
Vine – Coming Soon to an Agency Near You

Federal agencies will soon be able to utilize Vine for their mobile social media strategies. Vine is a free mobile app, owned by Twitter, that allows users to record six second long videos with their iPhones and iPads and then easily share it to Twitter or other social media platforms. Yesterday, the General Services Administration announced it had completed the government-friendly terms of service with Vine by posting their first video to Vine (which has now been removed.)

Through a tweet, the GSA mentions that it plans to have the government Vine accounts added to the Federal Social Media Registry in the coming weeks.

My first reaction when reading this was something along the lines of, “How will a government agency actually use 6 seconds of video effectively?” I found a really interesting look at this by GovGirl on YouTube who was talking about government using Vine back in early February:

While I’m still thinking that 6 seconds is a very minimal amount of time for an agency to distribute any type of meaningful information, that was also the sentiment surrounding Twitter when it first came into existence with its 140 character limit. Twitter seems to have won most people over and is now the de-facto place to go for information sharing. Can Vine see the same success as a 6-second video sharing service?

How do you think your agency will use Vine? Do you have any tips for typical uses or problems to avoid?

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