Vote for Your Favorite OpenGov Logo

As I read about the buzz around the Missile Defense Agency’s new logo (“…very much like a fusion of the Muslim crescent moon and star and the Obama campaign logo” according to this Washington Post story; more at the Huffington Post), I started thinking about how to best visually represent the Open Government movement.

I was working on some presentations around the OpenGov Directive and wanted to include a graphic or logo to visually represent the move toward transparency, collaboration and participation.

Sunlight’s Jake Brewer recently unveiled “An Emblem for Open Governement” that frankly I don’t like. Maybe it’s the stark black and white, or maybe as Hillary Hartley tweeted, it’s the “most over-used G symbol ever…” as a key design element. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but I’m not a huge fan (over at the GovTwit Blog you can see a video overview of the logo design from Sunlight’s Noah Kunin).

The other option I came across was the stylized “OpenGov” graphic used by the White House and a number of agency sites. Though I can’t seem to find a good clean, large copy (so it’s a bit blurry below), I tend to lean more toward its design, especially the “little flap” which to me visually represents movement, action, the “opening” part of OpenGov.

What do you think? Vote for your favorite or point out other good options over at the poll on


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