi – Q:who has responsibility in the USG for helping with education and knowledge to do risk management of web2.0 & socmed. A: no one poc
10:49 am csukach: Young: remember that the Internet was created as an experiment, meaning it started w/out standards #ogi
10:50 am AndrewPWilson: Young: Fundamental principle: people want to connect & communicate with one another #ogi
10:50 am McTeags: O3B initiative at Google-providing the Other 3 Billion currently unconnected people w/high speed broadband. #ogi
10:50 am moehlert: #ogi Jim Young/Google Actually, Gretzky quote is a myth: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/36/cdu.html Found that out using Google πŸ˜‰
10:51 am sanchezjb: Google: “We may not know where things r going but we need 2 be prepared 2 go there.” Wayne Gretzky analogy. #ogi
10:51 am csukach: Young: Ppl should have complete portability w/their online identities that’s controlled by the user #ogi
10:51 am armyimcom: Session 4-5 Jim Young – create social identity management for social and virtual worlds. One common identity. #ogi #army
10:52 am lovisatalk: will go into more detail on how we handled specific laws and policies based on what u want to know. Ask at the Q&A up nxt! #ogi
10:52 am AndrewPWilson: Young: Talking about the importance of mobile: Worldwide – most people’s 1st access to Internet in mobile #ogi
10:52 am tjohns06: should drive for more scalable option for interacting DIRECTLY with representatives rather than rationing who should have an opinion #ogi
10:52 am shwi: jim young of google – running out of IP space #ogi
10:53 am planetrussell: AT #OGI, Google’s Young: “We don’t where the Internet is going. [Wherever it is,] we just know we need to be there.”
10:53 am lewisshepherd: @kmallwein Should be Mark Morrison, now of ODNI (again, after chafing at DIA). Smart, understands risk MNGMT not avoidance, hip to 2.0. #ogi
10:53 am csukach: Young: Web 3.0 should=omnipresent communication via stanards & interoperability (think beyond 2-way communication) #ogi
10:53 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: Dan Willis ponted out to Simon Szykman that NIST 800-53 is a HUGE document and may be painful to use. #ogi
10:54 am AFCEAHelen: Jim Young @ Google: It’s not two-way conversation. It’s every-way conversation. #ogi
10:54 am armyimcom: Session4-5 Jim Young Semantic web, all way intermodal communication. #ogi #army
10:54 am Pragmatics_Inc: Szykman sharing security policy. Willis makes great point – the security policy docs are 1000’s of pages – I feel your pain!! #OGI
10:54 am kmallwein: @OpenTeamworks Agree that no one person can do scty but someone/org needs to pull framework together & that’s not even a thought #ogi
10:54 am kayawalton: Security policy framework resources: FISMA 2002, FIPS 199/200, NIST SP800 series. Comes down to assessing, accepting & managing risk #ogi
10:55 am USMSOffice: #ogi Further guidance on gov wide assurance from CIO Council http://www.cio.gov/
10:55 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: Dan Willis: Let’s find other security solutions that are less painful, possibly not from NIST or from sec experts. #ogi
10:55 am danphilpott: @dsutch SP 800-53 is mainly painful to organizations that don’t know how to use it well. Sadly. #ogi
10:56 am Podkeyne: #ogi Jim Young taking about semantic web, all-way omnipresent comm. One requirement=standards based interoperability
10:56 am csukach: Young: when you lower barriers to entry, you encouage collaboration. #ogi
10:56 am armyimcom: Session4-5 Jim Young-social media is lowering the barriers to entry and the trend will continue #ogi #army
10:56 am Pragmatics_Inc: Those 1000-page security policies? FISMA, FIPS 199, 200; NIST SP 800 series. #OGI
10:57 am sanchezjb: @kmallwein. What panel is missing the point? #ogi
10:57 am Pragmatics_Inc: Can you C&A a cloud web2.0 provider (i.e. YouTube). Yes, you can do C&A for systems you don’t own – its all about risk mitigation. #OGI
10:57 am armyimcom: Session4-5 Jim Young – Era of persistent conflict requires an era of persistent communication. #ogi #army
10:58 am shwi: jim young: warn against bit-rot so history is preserved #ogi
10:58 am kdpaine: #ogi jim young frm google makes great point. You can win more hearts and minds with facebook than m16
10:59 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session 4-5 Mike Nelson-Provide guidelines and have senior leadership lead the way for social media. #ogi #army
11:00 am danphilpott: @Pragmatics_Inc 1000s of pages is the wrong metric, it boils down to a few good ideas. #OGI
11:00 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session 4-5 Jim Young – create social identity management for social and virtual worlds. One common identity. #ogi #army
11:01 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session4-5 Jim Young Semantic web, all way intermodal communication. #ogi #army
11:01 am lewisshepherd: skipping #ogi lunch to duck out and meet with some old San Fran friends in town. back to conference for good afternoon sessions & windup
11:01 am csukach: Young: Connection is key; which is better, 1st interaction between 2 ppl via facebook or 1st interaction via the barrel of a gun? #ogi
11:01 am Lynnstin: RT @csukach: Young: when you lower barriers to entry, you encourage collaboration. #ogi
11:01 am AndrewPWilson: Of interest to #ogi folk: New Media Talks for Government http://tr.im/twIS
11:02 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session4-5 Jim Young-social media is lowering the barriers to entry and the trend will continue #ogi #army
11:02 am pahlkadot: @lovisatalk at #ogi: SM policy must be a living document. Must be updated frequently, and try not to call out specific technologies.
