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Data-Driven Safety Analysis (Team Page)

Overview of Innovation

Recent advances in highway safety analysis can provide more reliable information for effective investment decisions on the nation’s highway system. The objective of this EDC-3 initiative is broader implementation of two of these advances—predictive approaches and systemic approaches—into safety management processes and project development decision making.

Predictive approaches combine crash, roadway inventory, and traffic volume data to provide more reliable estimates of an existing or proposed roadway’s expected safety performance. The results inform roadway safety management and project development decision making as well as safety countermeasure selection and evaluation. Examples of tools State and local highway agencies can use to apply predictive approaches include AASHTO’s Highway Safety Manual, AASHTOWare’s Safety Analyst software, FHWA’s Interactive Highway Safety Design Model and Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse, and several commercial products in the marketplace.

Systemic approaches target high-risk roadway features associated with particular severe crash types. A comprehensive safety management program incorporates a systemic approach to complement traditional high crash location-oriented (i.e., “hot spot”) approaches. The Missouri and Minnesota DOTs have been leaders in implementing the systemic approach to safety. FHWA’s Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool and AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s usRAP software are examples of tools available to implement a systemic approach to safety management.  

Implementation Team


Implementation Plan: Working Draft

PLEASE NOTE: The Innovation Market Research Tool assigned in Week 4 has been added to this same Google Doc below the Target Audience Descriptor Tool. Please click on the button above to access.

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