
Why The World Suddenly Seems Smaller

As soon as a bill gets passed in Washington, I am usually notified within a few short moments. That’s right me, in my little suburban home office, I get a message with a link to the details. As soon as there is an earthquake, fire, or it starts snowing in Minnesota, I am generally made aware instantly.

What makes me so special? Because I twitter. All of sudden Twitter has become the go-to website for, well everything. Networking, socializing, news, inspiration, humor, or help on everything from a school project to computer problems to marketing and media questions and even how exactly to make the best Christmas cookies ever.

Now that I’ve become an active twitter user (you say addicted I say active), I suddenly feel that the world is a much smaller place. I enjoy the cutting edge feeling of being instantly connected to the government, politics, and the world around me.

When the terrorist attacks occurred in Mumbai, it was not just some random footage that I caught on the news later in the evening, but something I actually saw happening as it was happening. Pictures taken only minutes before of terrorists with guns by someone I had actually chatted with before.

Mumbai didn’t seem so far away. And those terrorist attacks didn’t feel like a five o’clock news item, it felt real. And it felt like it was happening in my own backyard.

That’s something that the creators of Twitter, I’m sure never saw coming. And it’s definitely something the folks at the various news network didn’t see coming either. Especially considering that most initial reports on CNN regarding those attacks are coming from, you guessed it, Twitter.

So how big a part do you think Twitter will play in the new Gov 2.0 world? You can network with associates all over the world, remain connected to your local and federal government officials, and trade recipes, quips and PTA advice with people all over the world.

With Twitter’s popularity in the rise it remains to be seen just how far it can take us. But what we have seen is how quickly Twitter and similar sites, are tearing down the wall between the government and the people.

The list of Government officials and agencies on Twitter is growing daily. You can find a list on the Twitter Fan Wiki page (thanks to Ari Herzog)

So are you on Twitter? And if so, how is it making your life better? Feel free to follow me if you are and don’t forget of course that GovLoop is in on the action too!

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