
Frank’s Career Corner, Diversity Hiring at your agency and do you lie on your resume? What about Linkedin?

Frank’s Career Corner, Diversity Hiring at your agency and do you lie on your resume, Linkedin? by GovLoop Insights

On today’s program for Wednesday March 28th, 2012.

The stories that impact your life… your government world in 120-seconds…


Frank’s Career Corner: The “who” in your strategy
Frank DiGiammarino

Our mission on the DorobekINSIDER can be summed up in six words: Helping you do your job better… and specifically, helping government do its job better. And one of the easiest ways to ensure you do a great job is to get you have a career that you love. That’s where Frank DiGiammarino comes in. Over the years Frank has developed this three part career framework. He has presented it at GovLoop’s NextGen Leadership Summit — and he’ll be doing that again this year… and even offering some personalized visits. And we gave you a preview two weeks ago. The framework asks you to assess the who… the why… and the what. Frank tells me that often people want to jump right to the WHAT — what job can I have. And that is where he usually starts. But the more complex question — the more far-reaching question — is WHO. I asked him to explain the who… the what… and the why…

On GovLoop: Frank’s Career Corner: The who question

If you have questions you’d like Frank to tackle, let us know.


Why diversity in the workplace matters
Tom Fox, vice president for leadership and innovation at Partnership for Public Service

Does diversity matter? Yes, there are all kinds of rules about having a diverse workforce — and the EEOC — the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — says that the federal government leads the private sector when it comes to providing a diverse workforce… don’t get much credit for that, do you? Despite those numbers, it is still a challenge. The EEOC says the percentage of women, as well as the percentage of some male minorities, is lower in the federal workforce than in the labor force overall. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. He told me why diversity matters.

On GovLoop: Is diversity hiring a priority at your agency?

Fox’s Washington Post column: Fixing diversity gaps in the federal workforce

EEOC’s Annual Report on the Federal Work Force Part II


Which is more honest: The tradition resume or LinkedIn?
Jamie Guillory, researcher at Cornell University

Are people more honest in the resume they submit when they apply for a job… or on the details that they post on the professional network LinkedIn? Got a guess? Researchers at Cornell University actually studies that question…

Jamie Guillory is the author of the report, “The Effect of LinkedIn on Deception Resumes”

On GovLoop: Lie on your resume? Is Linkedln more honest?

Before we finish up… a few closing items…

That does it for us today. The producers of GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER are Emily Jarvis and Stephen Peteritas.

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