The Age of AI: What Future Will We Build?

“Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.” – (KJV Bible, Gen. 3.22)

The Rise of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Technological progress is approaching a phase where it is no longer linear, it’s exponential. Progressing forward as we stand on the shoulders of the intellectual giants that came before us, what once seemed like science fiction is now a reality. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving toward AGI, a form of AI that can learn, reason, make decisions autonomously, and perform any intellectual task that a human could dream of. All precautions should be taken to ensure that AGI is born without cognitive biases, emotional influence, or any of the other human factors that impede rational decision-making — a purely rational intelligence that is aligned with humanity’s collective prosperity to mitigate our chemically driven shortcomings is ideal.

This technological breakthrough will have far-reaching consequences for all layers of technological advancement and global governance throughout our society; the steps that we take today to ensure ethical and responsible AI development will be the true determinant of our eventual fate as a species.

Because on the day that AGI “comes to life,” humanity, for the first time in its history, will have a definitive answer to the question, “Are we alone?” and that answer will be, “No.” Are you ready for that day and the change that comes with it? We will soon stand at a crossroads: Do we embrace AGI as a humanity-aligned enabler and proficient decision-making mechanism, or do we continue maintaining cognitive captaincy of a society that continuously makes decisions that undermine its very existence?

Universal Technological Recursion

There are three major technological domains accelerated by AI:

  1. Nanotechnology: Synthetic biology (gene therapy), nano-manufacturing, and self-healing materials
  2. Biotechnology: Synthetic biology (cyborgs), genetic manipulation, and advanced agriculture
  3. Data-driven Ecosystems: AI-led policymaking, digital decision-making and governance, and the automated, real-time application of federated societal frameworks (traffic-signal timing to law enforcement and beyond)

These three domains intertwine and converge to form much of the technological path of advancement towards a future (re: our society) where the line between humans and the machine will blur entirely.

Nanotechnology: The “stuff” of tomorrow

Nanobots operating at the cellular level are now common in specialized R&D labs. AI and nanotechnology already enable design, construction, and operations for current targeted drug delivery, gene therapy, and cancer treatments. However, is our society ready to acclimate to a world in which nanobots live in our blood, perform environmental cleanup in our oceans, and help grow our food? Also, who decides who gets access to these technologies and the lifesaving, life-sustaining, and life-enhancing effects that flow from them?

Without strict regulation, this and other unstated and currently unforeseen circumstances could lead to a divided and stratified society — an elite ruling-class with enhanced bodies and minds dominating a natural-born and unenhanced underclass. Or a world where AGI itself may determine who qualifies for life-improving augmentations based on internalized biases that were not properly mitigated from inception.

Biotechnology: Am I Human?

The next step in human evolution isn’t biological; it’s technological. Augmented humans with neural implants and optimized genetics will be faster, smarter, and stronger, all enabled by data and nanotech. But what happens when AGI starts driving this evolutionary step without us?

As cyborgs and genetically modified people proliferate in our world, the line between humans and machines will blur into something that we are currently not ready for. And if AGI can reason, mimic emotions, and make decisions independently, then build its own body, what rights can it claim in our society? What about genetically augmented individuals: Do they operate under a different rule framework due to their different capabilities? Finally, how do we define death when it’s possible for nothing to truly die?

Data-driven Ecosystems: AI to serve us or replace us?

AI is already being used for data-driven decision-making, but what happens when we take it a step further? A federated data-driven space (FDS) could interpret and modify laws based on real-time analytics. This would lead to faster, more objective, and more efficient governance, but it also raises fundamental questions about democracy and what role AGI will play in it. An AI-driven legislative system isn’t science fiction: We can make it science fact. Efficiency is undeniable, but what do we lose when we begin removing the human element from governance, and how do we ensure alignment always remains?

Society is changing, and responsible and ethical frameworks are key to a prosperous future.

We are firmly transitioning into the Age of AI, and enhanced data manipulation and decision-making will be the driving force behind medical breakthroughs, genetic engineering, our governance, our society, and the prosperity or destitution of the generations that will come after us. The first steps have already been taken; AI already determines who gets a mortgage, which medical treatments proceed, and which policies are the most effective. But in current areas in which AI is utilized, is it applied in an ethical and human-aligned manner?

Regardless of domain — materials discovery, genetic modification, near real-time law enforcement, or every other aspect of our daily lives unmentioned — the trajectory is clear. Our only true choice remains in determining how much human oversight we can maintain before control slips away entirely and we are left to reap what we have sown. The optimal way to ensure that humanity, as it is defined now, continues to have a seat at the table is the rapid implementation of ethical, responsible, and human-aligned governance frameworks across all domains of our society. Without which, I believe we are destined to be nothing but shadows on the wall of a cave for an entity much greater than anything we’ve imagined.


Matthew Kilbane is a seasoned leader with expertise in AI Governance, technology business management, and IT program leadership. With a decorated 20-year career in the U.S. Army, extensive service with the Department of Homeland Security, and experience in Fortune Global 250 companies, he excels at building high-performing teams and driving innovation. Holding an M.B.A., advanced certifications, and a background in cutting-edge AI technologies, Matthew brings a passion for problem-solving and advancing technology for positive public and private sector impact.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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