
Get Your Data House in Order

Whether you’re planning to use more AI or just want to improve analytics and tighten cybersecurity, good data management must be the foundation for your efforts. In 2024, agencies will need to get their data in shape to make the most of it.

The Federal Data Strategy, released in 2018, set high-level goals for using and handling data. Since then, agencies including the Department of Defense (DoD) have developed their own policies to implement those goals.

DoD based its 2020 data strategy on eight guiding principles that can serve as a useful model for other organizations in creating their own policies. Here are ways to carry out each principle.

Data as a strategic asset

Collective data stewardship

Data ethics

Enterprisewide data access and availability

Data fit for purpose

Data collection

Data for AI training

According to DoD, data should be:

This article appears in our guide, “A Fresh Look at Data.” For more ideas about how to use data in important and innovative ways, download it here:

Photo by Scott Webb at
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