Here at GovLoop we’ve been cranking out Best of 2010 lists for everything government from blogs to podcasts to moments. We’ll we aren’t the only ones doing so. Our buddy Ed O’Keefe at the Washington Post has been looking back at all his Federal Eye posts this year and released his top 10 today.
2010 Year in Review: Top Federal Eye posts
I won’t spoil Ed’s list but there are some good ones in there including his story that got the ball rolling on GovLoop’s Government Doesn’t Suck Rally in late October.
“Daily Dose of the Washington Post” is a new blog series created by GovLoop in partnership with The Washington Post. If you see great stories in the Post and want to ask a question around it, please send them to
Previous Daily Dose Posts:
- Beauty Queens and Government Geeks
- Cut Gov’t Jobs? But Which?
- Do New Sick Leave Laws Make You Sick?
- Federal Workers DON’T Make Enough Money
- Finders, Leapers — Govies Leaving Soon After Landing
- Isn’t It Time to Tear Down Federal Buildings?
- Let’s Telework (Finally?)!
- Peace Corps Pressing Toward 10,000 Volunteers