
Daily Dose: Traveling Govies Score More Cash

Do you hit the road for your Government Gig? Well next time you travel (depending on where you go) you might be carrying a heavier purse/wallet. The Washington Post reported today that GSA will be upping the Per Diem rates for certain areas.

Some Per Diem Rates For Feds Going Up

And if you are a traveling Fed be sure to check out our GovLoop Per Diem Calculator that will tell you how much you can spend and also give you recommendations on where you can spend it.

Here’s a excerpt from the story:

Starting next month the federal government is planning to pay more for federal employees traveling to New York City, San Francisco and other sites on official business.

In New York, feds will be able to spend $212 per day on hotels, up from $192. The rate will climb to $224 in June and $295 in September. Those figures are up slightly from numbers released at the start of the fiscal year.

Out in San Francisco, feds will be able to spend up to $150 per day on lodging, up from $142. Rates will climb to $180 in the month of September.

The other areas that will see increases sound a little odd to me but then again I don’t travel there often. Those areas are Harrisburg, Pa., Bowling Green, Va. and some parts of Texas and Mississippi.

So lets hear what you think. Are Per Diem rates too high? Too low? What would it cost to eat and sleep in your neck of the woods?


“Daily Dose of the Washington Post” is a blog series created by GovLoop in partnership with The Washington Post. If you see great stories in the Post and want to ask a question around it, please send them to

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