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The Future Employee in the Digital Workplace

According to new market research, the digital workplace market size is set to grow from USD 13.4 billion in 2018 to USD 35.7 billion by 2023. The digital workplace is a workplace that enables new, more effective ways of working. In today’s technological, consumer-centric world, companies are needing to adjust and modernize their workstyles and technologies to keep up with successful businesses leading at the forefront to meet customer’s instant gratification demands.

Where does this leave the employee?

The popularity of the digital workplace is rising more and can be attributed to an aging and retiring workforce, information growing at an exponential rate with the access to everything via the internet, and the need for speed in today’s business and work environment. New technology revolutionizes employee’s mobility and flexibility without compromising productivity. Examples of these technologies include the cloud, virtual assistant apps, analytics, artificial intelligence, CRM software, group messaging tools, collaboration tools, widgets, bots, and many more. These technological tools alone create a new workforce generation. The future employee is the digital workplace has the following evolution to look forward to:



Work 9-5

Work Anytime

Work in a Corporate Workplace

Work Anywhere
Use Company Equipment

Use Any Device

Focused on Input

Focuses on Output

Climb the Corporate

Create Your Own Ladder

Pre-Defined Work

Customized Work
Information Hoarders

Information Sharers

No Voice Employee

Can Become a Leader

Relies on Email

Relies on Collaboration Technologies
Focused on Knowledge

Focuses on Adaptive Learning

Corporate Learning and Teaching

Democratized Learning and Teaching

In the next few years, the digital workplace should be an organizational priority, as the workplace transformation is the key to longevity. The changes are both invigorating and challenging. The future employee in the new workplace must make shifts, along with the company.

Laura-Céline Mueller is a GovLoop Featured Contributor. She is an experienced public relations professional, specializing in content development and digital communications. As Public Affairs Specialist for the District of Columbia Government, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs she is a strategic communications adviser assisting in the management of communication, branding, events, marketing, and public relations operations of the agency. 

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Avatar photo Spencer Grady-Pawl

Work anytime–work anywhere is a cool concept with lots of potential upside, but it will also be important for workers and companies to ensure that work-life balance doesn’t suffer as a consequence.

Laura-Celine Mueller

Thanks for your comment. I absolutely agree with you, Spencer. I share the same HR concerns. Companies will certainly need to set boundaries that respect employee’s work-life balance.