
Who are the Active DC GovLoop Girls?

I am putting together my presentation for Ignite DC and one of my slides (gasp! powerpoint!) I want to point out the active DC women on GovLoop, that is, if I don’t cover them in another slide.

And when I say active, I mean they live or work in the DC Metro area and they are active on this site. (post a blog, comment, participate). I am asking because I want to crowdsource this slide so I can mention this was a group effort. I also want to make sure I am not overlooking anyone. So if you fit this description or you know someone, let me know by any means you can to contact me.

I want to get your permission to use your photo, meet up for coffee so I can know you in person, and share a quick blurb. I only get 5 minutes.

Thank you in advance…


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I am in too, but I have to upload my picture, also I work in Bethesda and live in Fairfax, so online will work for me.

Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom

Well… I live in Falls Church, work for Arlington County and am a decently active member of GovLoop. I attended Gov 2.0 camp as well. Feel free to count me in if you feel it is appropriate.