
GovLoop Featured on NPR!

In case you missed it, here’s a really an excellent write-up by Eyder Peralta that captures the essence of GovLooper interactions around the shutdown:

At Web’s Social Hive For Government Workers, A Mix of Disillusion, Hope

An excerpt from this well-written piece:

As the government shutdown started to seem inevitable, the talk on the public employee social networking site govloop.comquickened. It started with the practical, like a top ten list of what government workers should do in case of a shutdown: Things like water your plants, fill out your timecard and make plans to show up at the office on Monday to, in the least, turn in your Blackberry. Then as the sun set on Friday, it turned to the comical: Like Conan O’Brien, one member suggested, govies should stop shaving and grow a beard as long as the furlough lasts.

A great read…that really features all of you as the humble, hopeful heroes in this budget mess.


I, for one, am grateful that NPR is (for now) not included in the budget cuts, too. In case you missed it, we opened up a discussion about NPR and the budget. Feel free to weigh in:

GovGoByeBye: What If NPR and PBS Got Canned?


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