What next for localism?

We’ve been working quite closely with the National Association of Local Councils this year. We produced the Planning for Councillors microsite a few months ago, and have contributed to the three People in Action conferences run around the country over the summer.

The parish and town council sector may have a certain image, but it’s hard not to be enthused by the likes of Justin Griggs, whose presentation at the recent Open Space South West event (slides here) was an illuminating discussion of a sector growing in importance.

So when Justin asked for some help in generating a debate online about the future of localism, we were only too pleased to!

The What Next for Localism site we have built is a simple one to allow people to give their views and ideas on what needs to happen next to push forward the localism agenda.

This is quite a departure for the usual way of doing things for NALC, and it’s great that a new approach is being taken. Hopefully it wil mean that a new bunch of people will get involved in NALC’s work that normally don’t bother.

I know that the team are hoping to hear from as many people as possible, with innovative and challenging ideas about the future of localism – so please do visit the site and add your views!

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