11:02 am skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session4-5 Jim Young – Era of persistent conflict requires an era of persistent communication. #ogi #army
11:03 am moehlert: RT @skap5: Love when a good book lands on my desk by surprise. Wired to Care, Dev Patnaik, must read for social innovators. #ogi
11:03 am jrick: RT @AndrewPWilson Of interest to #ogi folk: New Media Talks for Government http://tr.im/twIS
11:03 am Pragmatics_Inc: @danphilpott but fair point I think – 1000s of pages of policy-talk does not directly translate to actionable guidance for agency #OGI
11:04 am wvmikep: At security session at #ogi. The natives are getting restless. A fair amount of tension.
11:04 am Pragmatics_Inc: Great suggestion for the floor. Why don’t we use social media to connect people addressing security issues with social media in govt? #OGI
11:05 am dsutch: Securing Web 2.0: It comes down to assessing, accepting and managing risk. #ogi
11:06 am jrick: Study finds that Internet users are depressed. The catch: All the users live in Pittsburgh. #ogi
11:06 am LDinSTL_Chimera: @moehlert What is #ogi ? Google refuses to tell me. πŸ™‚
11:07 am Pragmatics_Inc: Tension in the #OGI security panel. Panel is saying “Here are the security tools you need”, audience saying “so what. still not helping.”
11:07 am Lynnstin: @kylemc wonders how you find a middle ground between reaching individuals in field offices and implementing universal policy of SoMe #ogi
11:07 am Podkeyne: #ogi funny mishearing of Michael Young -what we need is a cyber toothed tiger. I really like that one
11:07 am AndrewPWilson: Nelson: Proposing that using these tools will impact world view (perhaps not more tolerance but more awareness) #ogi
11:08 am kayawalton: Feedback on the floor: Need space to share experiences, feedback & concerns – Isn’t that the idea behind @govloop? #ogi
11:08 am danphilpott: @Pragmatics_Inc Security and Social Media? Can I point out I run FISMApedia.org? #OGI
11:09 am Pragmatics_Inc: @danphilpott fair enough. issue is content not size. issue of feeling like large policy docs = burocractic muck #OGI
11:09 am moehlert: @hybrid_kris Thinking of u man. RT @jrick: Study finds that Internet users are depressed. The catch: All the users live in Pittsburgh. #ogi
11:10 am Lynnstin: A hybrid between the policy from the top in collaboration w what works in field offices to determine what works best @lovisatalk #ogi …
11:10 am Pragmatics_Inc: Great share! RT @danphilpott: @Pragmatics_Inc Security and Social Media? Can I point out I run FISMApedia.org? #OGI
11:10 am moehlert: RT @Pragmatics_Inc: Tension in the #OGI security panel. Panel saying “Here are sec tools u need”, audience is “so what. still not helping.”
11:10 am kev097: “15 yrs ago you didn’t need information to pull the trigger, now you wouldn’t pull a trigger w/o it.” -Mark Morrison, ODNI #ogi
11:10 am Lynnstin: …especially need to look at field offices because field level is where majority of diplomacy happens @lovisatalk #ogi
11:11 am DanielPSullivan: Now that’s funny. RT @jrick: Study finds that Internet users are depressed. The catch: All the users live in Pittsburgh. #ogi
11:11 am planetrussell: @lewisshepherd LoL… We just think #OGI needs more plaid. http://www.twitpic.com/6i3jl #RoyalStewart #tartan
11:12 am armyimcom: Session 4-5 #Navy CIO these tools are a conduit that allow for communication from the front and are important for morale. #ogi #army
11:14 am thisisjohnny: RT @jrick: Study finds that Internet users are depressed. The catch: All the users live in Pittsburgh. #ogi
11:14 am Pragmatics_Inc: Great point from floor: We need real time tools not static documents for managing security. Cross-agency wikis, chat #OGI
11:16 am marksenk: RT @jrick Study finds that Internet users are depressed. The catch: All the users live in Pittsburgh. #ogi
11:17 am Pragmatics_Inc: from floor at sec panel: Where are the standards? We have too many silos already. #OGI
11:17 am justgrimes: Panelists on session 3-5 mention upcoming unconference — Citizen Engagement BarCamp (around Sept 11-12) #ogi
11:18 am AndrewPWilson: RT @justgrimes: Panelists on session 3-5 mention upcoming unconference — Citizen Engagement BarCamp (around Sept 11-12) #ogi
11:27 am debbieweil: @wmburke Hoping to meet you at #ogi – so sorry to miss your session
11:30 am fndfl: RT @ALPIRC: Kobza (@kpkfusion) New world view: Value is created when we engage with citizens, consumers, public #ogi (via @AndrewPWilson)
11:30 am richlabelle: RT @ALPIRC: Kobza (@kpkfusion) New world view: Value is created when we engage with citizens, consumers, public #ogi (via @AndrewPWilson)
11:33 am susanreynolds: Retweeting @kdpaine: #ogi jim young frm google makes great point. You can win more hearts and minds with facebook than m16
11:34 am wvmikep: If there’s an #ogi ver. 2, I’d like to see more outside the beltway perspective.
