
“Sweet GovTweets” Mon 20th April 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance:

@juliabeebuzz: @Gov20Camp – Passing along the great stuff happening for Data.gov http://tinyurl.com/cgslam #gov20 #opengov #gov20camp #edemcamp #gov20cloud

@adrielhampton: Tune in to http://gov20radio.com for Clay Johnson of Sunlight Labs w/@govloop & @meghan1018 – 2/5 eastern #gov20 #opengov

@a_marsh: To consider when making immigration policy: 1/2 of US tech companies had foreign founders. http://is.gd/rXfo (from @fmanjoo) #gov20

@farnham: Checking out “Dogs in Government” at http://govloop.ning.com/group/dogsingovernment – Aarroo!!! #edemcamp #opengov

@mathpunk: every arrest is twittered in Denton, which would be great #gov20 if the city weren’t trying to stop it. http://bit.ly/2RUr (via @cshirky)

@lostonroute66: @mathpunk tweeting arrests puts accused in court of public opinion. i wonder do we truly understand “innocent until proven guilty”? #gov20

@lostonroute66: @mathpunk i hope Denton police dept will include constitutional/legal education component w/ tweeting arrests. #gov20 http://bit.ly/2RUr

@mixtmedia #Gov20 Hypothesis: #tcamp = transparency; #gov20camp = collaboration; #edemcamp = participation

@mathpunk: @lostonroute66 arrests are already public info. realtime simplicity of tweets is no worse, poss better, than usual trial-by-media. #gov20

@lostonroute66: @mathpunk publicly avail. data and times square ticker, not same. #gov20 #transparency should include education. raw data+context=meaning

@lostonroute66: @mathpunk agreed. bypassing media, giving public direct access to data is better. let public decide for themselves. #gov20 #transparency

@mathpunk: @lostonroute66 except that the vast majority won’t WANT to see a live feed of arrests in Denton. noise is the new privacy? #gov20

@lostonroute66: @mathpunk signal-to-noise ratio is important as #gov20 #transparency can enable #infomania http://bit.ly/osyLo

@webtechman: What is the Difference Between Enterprise 2.0 and Social Media? http://bit.ly/E20Diff #e20 #socialmedia #gov20

@subbob: Suggesting to @mixtmedia & #edemcamp – we need to replace USG’s Industrial Age “time card” hours based system; smothers initiative #gov20

@govloop: On GovLoop: My review of @cheeky_geeky ‘s paper Social Software and Nat’l Security #gov20 #govloop http://bit.ly/aH4QG

@resultsjunkie: Awesome whitepaper from W3C: “Improving Access to Gov’t through Better Use of the Web” http://bit.ly/Wxdjm #gov20 (via @dbast)

@mixtmedia: Go to @BeyondBroadcast: Public Service Media from Local to Global in L.A. 6/4&5 http://bb2009.uscannenberg.org/index.php #edemcamp #gov20

@topperge: Watching Breach, “Cooperation is counter operation and thats the mentality,” all about the FBI, at least things are changing #gov20

@mixtmedia: Join Government 2.0 Club’s Google Group http://tinyurl.com/de9u6l to receive future communications. #gov20club #gov20camp #gov20 #edemcamp

@technosailor: This is REAL Government 2.0 #gov20 #goverati http://www.newsweek.com/id/194623

@jefferyurlsmith: New FCW cover story profiles social media in federal gov – http://twurl.nl/jc1k6j #gov20 #govit #civsource

@webtechman: Government 2.0 Will Fail! http://bit.ly/Gov20 #gov20 #e20 #socialmedia Gov 2.0 Social Networking.

@ariherzog: Considering a twitter search for gov20 includes tweets with #gov20, why not eliminate the hash and save a character? Just sayin’.

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