
Twitter Quitters Just Don’t Get It

Just saw this article from PC World Business Center and wanted to share.

A Nielsen report this week revealed that Twitter has an uncanny knack for hemorrhaging users. In fact, some 60 percent of new users bail on the service within a month. For those of us who’ve been tweeting for a couple of years, this isn’t exactly a shocker. Many longtime users have gone through that initial period of wondering what, if any, use Twitter might be. And maybe it’s better for everyone if those who don’t get it refrain from tweeting until they do.

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Tom Vannoy

As someone who is still trying to figure out how exactly to use twitter that almost sounds exclusionary. I can’t count the number of conversations or people that have helped me try to find my way and I am incredibly grateful and humbled by everyone’s willingness to help. Interesting article, thanks for sharing!

Patrick Allmond

I tell people all of the time – it may not be for you. That article has some very bad ideas – “Follow a lot people”? That is the worst thing you can do. The more you follow the more noise and not enough useful information. The best thing you can do is join in, follow some friends, search for some relevant terms that apply to your job and industry, and interact with those people. If you try to do too much more than that you will really spend a lot time just try to keep up conversations that are not going to help you in your business.