We Don’t Know Who Buys American Drones, NASA’s Visual Data Processing, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:

  • The Government Accountability Office found that the federal government has no way of knowing which countries have purchased American drones because of inadequate databases and weak communication between licensing departments and intelligence agencies. More here.
  • The United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity has awarded a contract to develop mathematical modelling of of infectious disease transmission and vaccine intervention. More here.
  • Department of Defense Chief Information Officer Teri Takai released a new department policy on responsibilities and instructions for establishing, operating and maintaining Internet services on unclassified networks and the use of the Internet to collect, disseminate, store, and process unclassified information. More here.
  • Self-proclaimed Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation during an online chat. More here.
  • The General Services Administration plans to consolidate all information technology personnel, budgets and systems under the Chief Information Officer. More here.
  • NASA is using its new Mission Data Processing and Control System to present raw data from the Curiosity rover visually, making it useful to a wider range of project team members. More here.
  • Some Army commanders want to choose their own Big Data intelligence analysis applications rather than use Distributed Common Ground System-Army. More here.

This post by was first published at CTOvision.com.

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