Stocks were up at Monday’s open but were unable to produce any further upside intraday. That gap produced was filled Tuesday wiping out most of the gains from Monday. Stocks opened down Wednesday but, with the help of crude oil, closed well off the lows to produce slight gains on the day. This upward action carried on into Thursday putting stocks at the high for the week but was followed by some modest losses Friday but stocks did not fall far from their weekly high.
The action of oil was a big catalyst this week and again we see no red funds in the TSP. The S-fund led for the second week in a row with just under 3% in gains. The F-fund lagged with a slight gain of 0.02%.

Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns for the week ending February 26th:

The SPY (S&P 500 / C-fund) produced an open gap at Monday’s open which was filled Tuesday while it fell below support. Another gap from the previous week was filled when the index opened down Wednesday. SPY was back above the support line by Thursday which held Friday to keep the gains of the week. The Index is not far from its 200-day EMA and is now above a support line to help keep it afloat so to speak. The C-fund was up 1.63% for the week.

The Dow Completion Index (S-fund) led the TSP funds again this week and made a new high for February on Friday. It does face possible resistance from its 50-day EMA which may have prevented any further upside on Friday. The S-fund was up 2.96% this week.

EFA (EAFE Index / I-fund) partially filled an open gap from the previous gap but found declining resistance to reverse the action. EFA came up with a slight gain of 0.18% for the week.

AGG (Bonds / F-fund) was jumping around its trading channel support line this week. It opened below it on Tuesday day but was able to break back through intraday and close just above the line. However AGG opened below it and stayed below it Friday. With that the F-fund was only able to produce 0.02 % in gains.

Good luck and thanks for reading. We will be back here next week with another TSP Wrap Up. You can read our daily market commentary at the Market Comments page. If you need more help deciding what to do with your account, perhaps one of our Premium Services can help.
Tommy Crowley
Weekly Wrap-Ups Archive
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The legal stuff: This information is for educational purposes only! This is not advice or are commendation. We do not give investment advice. Do not act on this data. Do not buy, sell or trade the funds mentioned herein based on this information. We may trade these funds differently than discussed above. We use additional methods and strategies to determine fund positions.
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