taking a survey of Parks and Rec site on Municipal Web Sites and as I am like to do I am make a points system and grading the pages. Right now I have a 91 points max and have reviewed 22 cities
City Name | parks website | score = 91 points |
1. Santa Rosa CA | 50 | |
2. Denver | http://www.denvergov.org/Default.aspx?alias=www.denvergov.org/parksandrecreation | 40 |
3. Columbia MO | http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/ParksandRec/ | 37 |
4. Grand Praire TX | http://www.grandfungp.com/ | 32 |
5. Houston TX | http://www.houstontx.gov/parks/index.html | 32 |
6. Sunnyvale CA | http://sunnyvale.ca.gov/Departments/Parks+and+Recreation/ | 27 |
7. Albuquerque NM | http://www.cabq.gov/parks/ | 24 |
8. Tulsa OK | http://www.cityoftulsa.org/culture–recreation/tulsa-parks.aspx | 22 |
9. Gresham OR | http://greshamoregon.gov/play/ | 19 |
10. Salinas CA | http://www.ci.salinas.ca.us/services/recreation/recreation.cfm | 17 |
11. Colubus OH | http://recparks.columbus.gov/ | 17 |
12. Philadelphia | http://www.phila.gov/recreation/index.html | 16 |
13. Fort Worth TX | http://www.fortworthgov.org/pacs/ | 16 |
14. Fort Collins, Co | http://www.fcgov.com/parks/?departments | 15 |
15. Boston | http://www.cityofboston.gov/parks/ | 15 |
16. Kansas KA | http://www.wycokck.org/Dept.aspx?id=17686&menu_id=1016&banner=15284 | 10 |
17. Corpus Christi | http://www.cctexas.com/pr/ | 10 |
18. Mcknney Tx | http://www.mckinneytexas.org/frameset.asp?id=&o_n=Guide&aid=144&Category=Parks%20and%20Rec | 8 |
19. Elgin Il | http://www.cityofelgin.org/index.aspx?nid=83 | 7 |
20. Paterson NJ | http://www.cityoforange.org/depts/commserv/parks_and_facilities/default.asp | 7 |
21. Orange CA | http://www.patersonnj.gov/category/?fCS=8-0 | 7 |
22. Elgin Il | http://www.cityofelgin.org | 7 |
23. Paterson NJ | http://www.patersonnj.gov/ | 5 |
It would be interesting to see your grading criteria. Would you be willing to share that?