The first raw feed of the Weekly Report of Current Opinions (RECOP), a collection of newly released U.S. court decisions, is now available at Public.Resource.Org, according to a tweet by Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org.
Carl writes:
Will release processed version of cases in few weeks. Be careful if you use raw
Carl has also posted a new set of U.S. federal court decisions and docket information obtained from PACER, the U.S. federal judiciary’s fee-based database. Carl says a bit more about this data set in this tweet.
RT @carlmalamud: RECOP pushed 3,797 court opinions for week ending 2-25-2011. HT @GoGoInflight #lawgov
Why, & how to, innovate with RECOP, by @jjoerg42 current US court decisions in XML, free. #lawgov #egov #opengov
#lawgov MT @sglassmeyer @jjoerg42 Maybe some1 could whip up RECOP cookbk a la Jello to show ppl how they might use it?
RECOP discussion continues btw @jjoerg42 & Andrew Abulifia: re: purpose of RECOP free XML court decisions #lawgov
Elmer on RECOP @emasters @teknoids #lawgov#opengov #egov #gov20 #ogov
RT @carlmalamud RECOP pushed 4,259 court opinions for the week ending 2011-03-04.
RT @carlmalamud RECOP pushed 3,920 opinions for the week ending March 11, 2011. #lawgov
New fr @jjoerg42 : searchable full-text archive of all decisions of US courts, Jan 2011- uses RECOP data #lawgov #egov
RT @carlmalamud: RECOP pushed 3,586 opinions for the week ending 2011-03-18. #lawgov
RT @carlmalamud RECOP pushed 3,555 opinions for week ending 2011-04-08 #lawgov 58,510 opinions double-keyed this year.
RT @carlmalamud RECOP pushed 3,428 opinions for the week ending 2011-04-15. #lawgov
RT @carlmalamud RECOP pushed judicial 3,117 opinions for the week ending 2011-04-22. #lawgov We need to move this service to real-time
RT @carlmalamud Justice was busy. RECOP pushed 10,680 opinions for week ending 4-29. #lawgov This public utility should be real time.
#lawgov MT @jjoerg42 Finally, RECOPweb setup avail: (get .tgz file from downloads). Setup your own Amer.Law Repo!
Background on the RECOP Github site, from @jjoerg42 @teknoids #lawgov #egov #opengov