
Do You Text with Your Boss?

Perhaps five years ago, texting was mainly for teens. Now days, everyone texts. All ages for all reasons. I text with my mother, my sister, my wife, and my friends on all things from quick thoughts to photos.

But I never used to text for work. Something about it just felt wrong.

And then the last six months, I’ve started to get more work-related texts.

I think there are a couple factors affecting this. First, we all get so many emails that it’s easy for emails to get last. Second, the rise of Bring Your Own Device and newer model smartphones are pushing this any more as we are used to texting in our personal lives.

So I’m curious

Do you text at work? If so, with whom?
How do you use it? Questions? Notifications?

When do you use text versus email?

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(Attribution – Innovation Photo – Creative Commons – Flickr Dan Zen

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