The 17 Ways Microsoft Office Provides Real Impact For Better Government

Tony Tai (Redmond, WA) —

Cloud computing can help governments increase productivity and improve collaboration while reducing IT costs. But which cloud productivity solution should you choose: Microsoft Office or Google Apps?

Microsoft has decades of experience working with government at all levels, in over 100 countries. After weighing the options, governments from the State of Minnesota in the United States to the Northern Ireland Assembly in Europe to the Western Bay of Plenty in New Zealand have decided that Office 365 is the right solution for them. With Office 365, government workers use familiar tools to maximize their productivity, take collaboration to a new level, and better serve citizens.

The infographic below shows what a day in the life of a government worker is like using Office 365 versus Google Apps. From more effective organizing and sorting of email to perfect document fidelity when moving from desktop to cloud storage, Office 365 comes out on top, creating real impact for a better government.

You can download the original infographic here at the Why Microsoft blog.

Tony Tai is part of the Office 365 team at Microsoft.

Original post

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