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e-NEPA and Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation (Team Page)

Overview of Innovation

The Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation (IQED) effort, started under FHWA’s EDC-2 initiative, promotes existing recommendations and current best practices to simplify and expedite the development of environmental documents. The initiative emphasizes ensuring that the good efforts for project purpose and need, consideration of alternatives, and impacts are appropriately documented and effectively included in National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) documents.

Experience has shown that concurrent agency reviews and quality documentation significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making process. This initiative expands the efforts started under EDC2 by incorporating e-NEPA, an online workspace and collaboration forum for major projects requiring an environmental impact statement (EIS) or an environmental assessment (EA). e-NEPA will reduce agency workloads required to collaborate, maintain records, and create an administrative record. In addition, e-NEPA will allow State DOTs to share documents, track comments, schedule tasks with participating agencies, and perform concurrent reviews for their EIS and EA projects.

Implementation Team

Implementation Plan: Working Draft

PLEASE NOTE: The Innovation Market Research Tool assigned in Week 4 has been added to this same Google Doc below the Target Audience Descriptor Tool. Please click on the button above to access.

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