After far too long, my “Data Dynamite: unleash information to transform our world” book is finally in the editing stages, and should be released as an e-book later this winter.
One of the key points is that we need to think holistically about data (especially tagged data), so that there are unified strategies for internally using the same data that you release publicly through sites such as to reduce inter- and intra-agency duplication of effort, to improve decision making by giving all agency employees access to real-time data they need, and to encourage collaborative analysis of data by using Web 2.0 collaboration and visualization tools.
As an outsider, it’s been my impression that there’s a gap in this respect: Josephine Citizen may have more access than you do.
My model was what Vivek Kundra had started when he was DC CTO (and I assume he’d like to do as CIO): to treat every (as in EVERY) worker as a “knowledge worker,” giving him or her access to the data they need to do their jobs better.
I’d love to be proved wrong! Is your agency providing the same data feeds on your intranet as publicly? If so, how has that changed the way you do your job, and the way the agency functions as a whole? If not, are there any organized efforts underway either on your level or among senior agency personnel to create such a seamless flow of data?
I hope you can provide me with some specific examples that I could shoehorn into the book!
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