
Digital Government Strategy Updates at Department of Energy: Robert Brese, CIO

Recently, Robert Brese, Chief Information Officer at the Department of Energy shared some updates on the Digital Government Strategy at the Department of Energy on the blog. Brese states, “As part of the Digital Strategy, the Department of Energy is making more high-value data sets available through Application Program Interfaces (APIs) – helping programmers develop new opportunities, services and products for citizens. Additionally, these data sets and APIs are now housed on cloud-based servers, helping us to provide easy, scalable access to the public.”

Story Highlights

  • Robert Brese shares some of the actions taken at Department of Energy to implement Digital Government Strategy
  • Brese states that cloud, data, and API implementation is critical to next steps for agency
  • GovLoop will be releasing a guide, infographic and year end blog series in December reviewing government technology in 2012.

Brese believes that moving the data sets to the cloud is an important step for the Department of Energy. By moving to the cloud, the DOE is able to share critical data sets more efficiently and easily with the public, and specifically with developers looking to develop mobile apps on the data, or develop new, innovative ways for people to consume information. In his post, Brese identifies several new data sets that have been moved to the cloud:

The Department of Energy is a great case study showing how agencies are complying with the Digital Government Strategy. The Department of Energy website states:

New expectations require the Federal Government to be ready to deliver and receive digital information and services anytime, anywhere and on any device. It must do so safely, securely, and with fewer resources. To build for the future, the Federal Government has developed a Digital Strategy that embraces the opportunity to innovate more with less, and enables entrepreneurs to better leverage government data to improve the quality of services to the American people.

If you have not checked out our infographic on the Digital Government Strategy, be sure to take a look. It gives a nice visual to some of the benchmarks that agencies need to hit for the digital government strategy.

As 2012 quickly (and amazingly) comes to a close, be sure to keep an on GovLoop. Over the next month we will be releasing a guide as a year in review of government technology, an infographic, and I’ll be writing some year end posts highlighting the year and resources you can find on GovLoop.

A lot has happen this year – and a lot for the government community to be proud of and build on in 2013. Stay tuned!

This post is brought to you by the GovLoop Technology Solutions Council. The mission of this council is to provide you with information and resources to help improve government. Visit the GovLoop Technology Solutions Council to learn more.

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