WE ACT for Environmental Justice Seeks to Fill FederalPolicy Analyst Position in Wash DC Office

From the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health listserve:
“This year WE ACT for Environmental Justice (http://weact.org) will be opening a new office in Washington, DC. The purpose of the DC office will be to develop strategic, unified, and sustained advocacy to achieve equity in federal policy and practice by influencing federal legislative and non-legislative agency actions, and by educating legislators/officials on key environmental justice issues.

WE ACT is seeking a skilled and experienced legislative policy analyst and grassroots federal agency liaison who can successfully advocate for federal legislative and regulatory action that addresses its eight core environmental and public health indicators affecting environmental justice communities in New York City. This Environmental Justice Federal Policy Analyst position will be based in Washington, DC, though regular visits to the main WE ACT office in New York City will be required.

The full job description is posted at http://bit.ly/ym9hGk

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