
The Top 5 Green Job States RIGHT NOW!

Just read about a quick study that was recently done (May 2010!) about green job hiring in the U.S., and here’s the list of the top 5 states currently hiring:

1. California

2. Washington, DC

3. New York

4. Texas

5. Colorado

How were these results determined? By checking over 20 green-specific job boards and job search aggregators (individual company websites excluded) according to the number of openings in each state against various green job titles (ex. Solar Installers, Engineers, Environmental, Biofuels, and Smart Grid). States were then ranked according to the toal number of jobs across each source.

Take the state ranked #1 – California had over 7,500 jobs posted online. The two most popular categories were sales and engineering. If your saying to yourself, sales? that’s a green job? Why yes it is! As the basic definition of a green job is any job that creates, supports, maintains or regulates recycling, energy efficiency or renewable engergy products and services.

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