11:34 am stereogab: In DC? Come to I <3 Transparency Happy Hour 2mrw night at Bread & Brew w @SunFoundation http://bit.ly/nuY1i (FB link) #ogi
11:49 am govloop: the thunder is about to be brought #ogi
11:50 am planetrussell: Right! @kdpaine @susanreynolds IMHO, Social Media + Statecraft = Soft Power = Smart Power. #OGI
11:51 am govloop: @dan_munz @bienko Pkrazykriz @lovisatalk are all about to bring the thunder #ogi
11:52 am govloop: the arbiters of cool are about to hit the stage #ogi
11:54 am lovisatalk: RT @govloop: @dan_munz @bienko @krazykriz @lovisatalk are all about to bring the thunder #ogi
11:54 am salemonz: @govloop you here Steve? Noice πŸ™‚ #ogi
11:55 am dan_munz: RT @govloop @dan_munz @bienko @krazykriz @lovisatalk are all about to bring the thunder #ogi
11:56 am salemonz: Have a big group of people presenting at the lunch workshop. Not sure who is who #ogi
11:57 am salemonz: Speaker showing that biggest SocMed tool in nongovt use is facebook and wikis. Gov use largest is wikis and rss #ogi
11:57 am govloop: indeed. up front. preparing the thunder #ogi
11:58 am batogato: RT @mixtmedia LOVED Wennergren’s list of 10 things to help w/cultural change in orgs. #ogi // find all 10 on her tweetstream
11:58 am murpg: @wvmikep I agree mike might be interesting to link people outside the beltway via live streaming, more town meetings. #OGI
11:58 am rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: highest gov’t use of wikis, non-gov’t facebook with blogs close behind
11:58 am michaeloboyle: #ogi report-federal-pork-win-a-kindle http://twurl.nl/1z72ie
11:59 am rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: highest gov’t use is for feedback responses, non-gov’t for sharing program information
11:59 am salemonz: Speaker says nongovt use of SocMed is education primarily. Gov’t use is for information transmission #ogi
12:00 pm paolicelli: Most popular web 2.0 tool for industry: FB … for Govt: wikis. (IDC survey) #ogi
12:00 pm thegradschool: Adelaide O’Brien of IDCGovernment Insights presenting results of a social media survey. #ogi More info: http://twurl.nl/6f8u3o
12:01 pm rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: encouraging level of use for feedback and citizen contribution, cross-agency collaboration stronger in business
12:01 pm kdpaine: #ogi IDC survey says that Facebook is #1 social media in overall govt. but Feds use Wikis most. mostly for idea contribution
12:01 pm sporing: Gov uses web 2.0 in COOP 12.9% and non-gov 25.7% of the time. #ogi
12:01 pm debbieweil: Anyone know if these IDC survey results are available online?? @OGIConference #ogi
12:01 pm salemonz: Speaker is from IDC. Henceforth IDC #ogi
12:02 pm kdpaine: #ogi great opportunity.. only 13% in government are currently measuring Soc Media! but sad that 87% are not accountable
12:02 pm salemonz: iDC: security is number one concern with gov’t workers #ogi
12:02 pm You2Gov: Thanks! RT @tjohns06: when communicating with congress, citizens expect: 1. response 2. change as a result of their input — @you2gov #ogi
12:02 pm rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: security is #1 concern for gov’t and non-gov’t,
12:02 pm govloop: security is #1 challenge for #gov20 #ogi
12:02 pm sanchezjb: RT mixtmedia: “Open government is really not about Web 2.0 tools & technologies. They are enablers.” Well stated! #ogi
12:03 pm OGIConference: IDG Open Gov survey: ~13% of gov’t respondents measure their use of Web 2.0 @KDPaine @krazykriz have metrics session this afternoon #ogi
12:03 pm BigBobBurns: Would it be frowned upon if I took my spoon and flung a butter ball across the room? #ogi
12:03 pm salemonz: Ah, Adelaide O’Brien from IDC is speaking (pretty name) #ogi
12:03 pm US_EUCOM: Looking forward to meet fellow tweeple face-to-face here at the #OGI conference.
12:03 pm thegradschool: RT @debbieweil: Vid snip of @timoreilly’s keynote at Open Gov Innovation: “Most important idea: gov as platform” http://bit.ly/12JgOD #ogi
12:03 pm salemonz: O’Brien: security is a technology issue in part. Tech is getting better #ogi
12:04 pm debbieweil: IDC survey: Security is far and away biggest concern for gov agencies deploying Web 2.0 #ogi
12:04 pm jrick: Only 14% of govt agencies are measuring the success of their social media?! Measurement–reams of data–is 1 of socmed’s big virtues. #ogi
12:04 pm jsammel: Listening to Young Government Leaders at #ogi conference. Too bad I no longer qualify as young.
