CTOlabs.com is a research tool information on technologies, concepts and companies of interest to enterprise IT professionals. The CTOlabs Disruptive IT List is a curated list of firms we believe hold the greatest potential for positive disruption in the enterprise IT space.
Our writers and analysts seek out information on these firms from multiple sources, including networking with other CTOs, tracking the Venture Capital world, interviewing company leaders and watching the demands in the IT market. You can search our directory at CTOlabs.com or discover firms by browsing by category. Categories in our directory include:
Analytical Tools |
Big Data |
Cloud Computing |
Communications |
Data |
GreenIT |
Infrastructure |
Mobile |
Security |
Services |
Storage |
Visualization |
Of particular note is the Big Data category, which contains a listing of every firm in the Big Data ecosystem we believe holds promise of making significant strategic improvements in the enterprise IT world’s ability to make sense over information holdings.
We built this directory for your use. Please let us know what you think.
And if you know of a firm we have missed that belongs in our directory: Nominate it here.

This post by BobGourley was first published at CTOvision.com.
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