The Three S’s of Engagement

I plan to remain at my job. I don’t spend most of my day on USAJOBS looking for employment.

I am being led to a brighter tomorrow. I get the sense that my organization is moving me in the right direction. I understand my role in the success of the agency. I am allowed to find my own path.

My supervisor and I have a deep connection. She has my back and I have hers. She understands my language of appreciation. She recognizes and embraces my differences. I see her as a partner as opposed to a parent. She walks around the workplace catching me doing things right as opposed to doing things wrong.

I can bring my full self to work every day without having to check a piece of myself at the door. I don’t have to cover which allows me to focus on being productive.

I can integrate with people who look like me, talk like me and act like me. I can be assured that despite cultural differences with my leadership, I can go to them and they will understand my unique background.

My leader values my opinions, ideas and solutions for improving the organization even if my suggestions represent the minority viewpoint.

The workplace climate welcomes my dissent even when I am wrong. When I give critical feedback, I am not seen as a cultural interloper. I am viewed as someone who matters.

I can find both a seat and voice at the table and say exactly what is on my mind and in my heart in a respectful way and know that nothing bad will happen to me.

I know that my work environment is a place where diversity and inclusion conversations are seen as crucial dialogue rather than optional trainings.

I move around my office with my shoulders held high much like a shareholder or owner who is proud to be connected to her office’s mission, colleagues and customers.

I have an opportunity to do what I do best every day by focusing on my strengths and minimizing my weaknesses?

I can expect a predictable amount of autonomy in my work life by not being micromanaged.

I am allowed to pursue mastery through stretch assignments and doing things that enhance my ability to make a difference. I understand that my individual efforts when combined with the exploits of others, confirm I am achieving something bigger than myself.

I have an impact and make a difference. At the end of the day, I can recognize my contribution to worthy and visible outcomes. I leave work each day feeling like I accomplished something significant.

Staying, saying and striving are like turning a rare triple play in baseball. Let’s make it an everyday occurrence on the public sector playing field.

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