12:04 pm kdpaine: #OGI interesting but not surprising that security is #1 concern, not measurement πŸ™‚ in other surveys in corp. world, measurement is #1
12:04 pm GSPMgwu: RT @govloop: security is #1 challenge for #gov20 #ogi
12:05 pm salemonz: Discouraging to see the large gap in SocMed use in gov’t vs nongovt. #ogi
12:05 pm rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: budget and HR constraints are also concerns, industry beginning to use for proposal collaboration
12:05 pm kdpaine: #OGI Non-Government is much bigger participation in open government initiative,than government. — hmmm
12:06 pm rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: nobody aware of Agency “signature” initiatives to use Web 2.0 for co-creating ideas, part of memorandum
12:06 pm govloop: @bigbobburns go ahead and throw it at me when im on stage #ogi
12:06 pm salemonz: O’Brien: survey is on ogi website. Please participate #ogi
12:07 pm thegradschool: For a comprehensive review of security issues facing gov, see White House Cybersecurity Policy Review: http://twurl.nl/q2b5uu #ogi
12:07 pm sanchezjb: IDC: 13% of gov & nongov entities use metrics 2 assess impact of Web 2.0 & social media on biz outcomes. Mayb most signif challenge. #ogi
12:07 pm rdamashek: #ogi O’Brien: encourage measurement of usage and ROI of the initiatives
12:07 pm Lynnstin: @bigbobburns dare you! All systems go! #ogi
12:07 pm debbieweil: Prez Obama has asked each fed agency to each create a “signature” initiative to fulfill his Open Gov directive @opengov @gov20 #ogi
12:08 pm salemonz: O’Brien: gov’t number one way of delivering info was in responding to comments #ogi
12:08 pm kdpaine: #OGI IDC Survey results — most used soc med for program info, recruitment & education. if those are the goals, I wonder how the 13% measure
12:08 pm jrick: Obama has asked each Cabinet agency 2 develop signature use of social media. Like DipNote from State Dept., swine flu widget from CDC? #ogi
12:08 pm kylemc: @BigBobBurns I don’t know about the rest of the room but I would be smiling not frowning if you were to do that #ogi
12:08 pm You2Gov: rt: @thegradschool: Comprehensive review of security issues facing Gov, see WH Cybersecurity Policy Review: http://twurl.nl/q2b5uu #ogi
12:08 pm planetrussell: #OGI @AndrewPWilson @justgrimes – Here’s info on proposed Citizen-Congress Engagement barcamp: http://tr.im/txnl (@wmburke + @NoelDickover)
12:09 pm govloop: i really enjoy surveys of #gov20 check it out – by -IDC and 1105 #ogi
12:09 pm ethang: Obama at #oscon or #ogi ? Nope. But he could learn from Brazil’s President Lula, who spent a day at #FISL last month http://tr.im/txlX
12:09 pm larrydillard: pres O has directed govt agencies to have a signature #web20 initiative. what is Army’s? #ogi
12:09 pm sporing: Gov uses web 2.0 more for feedback whereas private inds uses more for program infomation annoucements & education. #ogi
12:09 pm salemonz: O’Brien: survey response will be published in conf materials #ogi
12:09 pm 2healthguru: RT @thegradschool: 4comprehensive review of Gov’t security issues; see White House Cybersecurity Policy Review: http://twurl.nl/q2b5uu #ogi
12:10 pm AFCEAHelen: The survey #ogi is still going on and needs more responses. This was just a snapshot. Take the survey at http://bit.ly/18E81E #gov20
12:10 pm jrick: Ok, how many of the current panelists will Tweet from the stage? #ogi
12:10 pm sporing: RT @debbieweil: Prez Obama has asked each fed agency to create a “signature” initiative to fulfill Open Gov directive @opengov @gov20 #ogi
12:11 pm peter_went: Elsewhere on Twitter: #ogi – Q:who has responsibility in the USG for helping with education.. http://bit.ly/6UGXn #risk #bank #finance
12:12 pm wvmikep: Unfortunately, 111 from a community of interest isn’t statistically significant or representative of the country. #ogi
12:12 pm rdamashek: #ogi Young Government Leaders (YGL): including Steve Ressler Govloop founder, Andy – encouraged by rapid adoption
12:12 pm salemonz: Panel is inbound. Tanetta Isler, postal service; John Ohab,dod; Malena brookshire, YGL; Andy Krzmarzick, the grad school: Dan Munz,NAPA #ogi
12:12 pm sailfast2005: Anybody have a link to the #ogi survey they just did metrics for? I can’t find it on the site… I may be blind.
