

Those who follow us on Facebook and Twitter probably know that we are participating in Tweetsgiving. We have sponsored some great prizes for the Richmond celebration.

What is Tweetsgiving? Check out the details on their website. Basically it is social media for social good. Last year all of the funds were donated to support a school in Tanzania run by a local, Mama Lucy. This year, they will again support Mama Lucy’s school but will also support other people like Mama Lucy who are working to better the lives of the poor around the world.

I have so much to be grateful in my life – a wonderful and supportive family, a job that I love. But I wanted to take this post to share what Virginia’s state parks are grateful for:

* Beautiful natural and historical resources that we are privileged to protect and share with Virginians and visitors to our state.

* Incredible and dedicated volunteers who devote their time to support our parks.

* Dedicated staff who often work more hours than they have to in order to make our parks wonderful places that are a tonic to the mind, body and spirit.

* A supportive Governor and legislature that continue to support our parks.

* The Virginia taxpayers who support our parks with tax dollars.

* The more than 7 million visitors who come to our parks each year and help contribute to our operations by paying user fees.

Our gratitude is overflowing and we wish a wonderful Thanksgiving to you all.

Middle Peninsula State Park – landbanked for future development

This post was created as part of a global groundswell of gratitude called TweetsGiving. The celebration, created by US nonprofit Epic Change, is an experiment in social innovation that seeks to change the world through the power of gratitude. I hope you’ll visit the TweetsGiving site to learn more, and to bring your grateful heart to the party by sharing your gratitude, and giving in honor of that for which you’re most thankful.

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Andrea Baker

The official event details are on the GovLoop Calendar. As one of the co-organizers I hope to see you there. We are also collecting items in kind for My Sister’s Place, a shelter for battered women.