Virginia Center For Innovative Technology (CIT) Research Commercialization Fund Award Announcements

The Virginia Center For Innovative Technology (CIT) made an announcement today I would like to share with you. It is more proof of great innovation across the commonwealth. Congratulations to all awardees. We all look forward to tracking your progress.

Today’s press release is below:


Awards leverage private investment match to spark innovation, company formation in the Commonwealth

July 11, 2012 (Herndon, Va.) – The Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) today announced 22 awards totaling $3.1 million for the second round of the FY2012 Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund (CRCF). The awards were made to 20 organizations from academia, the research community and industry across Virginia for the purpose of funding targeted areas of research with commercial promise aligned with the Commonwealth Research and Technology (R&T) Strategic Roadmap.

The second round of the CRCF solicitation brought in 90 eligible proposals, totaling nearly $14.6 million, and spanning a spectrum of industries identified in the Roadmap as priority areas for Commonwealth investment. Awarded projects represent the areas of advanced manufacturing, aerospace, communications, cyber security, energy, environment, information technology, life sciences and modeling and simulation.

Pete Jobse, CIT President and CEO, said, “This second round of awards only reinforces what we are seeing in the marketplace: innovation is strong in Virginia, and investing in these ideas will help the Commonwealth strengthen its economic base in an increasingly competitive global economy.”

The following CRCF proposals will be awarded, contingent upon acceptance of award terms and conditions:

Commercialization Program

  • Dr. Kevin McElfresh, BrinkID, Defining Backward Compatibility Algorithms of Ultra-High-Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Forensic Results with Forensic STR DNA Results, $125,000
  • Mr. Kevin Williams, ClearEdge3D, Inc., 3D Modeling and Simulation Software for Defense and Security Operational Planning, $145,717
  • Mr. Geoffrey Miller, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Automated Intelligent Mentoring System (AIMS), $244,441
  • Mr. Guy Davis, ElectraWatch, Inc., Aluminum Sensitization Probe and Portable Potentiostat, $250,000
  • Dr. Francesco Viola, HemoSonics, LLC, Design for Manufacture of the Sensor Interface for a Novel In-Vitro Diagnostic Instrument, $100,000
  • Dr. Donna Marie Bilkovic, Innovative Marine Products and Solutions, Biodegradable Panels for Crab and Lobster Pots, $108,500
  • Dr. Christopher Detzel, NanoSafe Inc., NanoSafe Tested™ – A Commercial Testing Platform for Safe Nanomanufacturing and Nano-Enabled Consumer Products, $65,915
  • Dr. Karen Morgan, PocketSonics, Inc., SonicWindow Low-Cost Ultrasound Vascular Access Device, $53,769
  • Mr. David Kenealy, Southern Virginia Higher Education Center, Use of Southern Yellow Pine as an Alternative Material for the Manufacture of Cross-Laminated Timbers for Use in Commercial Construction, $250,000
  • Mr. Kevin Sapp, SpydrSafe Mobile Security, Inc., Data Loss Prevention for Mobile Applications, $100,000
  • Dr. Lloyd Gray, Tau Therapeutics LLC, Commercialization of Mibefradil, A Novel Cancer Therapy, $200,000
  • Dr. Thomas Campbell, Virginia Tech, Additive Manufacturing System for Nanocomposites, $200,000
  • Mr. Jay Titlow, WeatherFlow Inc., Development of an Operational Tuned Forecast System for Use in Offshore Wind Energy, $242,000

Eminent Researcher Recruitment Program

  • Dr. Richard Heller, Old Dominion University, Recruitment of Dr. Igor Efimov, $250,000

Matching Funds Program

  • Dr. Sylvain Marsillac, Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Embedded Health Monitoring for Large-Scale Solar Power Systems, $150,000
  • Mr. Bob Bailey, Region 2000 Research Institute dba CAER, A Regional Cognitive Radio Testbed, $150,000
  • Dr. Eric Loth, University of Virginia, Innovative Nano-Textured Protective Coatings for Structurally Integrated Panels, $150,000
  • Dr. Louis J. Guido, Virginia Tech, Bottomless GaN Power Devices, $150,000

SBIR Matching Funds Program

  • Dr. Amy Papadopoulos, AFrame Digital, Inc., Non-Intrusive Automated Portable Data Collection System for Aging Surveys, $50,000
  • Dr. Johanna Craig, GATACA LLC, Integrated Desktop Software for Management of Hepatitis C Data, $50,000
  • Dr. Vladimir Karginov, Innovative Biologics, Inc., Synthesis and Testing of Potential Anti-MRSA Therapeutics, $49,990
  • Dr. Steven Yi, Xyken, LLC, Next Generation Capsule Endoscopy Video Data Acquisition and Visualization Platform, $50,000

This list can also be accessed at

“CIT was delighted to receive nearly 100 eligible proposals this round. The proposals that were awarded continue to support goals and industry opportunities identified in the Commonwealth Research and Technology Strategic Roadmap and were reviewed using the multi-step assessment process developed in the fall,” said Nancy Vorona, CIT VP Research Investment.

The multi-step process consisted of four layers of review beginning with CIT for guideline compliance. Acceptable submissions were then subject to an external review by subject matter experts from industry, academia and government. Those proposals advancing from the expert review were ranked and selected by the Research and Technology Investment Advisory Committee (RTIAC). The RTIAC made recommendations to the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority (IEIA), which approved the final awards.

Award recipients will be contacted over the next two weeks to review award terms and conditions. CIT staff will be available to discuss the selection process beginning July 18, 2012.

CIT will publish information on the next CRCF solicitation as it becomes available through distribution resources including webinars, newsletters, press releases, Federal Funding Assistance Program (FFAP) events and on the CIT website at:

About the CRCF and R&T Roadmap

The Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund (CRCF) advances science- and technology-based research, development and commercialization to drive economic growth in Virginia and to encourage collaboration among its institutions of higher education and partnerships between these colleges and universities, and business and industry.

The Commonwealth Research and Technology (R&T) Strategic Roadmap is a comprehensive planning tool the Commonwealth uses to identify research areas worthy of economic development and institutional focus. It provides elected and other officials with priorities in key industry sectors that have commercial promise and that are eligible for new CRCF awards.

In FY2012, the General Assembly approved $6 million for the CRCF; five programs were eligible for funding in FY2012: Commercialization, Facility Enhancement Loans, Eminent Researcher Recruitment and Matching Funds.

The reforms and funding were part of the McDonnell Administration’s economic development package and spearheaded in the 2011 Virginia General Assembly session by Delegates Scott Lingamfelter and Joe May, and Senators Mark Herring and Stephen Newman. Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling, Secretary of Technology Jim Duffey, the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC) and other technology councils, the Virginia Biotechnology Association (VABio) and universities and colleges were instrumental in the passage of new legislation and funding, as well as the development of the Roadmap.

As part of the CRCF funding package, the General Assembly created the Research and Technology Investment Advisory Committee (RTIAC), comprised of university, industry and economic development experts, to review applications and make award recommendations to the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority (IEIA).

About the Center for Innovative Technology,

CIT is the state-chartered nonprofit corporation that conducts the business of the IEIA and accelerates innovation and the next generation of technology and technology companies. CIT creates new technology companies through capital formation, market development and revenue generation services. To facilitate national innovation leadership and accelerate the rate of technology adoption, CIT creates partnerships between innovative technology startup companies and advanced technology consumers. Its CAGE code is 1UP71.

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