12:13 pm debbieweil: IDC’s Adelaide O’Brien quoted in good article about Feds who are twittering http://bit.ly/2Zlczx @IDC #ogi
12:13 pm rdamashek: #ogi Young Government Leaders (YGL): don’t really know how much usage is going on, how many folks are reaching out to increase awareness
12:13 pm salemonz: Also on panel: Steve Ressler, GovLoop; Lisa Williams, state dept. #ogi
12:13 pm KRAASecurity: RT @kdpaine: #ogi IDC survey says that Facebook is #1 social media in overall govt. but Feds use Wikis most. mostly for idea contribution
12:13 pm TimothyBurke: Hmmm, indeed. RT @kdpaine: #OGI Non-Government is much bigger participation in open government initiative,than government. — hmmm
12:13 pm TSSBurke: Hmmm, indeed. RT @kdpaine: #OGI Non-Government is much bigger participation in open government initiative,than government. — hmmm
12:14 pm salemonz: Ohab: why do gov’t agencies need tools in regards to younger people? #ogi
12:14 pm mixtmedia: Good point @danmunz Many people within government agencies don’t even know that their agencies are using 2.0 tools, techs & principles #ogi
12:14 pm lotusfederal: Great point by Dan Munz… Follow-up question to “does your agency use Gov 2.0 tools?” should have been “are you sure?” #ogi
12:14 pm jrick: Excellent point from Dan Munz: After survey question to feds, Are you using social media?, follow-up with, Are you sure? #ogi
12:14 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Louisa – culture shock for many who come into gov’t agency, lack of usage makes hard for folks to adjust to restrictions
12:14 pm NoelDickover: @danmunz from NAPA – most agency personnel probaly don’t know how their agency is using #socmed #ogi
12:14 pm salemonz: Williams: it’s how younger people work. It’s foreign to them to not have SocMed access. It’s what they used in college. #ogi
12:14 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel: “What do you mean I can’t use Facebook at work?” say new young fed employees #ogi
12:14 pm mixtmedia: @lovisatalk says that we need to educate our colleagues as to what they can and can’t do in social media and WHY. #ogi
12:15 pm chassycat: Obama has asked each fed agency to create a “signature” initiative to fulfill his Open Gov directive @opengov @gov20 #ogi (RT @debbieweil)
12:15 pm salemonz: Ressler: SocMed at work is this generation’s coffee break. #ogi
12:16 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Steve – social media as virtual coffee break for many,control water cooler interaction, Andy – focus and go to stream, mission use
12:16 pm mixtmedia: RT @OGIConference IDC Gov Insights’ survey post If They Build It They Will Come: A Gov’t Social Networking Conf http://bit.ly/16a6wx #ogi
12:16 pm NoelDickover: RT batteriata We had a great and lively panel discussion @ #OGI conf w/ @NoelDickover @wmburke @batterista @robpierson @You2Gov #gov20
12:16 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Malena – this is the way we live, we do work, network, increase productivity
12:16 pm uxcrank: “Government not as service provider, but as service broker” Good concept #ogi
12:16 pm csukach: Steve Ressler: use of social media is the virtual version of a coffee break-biz gets done in an informal setting too #ogi
12:17 pm GSPMgwu: A lot of these SoMe tools are a virtual coffee break for the younger generation – Ressler #ogi
12:17 pm wmburke: #ogi @govloop says social media usage at work is the equivalent of the Starbuck’s run for Gen X, Gen Y
12:17 pm mcnccommunity: RT @ timoreilly: If you’re interested in following gov 2.0, search on #ogi, the Open Gov Innovation conf whe.. http://bit.ly/xREmT
12:17 pm sporing: Web 2.0 is a virtual coffeebreak for the younger generation. But they also use the tools to make work more productive. #ogi
12:17 pm salemonz: Ohab: where is personal/professional line? #ogi
12:17 pm You2Gov: RT @batterista: We had a great and lively panel discussion @ #OGI conf w/ @NoelDickover @wmburke @batterista @robpierson @You2Gov #gov20
12:18 pm salemonz: Isler: I am careful to keep things separate. It’s a balance #ogi
12:18 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: how achieve balance between work and personal life, Tanetta – very careful of usage, maintain fine line, Dan – make business case
12:18 pm jrick: @GovLoop says using social media is the new coffee break (if I heard correctly). Doesn’t this disparage socmed’s utility & relevance? #ogi
12:18 pm sailfast2005: As a younger person, I’m more disappointed when enterprise collab tools aren’t there (enterprise) than if my .com apps are blocked #ogi
12:18 pm NoelDickover: RT @planetrussel #OGI – Here’s info on proposed Citizen-Congress Engagement barcamp: http://tr.im/txnl (@wmburke + @NoelDickover) #gov20
12:18 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel key point: GenY / Millenials don’t think they’re wasting time on social media: they’re working and collaborating #ogi
12:19 pm wmburke: RT @batterista: We had a great and lively panel discussion @ #OGI conf w/ @NoelDickover @wmburke @batterista @robpierson @You2Gov #gov20
12:19 pm salemonz: Williams: I work at all hours. I get called for work all the time. SocMed let’s me work more easily. I keep personal SocMed separate #ogi
12:19 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Lovisa – social media enables life balance, don’t have 40 hour work weeks, secure appropriately
12:19 pm salemonz: Ohab: what training is required for new tools? #ogi
12:19 pm planetrussell: @sailfast2005 Sure. #OGI survey’s at: http://tr.im/txwA (Props to @AFCEAHelen for heads-up on that.)
