e-NEPA and Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation (Bios)

Rob Ayers, Resource Center (rob.ayers@dot.gov)

Hi folks.

I’m Rob Ayers and I’m with the Federal Highway Administration.  I’m an Environmental Protection Specialist in the Resource Center.  I’ll be supporting the E-NEPA initiative.

I took the Leap Not Creep instructor-led course a year or two ago so hopefully this current course will be a refresher for me.

Tricia Harr, Headquarters (tricia.harr@dot.gov)
Hello, I am Tricia Harr and I am an Environmental Protection Specialist at FHWA’s HQ office of Project Development and Environmental Review.  I will be the lead for Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation or IQED for short.  IQED is part of a joint e-NEPA/IQED initiative for EDC3.  I worked on IQED under EDC2, and I am excited to be continuing the adventure.  I look forward to working with all my current and new team members.

Dan Johnson, Resource Center (danw.johnson@dot.gov)

Chip Larson, Headquarters (kreig.larson@dot.gov)

Owen Lindauer, Headquarters (owen.lindauer@dot.gov)

Jane Nitchals, Headquarters (jane.nitchals@dot.gov)

Bill Ostrum, Headquarters (william.f.ostrum@dot.gov)

Brian Smith, Resource Center (bsmith@dot.gov)
My name is Brian Smith and I work in the FHWA Resource Center.  I am on the EDC3 eNEPA implementation team.  I have worked in the environmental field for 25 years including two other agencies.  I am taking this course to assist with the eNEPA implementation and improve communication and collaboration during the NEPA and transportation project delivery process.

Lamar Smith, Resource Center (lamar.smith@dot.gov)

Susan Staffeld, Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (susan.staffeld@ahtd.ar.gov)

Rod Vaughn, Resource Center (rodney.vaughn@dot.gov)

Rod Vaughn

FHWA Resource Center – Environment and ROW Technical Services Team

Get familiar with EDC3 and be prepared to conduct workshops.