I apologize for the redirect but I have links and attachments on my original blog. Check it out and let me know what you think.
I apologize for the redirect but I have links and attachments on my original blog. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Nice analysis, John. Agree that followers alone are not an effective measure of Twitter engagement. By the way, you’ll want to congratulate GovLoop’er Brad Blake, New Media Director for the MA gov: govloop.com/profile/BradBlake
Thanks. I’ve chatted with Brad in the past, http://johnfmoore.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/massgovgoessocia/, they are doing some good work in the Governor’s office. Of course, as I have time I need to extend my analysis across the Senate and Parliamentary bodies in the US, UK, Australia, and Canada. I will have to make a few more cups of coffee before I go there though. 🙂