12:20 pm salemonz: Krzmarzick: with training, my org is focused on events ATM. Training needs to evolve to fill gaps in between conferences #ogi
12:20 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: how about training? Andy – training events, physical or virtual, how fill gaps between conferences, social media is gap filler
12:20 pm kmorr: RT @NoelDickover: RT @planetrussel #OGI – Here’s info on proposed Citizen-Congress Engagement barcamp: http://tr.im/txnl #gov20
12:20 pm poneal: RT @debbieweil – IDC’s Adelaide O’Brien quoted in good article about Feds who are twittering http://bit.ly/2Zlczx @IDC #ogi
12:21 pm NoelDickover: RT @debbieweil Lunch panel key point: GenY / Millenials don’t think they’re wasting time on #socmed: they’re working and collaborating #ogi
12:21 pm GSPMgwu: Many people think of SoMe is an unproductive thing but for our generation it is what we use to be productive! – YGL #ogi
12:21 pm CAF1957: RT @US_EUCOM: Mr. Carey, Navy CIO, says Social Media is part of our fabric. Not using it will be a step backwards. #ogi #fb
12:21 pm kpkfusion: ?cont) collaborating #ogi
12:21 pm justgrimes: @wvmikep Good point about IDC and statistics, people should be careful what they infer from it #ogi
12:21 pm mixtmedia: Good point, Malena: time management is critical for social media users. #ogi
12:21 pm govloop: @krazykriz is bringing the thunder #ogi
12:21 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Andy – reverse training – boomers pass knowledge, Gen X/Y train them on the social media tools. Malena – time mgmt key
12:22 pm sporing: Krzmarzick: Socmed can fill a gap in training. #ogi
12:22 pm salemonz: Malena: time management is important. It takes practice to complete work on time with SocMed in the mix #ogi
12:22 pm wvmikep: As a ynger person, I’m more disappointed when ent. collab tools aren’t there (ent.) than if my .com apps are blocked #ogi via @sailfast2005
12:22 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel: “Why Twitter is Better Than Water” by panelist @Krazykriz http://bit.ly/6wf6e #ogi
12:22 pm uxcrank: Accidental point at #ogi: Social media allows self abuse of the work/life thang
12:22 pm jhaughwout: Balancing work & personal data on #Web20 – good privacy controls http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/22831/ #ogi #MIT
12:22 pm krazykriz: Dan Munz (my paraphrase) – the new key competency is data mining, aggregating and packaging neatly for action #ogi
12:23 pm NoelDickover: GenY / Millenials don’t work 8 hour days – #socmed comingles work and personal actions – they engage in both all day long #ogi
12:23 pm csukach: Malena Brookshire, YGL, when focusing on social media training, remember to train folks in time mangement as well #ogi
12:23 pm krazykriz: RT @govloop: @krazykriz is bringing the thunder #ogi Thanks, Ressler! You rock, too!
12:23 pm You2Gov: Listening to the Young Gov Leaders @lovisatalk @krazykriz @govloop et al at #ogi. Nice to hear practitioners show the room how to do it!
12:23 pm sporing: RT @rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Lovisa – social media enables life balance, don’t have traditional 40 hour work weeks, secure appropriately
12:25 pm krazykriz: RT @debbieweil: Lunch panel: “Why Twitter is Better Than Water” by panelist @Krazykriz http://bit.ly/6wf6e #ogi Thx 4 the link, Debbie!
12:25 pm chrisheuer: RT @you2gov Listening to the Young Gov Leaders @lovisatalk @krazykriz @govloop et al at #ogi. Nice to hear practitioners show how to do it!
12:25 pm kpkfusion: Great point on how government is held to higher standard in use of 2,0 #ogi
12:25 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Lovisa – responsibility to use tools wisely; Dan – cross-training, learning by doing; Steve – evolving way we do things
12:25 pm salemonz: Williams: we, here, are pioneers. We are held to high expectation to put forward best practices #ogi
12:25 pm sporing: RT @GSPMgwu: Many people think of SoMe is an unproductive thing but for our generation it is what we use to be productive! – YGL #ogi
12:25 pm ethang: The folks who organize #fisl spearheaded the legislation to shift Brazil’s govt to #opensource in 2003, keep up the good work #oscon #ogi
12:26 pm salemonz: Ohab: how do we usesocmed for recruitment? #ogi
12:26 pm sporing: RT @krazykriz: Dan Munz (my paraphrase) – the new key competency is data mining, aggregating and packaging neatly for action #ogi
12:26 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: how to recruit skilled folks? Dan – managing disconnect between public service and individual mission focus of specific jobs
12:26 pm sanchezjb: 1 challenge 2 largr adoption of social media in biz is overcoming what ppl may think when they focus on the “social” part of this term. #ogi
12:26 pm tsuder: Had to leave, but following closely. RT @krazykriz: RT @govloop: @krazykriz is bringing the thunder #ogi Thanks, Ressler! You rock, too!
12:27 pm salemonz: Munz: SocMed can draw in lots of interesting messages. It can bring in people with non-traditional backgrounds #ogi
12:27 pm jrick: Interesting pt from John Ohab: Hire people w/o social media backgrounds to bring fresh perspetives & ideas to social media. #ogi
12:27 pm csukach: @krazy_Kris devise “reverse training” where new employees provide tng to those already in gov’t, while old employees impart knowledge #ogi
12:27 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Andy – facebook.com/teach , teacher connectivity to support new media, YouTube.com Coast Guard channel, telling story
12:27 pm JustinHerman: OH “Please allow me to state the obvious with invigorating and innovative corporatespeak and hashtag it #OGI”
12:28 pm salemonz: Krzmarzick: YouTube coast guard is good example. Helps with recruitment. #ogi
12:28 pm kpkfusion: @govloop POV Gov 2 is a journey that will evolve much like email #ogi Have starting point.
12:28 pm You2Gov: #ogi: Young Gov leaders leaving older attendees in room scratching their heads! Excellent display of generational differences.
