The Federal Coach: Managing Stress Amid the Budget-Cutting Uncertainty

While the White House and Congress work on a compromise to fund the government for the rest of the year, many federal programs will continue to be kicked around like political footballs, leaving your employees uncertain about the road ahead.

The result? Stress. The anxiety among federal workers will likely increase over the next couple of weeks as the talks continue, yet again.

As federal managers, you first need to care for and champion the people you lead at all levels–from those who have served more than 30 years to those who are newer to government service. It’s also more important than ever to consider the example that you’re setting for your team in the face of adversity. Your actions are likely to affect your team’s stress levels and, ultimately, their performance and health.

Here are a few suggestions to help you manage your team’s stress.

To read the entire article, please click here.

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