
Faceless Bureaucrats? I Think Not

The idea of a faceless government bureaucrat seems like a permanent fixture in the American imagination. And yet it’s so wrong.

I’ve been covering the government beat for 30 years, writing about the technologies, programs and policies that serve as the cogs and gears of government.

Along the way, I’ve learned one important lesson: What makes government work, in fact, are the so-called faceless bureaucrats.

Their visages might be invisible to the general public but their impact is felt all the same. They solve problems, drive innovation and generally improve everything they touch.

They’re not bureaucrats. They’re public servants, stewards of public trust, and change agents.

That’s why I get so fired up about GovLoop’s annual NextGen Public Service Awards. This program shines a light on those individuals and celebrates their service.

But we need your help to do it.

Because you know who these people are, and you know the work they do. They are your co-workers, your direct reports or maybe even your boss.

Help them get the recognition they deserve by nominating them for a NextGen award. The deadline is July 31, and the winners will be honored at the NextGen Government Training Virtual Summit on October 25 — among other recognitions.

You can find more information about the awards, including the criteria, on the awards homepage.

Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize someone who otherwise might be overlooked.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki on
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