
Weighing in on WayIn

Co-founder and former CEO of Sun Microsystems Scott McNealy is in business again. This time however, instead of creating computer systems, he has ventured into the social media world.

His latest venture, manifested currently at Wayin.com and launched mainly on Twitter, combines user created content and distributes it to other users. Those users then get to weigh in on the content. Here is how the WayIn website describes this concept:

“Wayin gives everyone a voice by allowing you to add your own questions to any photo before sharing with friends and followers. All at the flick of a finger! YOU set the answer options, so it’s easier than ever to see which choice is winning. Just point, click, shoot and ask fo

r unlimited opinions on everything from the cute stranger on your right to the concert you saw last night. Follow your pals and lend your advice, help your favorite celeb make a tough decision or build a monster following of your own and find out what your friends really think!” –http://www.wayin.com/#!/what

Wayin, obviously a clever play on words, is fun now, but all indications are that this is just the beginning. Now that a platform has been built and an app has been deployed to the Apple we can logically conclude that other device apps are coming soon. And then what? Right now the polling seems focused around photos. It certainly doesn’t have to be only photos. It will be interesting to see what other capabilities are rolled out. Will we be able to poll over video? Or text? Or content that is not on the WayIn site? Will we be able to WayIn on the products and services we consume, the entertainment we enjoy and the news we find interesting? Imagine if television viewers could have voted to remove a hated contestant on the spot, or promote a worthy one immediately. Imagine if video gamers could give live feedback to developers to bring about changes in the game updates. Or imagine if you could tell Coca-Cola that their latest feel good commercial was lame, and they could pull it and replace it with something you like. WayIn holds the potential to make this a reality, and cash in at the same time.

I downloaded the Wayin iPhone app last Thursday and have been playing with it since. The website is now up and running and it is amusing to see some of the user generated content out there. My initial impression is that Wayin is taking its approach slowly and keeping its cards close, but I think any new social startup this day and age can have the potential for greatness. One thing is sure though; McNealy has a proven track record and Wayin will likely be successful in whichever direction it decides to roll.

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