The Defense Department Cloud Computing Strategy, Homeland Security Iris Scans, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:

  • The Department of Defense has released its Cloud Computing Strategy for transitioning to cloud services. More here.
  • The Department of Homeland Security is exploring biometrics such as iris and facial scans for uses from law enforcement to the Trusted Traveler Program. More here.
  • The Department of Homeland Security is implementing Blue Teams to analyze how agencies are meeting cybersecurity standards for the Trusted Internet Connections initiative. More here.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation is using Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency grants to test its Android applications against fuzzing attacks which use unexpected data to exploit programs. More here.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested three more in Canada, India, and the United States in a string of arrests for online financial information theft. More here.
  • Half of federal websites have already switched to IPv6 and the government is on track to complete the transition by September. More here.
  • The Food and Drug Administration secretly monitored thousands of employee emails in a large surveillance campaign against disgruntled scientists. More here.
  • Department of Energy national laboratories and high-performance computing firms are working together in the “FastForward” research and development consortium to prototype extreme-scale supercomputers. More here.

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