12:28 pm jrick: “YouTube is my favorite band.” –Andy Krzmarzick. Who needs iTunes when you have an FLV player? #ogi #YouTube
12:29 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel: Q & A w/panelist Dan Munz of http://www.napawash.org http://bit.ly/3KUSff #ogi
12:29 pm salemonz: Ressler: three ideas of SocMed use: hold YouTube contest on why gov’t worker serves; mimic teach4america; leverage innovation #ogi
12:29 pm kpkfusion: @govloop sharing 3 awesome practical ideas on making gov “cool” #ogi
12:29 pm kdpaine: #OGI how to make gov’t cool. 1 do a gov’t wide video conference, subject: why we serve. 2. clone teach 4 america. 3. center 4 innovation
12:29 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Andy – IRS site on second life, videos of day in the life, Steve – videos of why they serve, clone Tech for America (Princeton)
12:30 pm salemonz: Ohab: how should we better engage leadership? #ogi
12:31 pm washingtronic: <–PMF here. Any others in the house? #ogi
12:31 pm uxcrank: #ogi Apparently, government is cool now. Young, attractive, and enthusiastic too.
12:31 pm salemonz: Isler: we should reward risk takers to get more innovation #ogi
12:32 pm govwiki: RT @NoelDickover: RT @planetrussel #OGI – Here’s info on proposed Citizen-Congress Engagement barcamp: http://tr.. http://bit.ly/Htc5M
12:32 pm kpkfusion: Center for innovation, teaching centers, all gov employees doing day in the life videos. @govloop’s good ideas #ogi
12:32 pm salemonz: Munz: ask leaders for metrics so you can show effectiveness of SocMed #ogi
12:32 pm kdpaine: #ogi I LOVE THIS GUY –saying “ask for metrics” ask to be held accountable.
12:32 pm jrick: Intriguing idea from @GovLoop: Create #YouTube contest wherein federal employees explain why they serve. #ogi
12:32 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Dan – they become the evangelists, ask for metrics and performance measurement and accountability, give leaders control
12:32 pm NoelDickover: @uxcrank us it self abuse of the work/life thing or is it just a different method of managing it? #ogi
12:32 pm csukach: Tanetta Isler, YSL: it’s important for govt to reward intelligent risk takers #ogi
12:32 pm jake_brewer: @GovLoop Office for Social Innovation already exists at the White House. Run by former Googler Sonal Shah #ogi
12:32 pm sporing: Use SocMed to show how cool gov is: create a YouTube vid about ur cool job; highlight innovation from govies; clone teach 4 America #ogi
12:33 pm ScottHorvath: RT (via @jrick) “YouTube is my favorite band.” –Andy Krzmarzick. Who needs iTunes when you have an FLV player? #ogi #YouTube (Insightful)
12:33 pm mixtmedia: Great point by @danmunz: ASK for accountability and set metrics when trialing social media in your org. Leaders feel safe & have an out #ogi
12:33 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Lovisa – small leadership sessions, need to feel comfortable to ask questions and be uninformed
12:33 pm sporing: RT @kpkfusion: @govloop POV Gov 2 is a journey that will evolve much like email #ogi Have starting point.
12:33 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel: ASK for deliverable metrics when you start a social media program to get buy in from leadership @govloop @steveressler #ogi
12:33 pm kylemc: It’s interesting to hear all these things about my generation that I’ve taken for granted being analyzed. #ogi
12:34 pm uxcrank: #ogi Do small; Ask mgmnt to demand metrics
12:34 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: most important classes to do this service? Steve – thesis social analysis & terrorism, learning from academic side and practical
12:34 pm salemonz: Ressler: I did masters thesis that analyzed social networks. #ogi
12:35 pm mixtmedia: Good question to YAFCEA panel by Michael Nelson of Georgetown: what class/coursework prepared you most/best for social media? #ogi
12:35 pm ethang: i bet http://opensourceforamerica.org/ could learn a few things from http://softwarelivre.org/ – @timoreilly meet @softwarelivre #ogi #oscon
12:35 pm salemonz: Munz: not any one class, but any course that made me think outside the box #ogi
12:35 pm debbieweil: Lunch: in response to Q. fr audience: @steveressler @govloop took class on social network analysis and terrorism in school #ogi
12:35 pm batterista: RT @planetrussel #OGI – Here’s info on proposed Citizen-Congress Engagement barcamp: http://tr.im/txnl (@wmburke + @NoelDickover) #gov20
12:36 pm kdpaine: #OGI interestng how it always seems to come back down to the need to measure success, no matter where u work or whom u work for
12:36 pm salemonz: Brookshire: not any one class, but the experience of my grad students who started to share info #ogi
12:36 pm skyemarthaler: Dan Munz-Social media is making available an incredible amount of primary sources. #ogi #army
12:37 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Dan – making social media count as part of research, e.g. how to ref Twitter as a citation?
12:37 pm govloop: @lovisatalk is art grad. im sociology like @mixtmedia #ogi
12:37 pm mixtmedia: RT @kdpaine: #OGI how to make gov’t cool. 1. gov’t wide video conf, subject: why we serve. 2. clone teach 4 america. 3. ctr 4 innovation
12:37 pm sailfast2005: #ogi no class – facebook just happened to roll out when we were in college. The uses and performance come from good general Ed.
