Pretty fascinating refresh of today.
Some initial thoughts:
-I’ve never seen the normal header not be the top most part of a gov’t website. Pretty innovative
-What is even cooler is when you scroll down, the actual normal looking header becomes the header and stays there. pretty slick.
-Love the interactive maps/data for topics like energy expenditure per person
-I’m curious what are most popular parts of the site. I really like govt websites that highlight the top 5 most common tasks really prominently. may already be doing this I’m guessing just not naming it “most popular”
-I’m guessing this will change as they are in outreach mode right now but when I hit the FB, Twitter, email buttons, I was hoping to sign up for energy information and not share the page.
-I like the color green they use. Feels fresh and feels like ‘energy’
-Only downside I would say which is not totally a negative is that it’s such a different feeling for a government website. Both the colors, fonts, and layout. Which on initial take makes it hard to find the stuff I’m looking for.
What do you think?