
Workshop to explore social-media privacy

This just in from FCW (Federal computer weekly)

“The Homeland Security Department’s privacy office will hold a conference to explore the use of social media as if affects security and privacy. The “Government 2.0: Privacy and Best Practices” conference will be held June 22 to June 23 in Washington and is open to the public.

The workshop is meant to help agencies use Web 2.0 technologies in ways to protect privacy and security, and to explore the best practices for implementing President Barack Obama’s memo on open government that was released in January, according to a notice published in the federal register April 17” Source: http://fcw.com/articles/2009/04/20/web-dhs-privacy-social-media.aspx?s=hls_210409

What caught my eye was Homeland security is holding the conference. Security and privacy in an open medium called social medium – our security, the government or both?

Even today rockstars and TV hosts are using Twitter and Facebook to gain more control onver their public image. Oprah is in a race on Twitter to get 1,000,000 followers. I wish the federal government had that.

Do you think the government should be on Twitter, Yammer or facebook?

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