12:37 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Lovisa – how to prepare for jobs that don’t exist know, professors that teach how to think
12:38 pm kdpaine: #ogi Andy: Got my degree in theology. “God tweets me” others on panel have degree in art, not technology, love it
12:39 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Andy – multi-disciplionary, who is the new learner? learn by teaching, allow students to be able to teach one another
12:39 pm csukach: Dan Munz, NAPA: posit deliverables accomplished via social media tools–metrics make leadership more comfortable w/taking risks #ogi
12:39 pm kpkfusion: Interesting that young leaders desribe most important academic influences as experiences, not classes. #ogi
12:39 pm salemonz: Isler: no class, peer pressure forced me to learn SocMed #ogi
12:39 pm debbieweil: Lunch: what prepared Lovisa Williams (on Twitter?) for working w/ social media was learning how to write and think in college #ogi
12:40 pm jrick: “God Tweets me” (Andy Krzmarzick). I didn’t know Sergey & Brin used Twitter. #ogi
12:41 pm mfhiatt: RT @jrick Obama has asked each Cab agency 2 develop sig use of social media. Like DipNote from State Dept., swine flu widget from CDC? #ogi
12:41 pm sporing: Are you a digital native or a digital immigrant? #ogi
12:41 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Tanetta – learning by doing, no classwork,
12:41 pm sporing: RT @kpkfusion: Interesting that young leaders desribe most important academic influences as experiences, not classes. #ogi
12:41 pm AFCEAHelen: #ogi Digital natives/immigrants metaphor ignores the fact that many of us are translators. Also, GenX has been in the work force for 20+ yrs
12:43 pm uxcrank: @NoelDickover As an ideal the latter; in practice, the former (ultimately, if not initially) #ogi
12:43 pm wvmikep: The fed hiring process itself is onerous. It’s not just lack of new tech. #ogi
12:43 pm salemonz: Ressler: this gen is a very activist gen. Making gov’t “cool” again will help. USAJobs as it is won’t attract new people #ogi
12:43 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Steve – need to change model of engagement, usajobs isn’t way to get the right folks, Malena – change way to describe positions
12:44 pm mixtmedia: Great pt Malena: don’t replace, RETHIN the evolving workforce. Don’t necessarily need to replace 1 for 1.. see oppts work differently #ogi
12:44 pm MauriYambo: RT @debbieweil: Lunch: what prepared Lovisa Williams (on Twitter?) 4 working w/ soc media was learning how to write & think in college #ogi
12:44 pm govloop: shakira and elvis mentioned on gov panel. a first? glad im not younger and jonas bros werent mentioned #ogi
12:44 pm PRYouReady: Gosh, young people are just cracking up the room at #ogi. “This panel is the most valuable part of the conference for me” – audience member
12:45 pm You2Gov: Lots of age related #ogi comments for Young Gov leaders on lunch panel- “Talk” about intergenerational change in Gov. Old learn from young.
12:46 pm svenburg: gov young professional lunch panel at #ogi is one of the best sessions. and the funniest. #YGL #gov20
12:46 pm jhaughwout: A riff off of Guy K’s lectures: is #Gov20 the “democratization of bureaucracy” (good #harvard #ksg “speak” connotation) #ogi
12:46 pm kdpaine: okay, I”m on in 15 minutes speaking on how to measure soc. med, transparency, trust & relationships.. got to go prep. #OGI
12:46 pm rdamashek: #ogi YGL: Andy – will keep giving back, put the culture in place now, everyone wants the work/life balanced experience
12:47 pm govloop: @krazykriz is an awesome preacher #ogi
12:47 pm sporing: RT @mixtmedia: Great pt Malena: RETHINK the evolving workforce. Don’t necessarily need to replace 1 for 1. see oppts work differently #ogi
12:47 pm moehlert: RT @wvmikep: The fed hiring process itself is onerous. It’s not just lack of new tech. #ogi
12:47 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Babyboom retirement has been positioned as “Capturing knowledge before it leaves” but not how older can learn from younger #OGI
12:47 pm justgrimes: I’m continually amazed by the academic backgrounds of people (what they studied and what they do for a living)? #ogi
12:47 pm debbieweil: Audience member stands up to say lunch panel of YoungGovernmentLeaders.org has been most rewarding session at #ogi (it was terrific IMHO)
12:48 pm batterista: Bout to hit the Sunlight Foundation panel at #ogi
12:48 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Great panel from young govt leaders! #OGI
12:48 pm moehlert: @AFCEAHelen #ogi Are there digital innoculations? Digital visas?
12:49 pm washingtronic: JoBro in govt? RT @govloop: shakira and elvis mentioned on gov panel. a first? glad im not younger and jonas bros werent mentioned #ogi
12:49 pm NorthPacific: RT @govloop: @krazykriz is an awesome preacher #ogi
12:49 pm moehlert: @sporing #ogi Human actually πŸ˜‰
12:49 pm paolicelli: Gov 2.0 as an enabler of force redux by attrition (panelist thought). #ogi
12:54 pm washingtronic: Great panel on young govs. Feeling proud to be a gen y fed. I hope there were some human resources ppl listening. Tear down the cubes! #ogi
12:55 pm Dave_Ferguson: -@moehlert Fed hiring process IS onerous, in the way that Lake Superior is damp. #ogi
12:56 pm debbieweil: Prof Hiro Okumura came to #ogi fr Tokyo. Teaches info technology at U of Tokyo; he’s a social media fan http://twitpic.com/b8ewn
12:57 pm soniaw: following #ogi tweets and wishing I were there…
12:58 pm PacificFleet: RT @MCPONPAO: RT @US_EUCOM Mr. Carey, Navy CIO, says Social Media is part of our fabric. Not using it will be a step backwards. #ogi #fb

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