When the power goes out – will Gov 2.0 follow

Web 2.0 did so much during H1N1 outbreak that helped people. Its easy to see the solutions – yet what if the power goes out?

For newbie and vetran preppers please take twenty min to watch these two videos.

The documentation about the technological wonder we live in and how people do not not always panic is still very good.

Original post from Twitter’s “StandingFirmCM” James Burke : Connections, Episode 1, “The Trigger Effect”, 1 of 5 (CC) http://bit.ly/rczoi

Part II – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVn1EH-1Avg&feature=PlayList&p=79184D14F872B80D&index=1

Yes the video helps understand the ripple effect of what can happen after a hurricane or tornado – its not just for pandemics or black outs.

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