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Weekly Links Roundup 2.21.11

Observe Everything. Communicate Well. Draw, Draw, Draw.

Frank Thomas, Disney Animator, When asked to give advice to young animators

McDonald’s Aiming to Start Healthy Food Chain: Well what do you know…the fast food giant is looking to correct the public health disasters they’ve helped to engineer with creating a chain of healthy food restaurants. I came across this after the recent “Oatmealgate”. What do you all think about this?

Why Innovation is So Hard in Health Care: Harvard Business Review series gets started around innovation in health care. Read this. Kanter says that even though it may be hard, we have to do it anyway. Who thinks I agree with this?

Searching for the Public Health Social Media Holy Grail: Good friend, Erica Holt, writes up an issue that a few of us have been marinating on for some time. There is no one good answer as far as the usefulness of social media in public health with behavior change, at least as far as the data is concerned. Make sure and check the comments too – some industry leaders chime in.

Kresge Foundation Awards $6M to Safety Net Initiative: “Launched in 2009, the initiative aims to improve health outcomes for low-income individuals by providing community health centers and anchor institutions from diverse geographies and sectors with the resources to collaborate on innovative approaches to reducing health disparities.”

McKesson Foundation Awards $1.5M for mHealth: Congratulations to the organizations/projects that got funding to pursue some research into mHealth and underserved populations. Notably, my friend Kevin Clauson’s project was picked! Congratulate him on Twitter when you get a chance.

Talking About Transmedia Activism: My very talented and creative friend Lina Srivastava gets interviewed over at the Tribeca Film Institute blog about social change and transmedia. What is transmedia you ask? Basically it’s using various forms and media platforms to tell a story. Here Lina talks about using transmedia for activism. A valuable tool for public health.

Get Ready for the Health Journalism 2011 Conference: For those of you interested in covering stories related to health, the upcoming Health Journalism conference in Philly should be of interest. If you’re on Twitter, connect with Pia Christensen. She is a wealth of information from the Association of Health Care Journalists.

Return of CDC’s Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media: One of the conferences that I would encourage Pulse + Signal’s readers to check out. Really happy it’s happening again this year. If you know of a health communicator or marketer that wants to stay up to date on the field, this is the conference to attend. Spread the word.

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