With The Walking Dead setting ratings records, it’s safe to say plenty of economic development professionals watch every episode. But does this nerve-wracking saga of desperate survivors battling flesh-eating zombies offer anything worth pondering from an economic development standpoint?
Of course it does. A recent binge-viewing of Seasons 1 and 2 revealed 5 lessons economic development professionals can learn from the zombie apocalypse survivors. Here’s a sneak peek with tip #1:
1. Go for the head. Attracting a new business to your community is like putting down a zombie—your best bet is a clean shot to the head. Pumping scarce bullets into a zombie’s body is wasteful and ineffective—only a direct shot to the brain will stop it. Similarly, communities talk about targeting industries or corporations, but that’s like spraying bullets into a crowd of zombies… [continued]
Love The Walking Dead, thanks.