
“Sweet GovTweets” Sun 5th April 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance:

What features / functionalities would you want to see for true open source government? #opengov (make politicians really pay attention?)

Following ur gd exmple @AlexisNeely; launched bus. & giving bk via pple-empowering open gov project; launches 4-10. #agape #amgrat #opengov

Any other Washington State electeds going to tweet from June Assn. of Washington Cities (AWC) meeting in Spokane? #gov20

@planetrussell: Cybersecurity Act of 2009 would give U.S. President emergency authority to halt web traffic & access private data. http://tr.im/ihst #gov20

@mjmclean: How much evidence is needed for Gov web managers? Ask a committed public servant armed with it thanks to #gov20 #w2e http://bit.ly/nWQBw

@cheeky_geeky: Top 10 measurements for government transparency, by @ellnmllr: http://is.gd/qRfQ #gov20

@subbob: Please welcome @bison6 to Twitter ~ DIR of StratComm for CAC ~ http://bit.ly/zoldR ~ article http://bit.ly/bto5 @stratsoc explains #gov20

Government Twitter feeds that could save your life…http://twurl.nl/l14gp0

@ariherzog: This must be one of the worst U.S. Government websites–that remains active. Can someone replace http://www.usdoj.gov/osg/ please? #gov20

@ejyoung: @ariherzog I would disagree. I think this one is worse: http://www.pandemicflu.gov #gov20

@epastore: #metagovernment / Open Source Governance finally linked from SlashDot: http://tr.im/ihUB “Data.gov To Launch In May” #gov20

@subbob: Currently musing about how one documents net-enabled collaboration & social networking successes on a resume. Anyone have examples? #gov20

@bashley: @Citizensnews #gov20 transparency worth a PhD dissertation, ethnographic or public admin research. Maxims and lists fall short.

@rthnnthrntn: would like to discuss: RT @bashley #gov20 transparency worth PhD dissertation, ethnographic, pub admin research. Maxims & lists fall short.

@bashley: @rthnnthrntn #gov20 worthy of formal research. Sure, open to discuss informally. DM, email, phone or @ replies, your choice.

@bashley: @rthnnthrntn Research on #gov20. I’m inclined to be partial toward ethnography, perhaps in participant-observer approach.

Theory. #gov20 has 2 modes, centripetal and centrifugal, the former a greater force. cptl=into peers & cfgl=out to citizens.

@allisonhornery: @bashley Stay tuned – you may get a chance to! Launching int’l LG initiative this wk… will be looking to you for good case studies! #gov20

I’m game! RT @allisonhornery: @bashley Stay tuned – Launching int’l LG initiative this wk… will be looking for good case studies! #gov20

@bashley: For all the #gov20 types, what we see as old hat is really just a bud, not yet bloomed, colors not yet unfurled.

@kpkfusion: @bashley I agree. We are just at the inception of possibilities in #gov20

@bashley: The pioneers are still awe-struck by #gov20’s horizon. @kpkfusion: @bashley I agree. We are just at the inception of possibilities in #gov20

@adrielhampton Thanks for plugging http://governingpeople.com. Folks can also follow @governingpeople #gov20

@dslunceford: Reading: From #gov20 radio: “Earth Day | US EPA” ( http://epa.gov/earthday/ )

@dslunceford: Reading: “Govt 2.0 sessions: Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco 2009” #gov20 radio ( http://tinyurl.com/deqayz )

Couple of Sunlights Labs resources: http://wiki.sunlightlabs.com & http://sunlightlabs.com/ignitepresentation #gov20 (@cjoh)

@adrielhampton: Help the government learn about #gov20 – http://govsocmed.pbwiki.com/

@lbmatt: When pitching social media to companies, avoid buzz words. Use their language to describe benefits. #gov20

@adrielhampton: And that’s a wrap. Thanks for listening to #gov20 radio, and you can always catch the repeats at http://gov20radio.com

@adrielhampton: My most popular blog post: http://adrielhampton.wordpress.com/2009/01/31/nickname-lose-it/ #gov20 #opengov

@adrielhampton: “Citizen 2.0” an intro – http://bit.ly/dxhOD & a movement – http://bit.ly/vs9F #gov20 #opengov

@adrielhampton: “Are Blogs Key to 2.0 Community Building?” – http://bit.ly/zupDf #gov20

@purserj: for gov2.0 and locgov2.0 to work, we need to show that it solves a problem #gov20 #locgov20

On GovLoop: Maximize Your LinkedIn Connections https://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/maximize-your-linkedin #gov20 #govloop

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Gord Gallant

Glad to be part of this group. I am actually starting to see a significant shift in government culture. It is very refreshing!