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Cybersecurity and the Mobile Workforce…Who Wins?

Fun title? Yes, but a very real issue facing many agencies today. How do you balance the need for flexibility and mobility with the need to ward off cyber attacks and protect data? Well GovLoop wants to get you the answers to those questions. We are hosting a free training webinar on 3/10 and 3/17 at 2PM EST on both days to help you tackle cybersecurity issues

Learn more about our next training series and register.

I hope to “see” you there!
Steve (Mr. GovLoop)

Full Training Series Description:
Cybersecurity and the Mobile Workforce…Who Wins?

At times it can seem like there’s a battle raging between the need for government agencies to protect themselves from cyber-attack and the need for a workforce that is increasingly mobile. Workers increasingly want access to information and the ability to do their job from anywhere using whatever mobile device is their current favorite while their agencies find they need to deploy stricter and stricter controls over system and data access to counter the seeming perpetual attacks against their defenses.

Is there an acceptable compromise? What are some mechanisms agencies can use to protect their critical systems and data while allowing the flexible remote access their mobile workers are demanding?

Join GovLoop and Microsoft as we will examine recommendations for agencies trying to successfully navigate this issue and talk about the experiences some government agencies have had deploying these solutions in a two-part series:

Part 1: Common Mobile Challenges and How to Overcome
Thursday, March 10, 2011
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST

Part 2: Ways to Go Mobile, Be Secure and Improve Performance and Collaboration
Thursday, March 17, 2011
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST

Register Now!

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