
GovBytes: Google+ Traffic Plummetting

Government Technology reports that last week Google Engineer Steve Yegge inadvertently shared a post on his public Google+ profile, criticizing Google+. Government Technology reports that during the invite only stage Google+ claimed 120 million unique visitors, but since the invite-only period
has closed, traffic has dropped by 60%.

GovBytes reports:

In Yegge’s post he went on to describe Google+ as “a knee-jerk reaction, a study in short-term thinking, predicated on the incorrect notion that Facebook is successful because they built a great product.” Yegge argued Facebook succeeds because it is built to make others make it great, whereas Google tried to build a great social network internally.

I rarely use my Google+ account, if I do it is mainly to use the Google Hangout feature, but I have yet to post any content or share information to my page. I use Gmail and Gchat constantly, but have yet to get hooked on Google+. Many have argued that Google+ will ultimately succeed because it is part of the Google suite for productivity tools. We will see how Google+ evolves and if they are able to increase traffic.

Are you an active user of Google+? How do you use Google+?

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