The paper and the article are talking primarily to the private sector but suspect there is a significant amount of relevance to the public sector as well
1. Introduction of viruses and malware to the organizational network
2. Exposure to customers and the enterprise through a fraudulent or hijacked corporate presence
3.Unclear or undefined content rights to information posted to social media sites
4. A move to a digital business model may increase customer service expectations.
5. Mismanagement of electronic communications that may be impacted by retention regulations or e-discovery
Download the paper from ISACA ,an independent, nonprofit, global association, ISACA engages in
the development, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading
knowledge and practices for information systems.
Article: from Computerworld
Title: Group Lists Top Five Social Media Risks for Business
@Henry – I had to laugh at this one: “A move to a digital business model may increase customer service expectations.” Oh no! The citizen may expect better service from the agency! Run!!! 🙂